2023-05-05 16:13
  • 卢晓霞
  • 卢晓霞 - 副教授-北京大学-城市与环境学院-个人资料




(1) 研究生课程《土壤污染控制与修复》
(2) 本科生课程《污染环境修复》
(1) 沉积物中多溴联苯醚的微生物降解及其影响因素(2009-2011),国家自然科学基金
(2) 原位修复氯代烃污染地下水的生物墙技术研究(2008-2010),霍英东教育基金
(3) 区域污染物的多介质归趋模型(2007-2011),科技部973计划
(4) 多环芳烃对土壤微生物的生态毒理效应(2006-2008),北京大学校长基金
(5) 石油烃类污染地下水系统植物-微生物联合修复研究(2002-2005),国家自然科学基金
(6) 多环芳烃污染土层系统的微生物修复研究(2001-2003),留学回国人员科研启动基金
(7) 石油污染土层中多环芳烃的微生物降解研究(2001-2002),中国博士后科学基金
(1) 有机氯溶剂的自然衰减研究(2002-2005),美国环境保护局
(2) 石油污染土层的微生物修复研究(2000-2002),国家自然科学基金
(3) 不同电子给体和受体存在条件下有机氯化合物的降解(1999-2000),荷兰皇家科学院
(4) 珠江三角洲地表系统中优控有机物迁移转化机制与调控(1996-1998),国家自然科学基金
(5) 微量有机污染物在地质环境中的迁移转化(1995-1997),国家自然科学基金


研究方向:(1) 新型污染物的环境行为(2) 新型污染物的健康效应


(1)Zhang, S., N. Merino, N. Wang, T. Ruan, X. Lu*. 2016. Impact of 6:2 fluorotelomer alcohol aerobic biotransformation on a sediment microbial community. The Science of Total Environment, 575:1361-1368.
(2)Zhang, S., X. Lu*, N. Wang, C.B.Robert. 2016. Biotransformation potential of 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate (6:2 FTSA) in aerobic and anaerobic sediment. Chemosphere, 154: 224-230.
(3)Zhang, S., Z. Hou, X. Du, D. Li, X. Lu*. 2016. Assessment of biostimulation and bioaugmentation for removing chlorinated volatile organic compounds from groundwater at a former manufacture plant. Biodegradation, 27(4): 223-236.
(4)Zhu, B., X. Xia, S. Wu, X. Lu, X. Yin. 2016. Microbial bioavailability of 2,2`,4,4`-Tetrabromo-diphenyl ether (BDE-47) in natural sediments from major rivers of China. Chemosphere, 153: 386-393.
(5)Zhu, B., S. Wu, X. Xia, X. Lu, X. Zhang, N. Xia, T. Liu. 2016. Effects of carbonaceous materials on microbial bioavailability of 2,2,4,4-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) in sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 312: 216-223.
(6)Wu, J., C. Yu, Y. Tan, Z. Hou, M. Li, F. Shao, X. Lu*, 2015. Effects of prenatal exposure to silver nanoparticles on spatial cognition and hippocampal neurodevelopment in rats. Environmental Research, 138: 67-73.
(7)Shen Z., Z. Chen, Z. Hou, T. Li, X. Lu*, 2015. Ecotoxicological effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles on soil Microorganisms. Frontier of Environmental Science & Engineering, DOI 10.1007/s11783-015-0789-7
(8) Lu, X., L. Lessner L, D.O. Carpenter, 2014. Association between hospital discharge rate for female breast cancer and residence in a zip code containing hazardous waste sites. Environmental Research, 2014, 134: 375–381.
(9)Zhang, S, B. Szostek, P.K. McCausland, B.W. Wolstenholme, X. Lu*, N. Wang, R.C. Buck, 2013. 6:2 and 8:2 fluorotelomer alcohol anaerobic biotransformation in digester sludge from a WWTP under methanogenic conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(9): 4227-4235.
(10) Lu, X*, C. Chen, S. Zhang, Z. Hou, J. Yang, 2013. Concentration levels and ecological risks of persistent organic pollutants in the surface sediments of Tianjin coastal area, China. The Scientfic World Journal, 2013, Article ID 417435.
(11) Shen, H, J. T. Wilson, X. Lu, 2012. A tracer test to characterize treatment of TCE in a permeable reactive barrier. Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation, 32(4) : 32-41.
(12) Wang, W., S.L.M Simonich, W. Wang, B. Giri, J. Zhao, M. Xue, J. Cao, X. Lu, S. Tao. 2011. Atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations and gas/particle partitioning at background, rural village and urban sites in the North China Plain. Atmospheric Research, 99: 197–206.
(13) Tao, S., L. Li, J. Ding, J. Zhong, D. Zhang, Y. Lu, X. Wang, X. Li, J. Cao, X. Lu, W. Liu. 2011. Mobilization of soil-bound residue of organochlorine pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an in vitro gastrointestinal model. Environmental Science & Technology, 45(3): 1127–1132.
(14) Wang, W., S.L.M. Simonich, B. Giri, Y. Chang, Y. Zhang, Y. Jia, S. Tao, R. Wang, B. Wang, W. Li, J. Cao, X. Lu. 2011. Atmospheric concentrations and air–soil gas exchange of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in remote, rural village and urban areas of Beijing–Tianjin region, North China. Science of the Total Environment, 409: 2942–2950.
(15) Yu, Y.,X. Wang, B. Wang, S. Tao, W. Liu, X. Wang, J. Cao, B. Li, X. Lu, M. Wong. 2011. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon residues in human milk, placenta, and umbilical cord blood in Beijing, China. Environmental Science & Technology, 45(23): 10235-10242.
(16) Lu, X*, J. T. Wilson, D.H. Kampbell. 2009. Comparison of an assay for Dehalococcoides DNA and a microcosm study in predicting reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes in the field. Environmental Pollution, 157: 809-815.
(17) Tao, S., Y. Lu, D. Zhang, Y. Yang, X. Lu, D. Sai. 2009. Assessment of oral bioaccessibility of organochlorine pesticides in soil using an in vitro gastrointestinal model. Environmental Science & Technology, 43(12): 4524–4529.
(18) Yu, Y., S. Tao, W. Liu, X. Lu, X. Wang, M. Wong, 2009. Dietary intake and human milk residues of hexachlorocyclohexane isomers in two Chinese cities. Environmental Science & Technology, 43(13): 4830-4835.
(19) Tao, S., Y. Yu, W. Liu, X. Wang, J. Cao, B. Li, X. Lu, M. Wong. Validation of dietary intake of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and metabolites in two populations from Beijing and Shenyang, China based on the residuals in human milk. Environmental Science & Technology, 42(20): 7709–7714.
(20) Lu, X*, J. T. Wilson, H. Shen, H. Bruce, D.H. Kampbell, 2008. Remediation of TCE-contaminated groundwater by a permeable reactive barrier filled with plant mulch. Journal of Environmental Science & Health, A, 43(1): 24-35.
(21) Wang, W., B. Meng, X. Lu*, Y. Liu, S. Tao, 2007. Extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides from soils: a comparison between Soxhlet extraction, microwave-assisted extraction and accelerated solvent extraction techniques. Analytica Chimica Acta, 602: 211-222.
(22) Lu, X*, J.T. Wilson, D.H. Kampbell, 2006. Relationship between geochemical parameters and the occurrence of Dehalococcoides DNA in contaminated aquifers. Water Resource Research, 42, 2006, W08427, doi:10.1029/2005WR004283.
(23) Lu, X*, J. T. Wilson, D.H. Kampbell, 2006. Relationship between Dehalococcoides DNA and dechlorination rates at field scale. Water Research, 40: 3131-3140.
(24) Tao, S., X. Li, Y. Yang, R.M. Coveney, X. Lu, H. Chen, W. Shen. 2006. Dispersion modeling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from combustion of biomass and fossil fuels and production of coke in Tianjin, China.Environmental Science & Technology, 40(15): 4586-4591.
(25) Lu, X.*, X. Zhang, G. Li, W. Zhang. 2003. Production of biosurfactant and its role in the biodegradation of oil hydrocarbons. Journal of Environmental Science & Health, Part A, 38(3): 483-492.
(26) Lu, X.*, G. Li, S. Tao, T.N.P. Bosma, J. Gerritse. 2002. Volatile fatty acids as electron donors for the reductive dechloirnation of chloroethenes. Journal of Environmental Science & Health, Part A, 37(4): 439-449.
(27) Lu, X.*, S. Tao, T.N.P. Bosma, J. Gerritse. 2001. Characteristic hydrogen concentrations of various redox processes in batch study. Journal of Environmental Science & Health, Part A, 36(9): 1725-1734.
(28) Tao, S., X. Lu, J. Cao, R. Dawson. 2001. A comparison of fragment constant and molecular connectivity indices models for Koc estimation. Water Environmental Research, 73: 307-313.
(29) Lu, X., S. Tao, H. Hu, R. Dawson. 2000. Estimation of bioconcentration factors of nonionic organic compounds in fish by molecular connectivity indices and polarity correction factors. Chemosphere, 41: 1675-1688.
(30) Tao, S., H. Hu, X. Lu, R. Dawson. 2000. Fragment constant method for prediction of fish bioconcentration factors of nonpolar chemicals. Chemopshere, 41: 1563-1568.
(31) Lu, X., S. Tao, J. Cao, R. Dawson. 1999. Prediction of fish bioconcentration factors of nonpolar organic pollutants by molecular connectivity indices. Chemosphere, 39: 987-999.
(32) Tao, S., X. Lu. 1999. Estimation of organic carbon normalized sorption coefficient (Koc) for soils by topological indices and polarity factors. Chemosphere, 39: 2019-2034.
(33) Tao, S., H. Piao, R. Dawson, X. Lu, H. Hu. 1999. Estimation of organic carbon normalized sorption coefficient (Koc) for soils by fragment constant method. Environmental Science & Technology, 33: 2719-2725.
国内期刊论文 1. 蒙冰君,刘煜,王文涛,卢晓霞,陶澍. 提取土壤中23种有机氯农药:微波法与索氏法对比, 环境化学,2007, 26(6), 854-855.
2. 焦杏春,陶澍,卢晓霞,刘煜,沈伟然,水稻根系中多环芳烃的动态变化,环境科学学报,27(7),2006,1203-1208.
3. 贾建丽,李广贺,张旭,卢晓霞,戴冬娟,钟毅,基于PCR-DGGE技术的石油污染土壤微生物多态性,清华大学学报,2005,45(9),1217-1220.
4. 陈嫣,李广贺,张旭,卢晓霞,张玲,石油污染土壤植物根际微生态环境与降解效应,清华大学学报,2005,45(6),784-787.
5. 卢晓霞, 李广贺, 张旭, 章卫华, 不同氧化还原条件下氯乙烯的微生物降解, 环境科学, 2002, 23 (2), 29-33.
6. 卢晓霞, 李广贺, 张旭, 章卫华, 厌养条件下有机氯代烃污染物的氧化降解, 环境科学, 2002, 23 (4), 37-41.
7. 卢晓霞, 李广贺, 张旭, 章卫华, 水环境中不同氧化还原条件的氢浓度特征, 环境化学, 2002, 21 (1), 1-6.
8. 章卫华, 李广贺, 邵辉煌, 张旭, 卢晓霞, 包气带土层中石油污染物的微生物降解研究, 环境科学, 2002, 15 (2), 60-62.
9. 李广贺, 张旭, 卢晓霞, 土壤残油生物降解性与微生物活性, 地球科学, 2002, 27 (2), 181-185.
10. 胡海瑛, 陶澍, 卢晓霞, 估算有机化合物在鱼体中生物富集因子的片段常数法, 水生生物学报, 2001, 26, 25-30.
11. 胡海瑛, 陶澍, 卢晓霞, 用片段常数法估算有机化合物在鱼体中的生物富集因子, 环境科学学报, 2001, 21, 271-276.
12. 卢晓霞, 陶澍, 胡海瑛, 叶生发, 根据分子拓扑和基团贡献法估算有机化合物在鱼体中的生物富集因子, 应用生态学报, 2000, 11, 277-282.
13. 卢晓霞, 陶澍, 胡海瑛, 曹军, 叶生发, 估算Koc的分子连接性指数法和片段常数法比较, 土壤通报, 2000, 31, 166-170.
14. 陶澍, 卢晓霞, 曹军, 胡海瑛, 有机化合物Koc分子拓扑-极性校正模型的稳健性检验, 土壤学报, 2000, 37, 33-40.
15. 刘长发, 卢晓霞, 林建枝, 陶澍, 香港河流沉积物对铜的吸附特性及重金属潜在毒性, 环境化学, 2000, 19, 335-340.
16. 胡海瑛, 陶澍, 卢晓霞, 估算多氯联苯在鱼体中生物富集因子的片段常数法, 环境化学, 2000, 19, 159-164.
17. 胡海瑛, 陶澍, 卢晓霞, 习晓环, 用片段常数法估算非极性有机化合物的生物富集因子, 中国环境科学, 2000, 20, 163-167.
18. 胡海瑛, 陶澍, 卢晓霞, 习晓环, 估算多氯联苯在鱼体内生物富集因子的分子连接性指数模型, 环境科学, 2000, 21, 16-20.
19. 朴海善, 陶澍, 胡海瑛, 卢晓霞, 叶生发, 估算有机化合物土壤吸着系数Koc的片段常数法, 土壤学报, 2000, 37, 209-216.
20. 卢晓霞, 陶澍, 李杭, 朴海善, 根据分子连接性指数估算极性有机污染物的吸附系数, 环境科学学报, 1999, 19, 277-283.
21. 卢晓霞, 陶澍, 胡海瑛, 叶生发, 根据分子连接性指数估算非极性有机化合物在鱼体中的生物富集因子, 环境科学, 1999, 20, 9-12.
22. 卢晓霞, 陶澍, 李杭, 朴海善, 根据分子连接性指数估算非极性有机化合物的吸附系数, 土壤学报, 1999, 36, 334-340.
23. 朴海善, 陶澍, 胡海瑛, 卢晓霞, 曹军, 有机化合物Koc片段常数估算模型的误差与稳健 性分析, 环境科学, 1999, 20, 28-32.
24. 朴海善, 陶澍, 胡海瑛, 卢晓霞, 叶生发, 根据水/辛醇分配系数 (Kow)估算有机化合物的吸着系数(Koc), 环境科学与技术, 1999, 87, 8-15.
25. 王广才, 卢晓霞, 陶澍, 地球化学模型的应用现状及发展趋势, 煤炭学报, 1997, 22, 117-121.
26. 卢晓霞, 陈亮, 污水快速渗滤处理系统对某些微量有机污染物的净化, 环境与开发, 1997, 12, 4-7.
27. 吴永锋, 钟佐桑, 汪民, 卢晓霞, 徐卫东, 污水快速渗滤系统对有机污染物的净化, 环境科学, 1996, 17, 60-62.

