2023-05-05 16:14
  • 李子鹤
  • 李子鹤 - 助理教授-北京大学-中国语言文学系-个人资料




个人资料 Personal Information
姓名 Name:李子鹤 Li Zihe
出生年月 Birth:1985年1月 Jan. 1985
国籍 Nationality:中国 China PR

教育经历 Education Background
Sept. 2008-July 2013 北京大学中国语言文学系,获博士学位。专业:语言学及应用语言学
Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University (Degree: Ph.D. in Linguistics)
Sept. 2006-June 2008 南开大学文学院,获硕士学位。专业:比较语言学
School of Literature, Nankai University (Degree: M.A. in Linguistics)
Sept. 2002-June 2006 南开大学外国语学院,获学士学位。专业:英语
College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University (Degree: B.A. in English)

工作经历 Employment
Feb. 2019 – 北京大学中国语言文学系助理教授
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University
July 2013-Jan. 2019 首都师范大学文学院讲师
Lecturer, School of Literature, Capital Normal University

科研项目 Research Grants
2016-2019 教育部、国家语委“中国语言资源保护工程”调查项目“民族语言调查-云南维西纳西语玛丽玛萨话”
“The Project of Language Resources Preservation in China: The Malimasa Language in Weixi, Yunnan”, The Education Ministry of China and State Language Commission of China.
2015-2017 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目“原始纳西语及其历史地位研究”
“A Research in Proto-Naish and Its Genetic Position”, National Social Science Foundation of China.
2015-2017 北京市教委科研面上项目“纳西语方言声调的描写与比较研究”
“A Description and Comparison of Tones of Naish Languages”, Foundation of Education Committee of Beijing Municipality.

获奖 Awards
科研获奖 Research
2016 中国语言学会罗常培语言学奖三等奖
Luo Changpei Award (Third Class), Linguistic Society of China.
2012 国际中国语言学会第20届年会“青年学者奖”提名
Finalist of Young Scholar Award of 20th International Association of Chinese Linguistics (Award remained vacant eventually).

教学获奖 Teaching
2016, 2017, 2018 首都师范大学优秀本科毕业论文指导教师
Supervisor of Excellent Undergraduate Thesis, Capital Normal University.

翻译学术著作 Translated research papers / chapters
<德>格林(Grimm, J)著,李子鹤译2016 《日耳曼语语法》(节选),载:陈保亚、田祥胜编《语言学经典精读》,高等教育出版社。
<美>乔姆斯基、哈勒(Chomsky, N & M. Halle)著,李子鹤译2016 《英语语音模式》(节选),载:陈保亚、田祥胜编《语言学经典精读》,高等教育出版社。
Wang, Hongjun (translated by Zihe Li). 2014. The Relationship between the Number of Syllable, Tonal Range of Pitch, and Grammatical Structure in Chinese. 《语言学文选》第2辑(原著:王洪君 2001 《音节单双、音域展敛(重音)与语法结构类型和成分次序》,《当代语言学》第3期)。
<美>马提索夫(Matisoff, J.)著,李子鹤译 2010 《原始彝缅语*-a韵的演变:规律性与例外》[The Change of *-a in Proto-Burmese-Lolo: Regularity and Exceptions],载:马提索夫、戴昭铭主编《汉藏语研究四十年——第40届国际汉藏语言暨语言学会议论文集》,黑龙江大学出版社。


学术成果 Publications
期刊及文集论文 Refereed papers / book chapters
Li, Zihe, Jingjing Pan and Huteng Dai [李子鹤、潘晶晶、戴虎腾]. 2019. Nasal Sound Changes in Naish Languages [纳西语与鼻音相关的语音演变]. Bulletin of Linguistic Studies [语言研究集刊], Volume 23.
Li, Zihe. 2018. Reconstruction of Pre-initials and the Medial *-r- in Proto-Naish [原始纳西语的前冠音和*-r-介音]. Minority Languages in China [民族语文], Number 1.
Chen, Baoya and Zihe Li [陈保亚、李子鹤]. 2015. Austric Languages. In: Wang, William S.-Y. and Chaofen Sun (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press.
Li, Zihe. 2014. THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF RETROFLEX FINALS IN NAISH LANGUAGES. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Volume 42, Number 2.
Li, Zihe. 2014. A Retrospect of Studies in Naish Languages [纳西语言研究回顾]. Journal of Tea-Horse Trail Studies [茶马古道研究集刊]. Vol. 4.
Li, Zihe. 2013. A Typology of Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Mandarin Chinese [北方方言两字组连读变调的类型学考察]. Essays on Linguistics [语言学论丛], Vol. 47.
Li, Zihe. 2013. An Outline of the Malimasa Language [玛丽玛萨话概况]. Journal of Sino-Tibetan Languages[汉藏语学报], Vol. 7.
Chen, Baoya and Zihe Li [陈保亚、李子鹤]. 2012. A Computational Modal of Automatic Ranking of Kernel Words: An Example of Malimasa Language [核心词自动分阶的一种计算模型——以纳西族玛丽玛萨话为例]. Journal of Yunnan Minzu University [云南民族大学学报]. Volume 29. Number 5.
Chen, Baoya and Zihe Li [陈保亚、李子鹤]. 2012. REVIEW: TAI-KADAI LANGUAGES. EDITED BY ANTHONY DILLER, JEROLD EDMONDSON, YONGXIAN LUO. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Volume 40, Number 1.
Li, Zihe and Lichang Su [李子鹤、苏立昌]. 2007. A Contrastive Statistical Analysis of Human-oriented Sememes in English and Chinese [英汉动物词喻人义位统计分析及差异成因初探]. Nankai Linguistics [南开语言学刊]. Volume 10.
重要会议论文 Conferences
Li, Zihe. 2018. The Origin and Evolution of Word-initial Consonantal Clusters in Proto-Naish [原始纳西语词首辅音丛的来源与演变]. 2nd Li Fang-kuei Society Young Scholars Symposium, July 12-14, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
Li, Zihe. 2016. Tonal Correspondence among Naish Languages and a Tentative Analysis in Evolutionary Perspective. 4th Workshop on Sino-Tibetan Languages of Southwest China, Sep 8-10, 2016, University of Washington, Seattle.
Li, Zihe. 2013. The Tonal System of the Malimasa Language and its Significance in Typology[玛丽玛萨话声调系统及其类型学意义], International Conference of Phonetics of Languages in China 2013, Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
Li, Zihe. 2013. A study of Malimasa phonology: Synchronic analysis and diachronic hypothesis. 3rd Workshop on Sino-Tibetan Languages of Sichuan, Sep 2-4, 2013, EHESS, Paris.
Li, Zihe. 2012. The Tonal Evolution of Naish Languages [纳西语(纳语组)的声调演变], 20th International Association of Chinese Linguistics, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnique University.
社会与学术工作 Public and Professional Service
Sept. 2017 - 汉藏语学术讨论工作室指导教师(网页:https://sinotibetanlinguisticprogram.wordpress.com/)
Instructor of Sino-Tibetan Linguistic Programme (website: https://sinotibetanlinguisticprogram.wordpress.com/)
Sept. 2016-Jan. 2019 首都师范大学文学院汉语国际教育教研室主任
Director, Dept. of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, School of Literature, Capital Normal University

