2023-05-05 16:14
  • 李家立
  • 李家立 - 研究员 博导-北京大学-基础医学院-个人资料




2003年毕业于复旦大学上海医学院,获得神经生物学博士学位。2004-2013年在美国学习和工作,2014年入选中科院“引进国外杰出人才百人计划”,担任中科院昆明动物研究所表观遗传学与神经退行性疾病学科组负责人。2019年1月1日加入北京大学中国药物依赖性研究所和北京大学IDG麦戈文脑科学研究所,担任研究员。先后在 《Nature Medicine》、《Nature Neuroscience》、《Nature Communications》、《Genome Research》、《Brain》、《EMBO Reports》、《Current Biology》和《Journal of Neuroscience》等一系列国际期刊上,发表SCI 研究论文与综述60余篇;主持和承担科技部973和重大研发计划、以及国家自然科学基金面上和重大研究计划等多项研究任务。




Xu K, Zhang Y, and Li J*. (2021) Expression and function of circular RNAs in the mammalian brain. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 08 February 2021. doi:10.1007/s00018-021-03780-3.\r
Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Li L, Xu K, Ma Z, Chow H, Herrup K, and Li J*(2020) Selective loss of 5hmC promotes neurodegeneration in the mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. FASEB J. 00:1–19.\r
Xu K, Zhang Y, Xiong W, Zhang Z, Wang Z, Lv L, Liu C, Hu Z, Zheng Y, Lu L, Hu X, Li J*. (2020) CircGRIA1 shows an age-related increase in male macaque brain and regulates synaptic plasticity and synaptogenesis. Nat Commun 11, 3594, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-17435-7.\r
Chen N, Yang H, Zhong K and Li J*. (2020) Preliminary study on fine structures of subcortical nuclei in rhesus monkeys by ex vivo 9.4 T MRI. Zool. Res, 1-4, doi:10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.013.\r
Li J*, and Herrup K. (2019) Alterations in epigenetic regulation contribute to neurodegeneration of ataxia-telangiectasia. The chapter of book “Chromatin Signaling and Neurological Disorders” (www.elsevierclinicalsolutions.com).\r
Xu K, Chen D, Wang Z, Ma J, Zhou J, Chen N, Lv L, Zheng Y, Hu X, Zhang Y, Li J*. (2018) Annotation and functional clustering of circRNA expression in rhesus macaque brain during aging. Cell Disc. 4: 48.\r
Liu S, Wang Z, Chen D, Zhang B, Tian R, Wu J, Zhang Y, Xu K, Yang L, Cheng C, Ma J, Lv L, Zheng Y, Hu X, Zhang Y, Wang X, and Li J*. (2017) Annotation and cluster analysis of spatiotemporal- and sex-related lncRNAexpression in Rhesus Macaque brain. Geno. Res, 27(9):1608-1620.\r
Jiang D, Wei S, Chen F, Zhang Y, Li J*. (2017) TET3-mediated DNA oxidation promotes ATR-dependent DNA damage response. EMBO Rep..18(5):781-796.\r
Li J* and Jiang D. (2015) The role of epigenomics in the neurodegeneration of ataxia-telangiectasia. Epigenomics. 7(2):137-41.\r
Jiang D, Zhang Y, Hart R P, Chen J, Herrup K. and Li J*. (2015) Alteration in 5hmC-mediated epigenetic regulation leads to Purkinje cell vulnerability in ATM-deficiency. Brain. 138:3520-36.

