2023-05-05 16:12
  • 刘进
  • 刘进 - 研究员 博导-北京大学-工学院-个人资料




2006-2010 香港大学,理学博士
2003-2005 中山大学,理学硕士
1999-2003 中山大学,理学学士


藻类生物技术创新实验室负责人,致力于开发利用交叉学科前沿科学技术进行藻类能源与资源的基础及应用研究。在藻类生物技术与工程领域内取得了一系列原创性成果。国际SCI权威期刊包括Bioresource Technology, Metabolic engineering, Food Chemistry, Scientific Reports, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Algal Research等上发表学术论文近30篇,Elsevier和Wiley-Blackwell等国际知名出版社发表了6篇专著章节,正主编专著(Recent Advances in Microalgal Biotechnology) 1部;已申请美国及中国专利共3项。多次受邀参与各类微藻国际学术会议做大会报告。

美国TEDCO(4万美元):Ultra-high density Haematococcus pluvialis culture strategy for astaxanthin production in a large scale bioreactor,2014-2015,共同主持人
新加坡NRF(360万新元):Development of Land-free Photobioreactor Systems for Bio-fixation of Carbon Dioxide by Microalgae for Biofuels and Bioproducts,2011-2016,共同主持人


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles(*Corresponding author; #Co-first author)
Zhang Y, Ye Y, Ding W, Mao X, Li Y, Gerken H, Liu J* (2020). Astaxanthin is ketolated from zeaxanthin independent of fatty acid synthesis in Chromochloris zofingiensis. Plant Physiology, In press, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.20.00325
Kou Y, Liu M, Sun P, Dong Z, Liu J* (2020) High light boosts salinity stress-induced biosynthesis of astaxanthin and lipids in the green alga Chromochloris zofingiensis. Algal Research 50: 101976
Mao X#, Zhang Y#, Wang X#, Liu J* (2020) Novel insights into salinity-induced lipogenesis and carotenogenesis in the oleaginous astaxanthin-producing alga Chromochloris zofingiensis: a multi-omics study. Biotechnology for Biofuels,13: 73
Wu T, Fu Y, Shi Y, Li Y, Kou Y, Mao X, Liu J* (2020) Functional Characterization of Long-Chain Acyl-CoA Synthetase Gene Family from the Oleaginous Alga Chromochloris zofingiensis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68: 4473-4484
Zhang Y, Shi M, Mao X, Kou Y, Liu J* (2019) Time-resolved carotenoid profiling and transcriptomic analysis reveal mechanism of carotenogenesis for astaxanthin synthesis in the oleaginous green alga Chromochloris zofingiensis. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 12:287
Sun Z, Wang X, Liu J* (2019) Screening of Isochrysis strains for simultaneous production of docosahexaenoic acid and fucoxanthin. Algal Research, 41: 101545
Wang X, Wei H, Mao X, Liu J* (2019) Proteomics analysis of lipid droplets from the oleaginous alga Chromochloris zofingiensis reveals novel proteins for lipid metabolism. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 17: 260-272
Sun Z, Zhang Y, Sun L-p, Liu J* (2019) Light Elicits Astaxanthin Biosynthesis and Accumulation in the Fermented Ultrahigh-Density Chlorella zofinginesis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67: 5579–5586
Liu J*, Sun Z, Mao X, Gerken H, Wang X, Yang W (2019) Multi-omics analysis reveals distinct mechanism of oleaginousness in the emerging model alga Chromochloris zofingiensis. Plant Journal, 2019;98:1060–1077
Mao X, Wu T, Kou Y, Shi Y, Zhang Y, Liu J* (2019) Characterization of type I and II diacylglycerol acyltransferases from the emerging model alga Chlorella zofingiensis reveals their functional complementarity and engineering potential. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 12: 28
Shi M, Wei H, Chen Q, Wang X, Zhou W, Liu J* (2019) Exploring an isolate of the oleaginous alga Micractinium inermum for lipid production: molecular characterization and physiochemical analysis under multiple growth conditions. Journal of Applied Phycology, 31, 1035-1046
Cheng K, Xu Y, Yang C, Ouellette L, Niu L, Zhou X, Chu L, Zhuang F, Liu J, Wu H, Charron JB, Luo M (2019) Histone tales: lysine methylation, a protagonist in Arabidopsis development. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71: 793-807
Sun Z, Wei H, Zhou Z-g, Ashokkumar M, Liu J* (2018) Screening of Isochrysis Strains and Utilization of a Two-Stage Outdoor Cultivation Strategy for Algal Biomass and Lipid Production. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 185: 1100–1117
Chen J, Leng L, Ye C, Lu Q, Addy M, Wang J, Liu J, Chen P, Ruan R, Zhou W (2018) A comparative study between fungal pellet- and spore-assisted microalgae harvesting methods for algae bioflocculation. Bioresource Technology, 259: 181-190
Yang C, Shen W, Chen H, Chu L, Xu Y, Zhou X, Liu C, Chen C, Zeng J, Liu J, Li Q, Gao C, Charron J-B, Luo M (2018) Characterization and subcellular localization of histone deacetylases and their roles in response to abiotic stresses in soybean. BMC Plant Biology 18: 226
Ma X, Liu B, Yang B, Guo B, Liu J*, Chen F* (2018) Physiochemical and gene expression analyses reveal differential responses of the marine oleaginous alga Nannochloropsis salina under different lipid-induction conditions. Journal of Applied Phycology, 30: 909-919
Xin Y#, Lu Y#, Lee Y#, Wei L, Jia J, Wang Q, Wang D, Bai F, Hu H, Hu Q, Liu J*, Li Y*, Xu J* (2017) Producing designer oils in industrial microalgae by rational modulation of co-evolving type-2 diacylglycerol acyltransferases. Molecular Plant, 10: 1523-1539
Sun Z, Chen Y, Mao X, Liu J* (2017) Physiological and biochemical changes reveal differential patterns of docosahexaenoic acid partitioning in two marine algal strains of Isochrysis. Marine Drugs, 15: 357
Wei HH, Shi Y, Ma XN, Pan Y, Hu HH, Li YT, Luo M, Gerken H, Liu J* (2017) A type I diacylglycerol acyltransferase modulates triacylglycerol biosynthesis and fatty acid composition in the oleaginous microalga Nannochloropsis oceanica. Biotechnology for Biofules, 10: 174
Yang B, Liu J*, Ma X, Guo B, Liu B, Wu T, Jiang Y, Chen F* (2017) Genetic engineering of the Calvin cycle toward enhanced photosynthetic CO2 fixation in microalgae. Biotechnology for Biofules, 10: 229 (Featured article)
Ma X, Yao L, Yang B, Lee Y, Chen F*, Liu J* (2017) RNAi-mediated silencing of a pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase enhances triacylglycerol biosynthesis in the oleaginous marine alga Nannochloropsis salina. Scientific Reports, 7: 11485
Zhou WG*, Wang JH, Chen P, Ji C, Kang Q, Lu B, Li K, Liu J*, Ruan R (2017) Bio-mitigation of carbon dioxide using microalgal systems: advances and Perspectives. Renewable Sustainable Energy Reviews. 76: 1163-1175
Liu J*, Lee Y, Mao X, Li Y* (2017) A simple and reproducible non-radiolabeled in vitro assay for recombinant acyltransferases involved in triacylglycerol biosynthesis. Journal of Applied Phycology, 29: 323-333
Liu J, Han D, Yoon K, Hu Q, Li Y (2016) Characterization of diacylglycerol acyltransferases in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: Substrate specificity and their role in triacylglycerol biosynthesis. Plant Journal, 86: 3-19 (Cover, Featured article)
Liu J*, Mao X, Zhou W, Guarnieri M (2016) Simultaneous production of triacylglyerol and high-value carotenoids by the astaxanthin-producing oleaginous green microalga Chlorella zofingiensis. Bioresource Technology, 214: 319-327
Zhang Z, Sun D, Mao X, Liu J*, Chen F* (2016) The crosstalk between astaxanthin, fatty acids and reactive oxygen species in heterotrophic Chlorella zofingiensis. Algal Research, 19: 178-183
Yang B, Liu J*, Jiang Y, Chen F* (2016) Chlorella species as hosts for genetic engineering and expression of recombinant proteins: Progress, challenge and perspective. Biotechnology Journal, 11: 1244-1261 (Cover article)
Guo B, Liu B, Yang B, Sun P, Lu X, Liu J*, Chen F* (2016) Screening of diatom strains and characterization of Cyclotella cryptica as a potential fucoxanthin producer. Marine Drugs, 14, 125
Ma X, Chen T, Yang B, Liu J*, Chen F* (2016) Lipid Production from Nannochloropsis. Marine Drugs, 14: 61
Ma X, Liu J*, Liu B, Chen T, Jiang Y, Chen F* (2016) Physiological and biochemical changes reveal stress-associated photosynthetic carbon partitioning into triacylglycerol in the oleaginous marine alga Nannochloropsis oculata. Algal Research16:28-35
Chen T#, Liu J#, Guo B, Ma X, Sun P, Liu B, Chen F (2015). Light-mediated lipid reduction of Chlorella zofingiensis cultured with glucose through shifting carbon flux from lipid to starch. Scientific Reports, 5:14936
Sun Z, Zhou Z, Gerken H, Chen F, Liu J* (2015) Screening and characterization of oleaginous Chlorella strains and exploration of photoautotrophic Chlorella protothecoides for oil production. Bioresource Technology, 184, 53-62
Edited Book
Liu J, Sun Z, Gerken H (2016) Recent advances in microalgal biotechnology. Omics Group. ISBN: 978-1-63278-066-9 (http://www.esciencecentral.org/ebooks/recent-advances-in-microalgal-biotechnology/)
Invited Book Chapters
Liu J (2018) Batch cultivation for astaxanthin analysis using the green microalga Chlorella zofingiensis under multitrophic growth conditions. In: Carlos Barreiro and Jose-Luis Barredo (Eds). Microbial Carotenoids: Methods and Protocols. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, in press
Sun Z#, Liu J#, Zhou Z (2016) Algae for biofuels: An emerging feedstock. In: Rafael Luque, Carol Sze Ki Lin, Karen Wilson and James Clark (Eds). Handbook of Biofuels Production. 2nd. Woodhead Publishing, pp 673-698
Liu J, Chen F (2014). Biology and Industrial Applications of Chlorella: Advances and Prospects. in: Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-35. DOI: 10.1007/10_2014_286
Sun Z, Liu J* (2014) Microalgal Biofuels: Oil Biosynthesis, Biotechnology and Applications. In: Govil JN (Ed). Recent Developments in Biotechnology Vol. 3: Microbial Biotechnology. Studium Press LLC.
Liu J, Sun Z, Chen F (2013). Heterotrophic production of algal oils. In: Pandey A, Lee DJ, Chisti Y and Soccol CR (Eds), Algal Biofuels. Elsevier. Pp111-142
Liu J, Hu Q (2013) Chlorella – Industrial Production of Biomass and Chemicals. In: Richmond A and Hu Q (Eds), Handbook of Microalgal Cultures. 2nd Edition. Wiley Blackwell. pp. 327-338.
Liu J, Huang J, Chen F (2011) Microalgae as Feedstocks for Biodiesel Production. In: Stoytcheva M and Montero G(Eds), Biodiesel-Feedstocks and Processing Technologies. InTech, http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/microalgae-as-feedstocks-for-biodiesel-production
Wen Z, Liu J, Chen F (2011) Biofuel from Microalgae. In: Murray M-Y (Ed.), Comprehensive Biotechnology-vol 3 Industrial Biotechnology and Commodity Products. 2nd Edition. Elsevier. pp. 127-133.
Conference Presentations and Posters
Liu J. 转录因子/调节子调控衣藻中碳/脂质代谢. 20th Algae Symposium of Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology(中国海洋湖沼学会藻类学分会第二十次学术讨论会), Qingdao, China, Nov 25-27, 2019, oral presentation(特邀报告)
Liu J. The Oleaginous Astaxanthin-producing Alga Chromochloris zofingiensis: A Emerging Model for Studying Lipogenesis and Carotenogenesis. The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology, Nanchang, China, Sep 27-30, 2019, Keynote speaker(大会报告)
Liu J. Epigenetic and transcriptional regulation of carbon/lipid metabolism in Chlamydomonas. 1st Workshop for Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas of China(2019年中国首届衣藻分子细胞学术研讨会), Wuhan, China, May 16-18, 2019, oral presentation(特邀报告)
Liu J. Towards Enrichment of Value-added Products in Algal Lipid Droplets by Targeted Metabolic Engineering. Sino-German 2nd Workshop for Algae Bionergy & Nannochloropsis Synthetic Biology(中德第二届藻类能源与微拟球藻合成生物学双边会议), Qingdao, China, Nov 26-28, 2018, oral presentation(特邀报告)
Liu J. Chromochloris zofingiensis, an astaxanthin-producing oleaginous alga for studying lipid metabolism and carotenogenesis. The 1st Sino-British Forum on Algal Biotechnology and Biological Resources(第一届中英藻类生物技术与生物资源双边会议),Wuhan, China, Sep 18-21, 2018, oral presentation(特邀报告)
Liu J. Algae as Chassis for the Synthesis of Lipids and Value-added Products: How Far Away? 青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室海洋生物学与生物技术功能实验室2018年度海洋生物学鳌山青年学术论坛,青岛,Feb 2-4, 2018,特邀报告
Liu J. A Histone Demethylase Modulates Carbon Metabolism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. 18th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, Washington DC, USA, Jun 17-21, 2018, presented poster
Liu J. Epigenetic regulation of lipid metabolism in microalgae. 19th Algae Symposium of Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology(中国海洋湖沼学会藻类学分会第十九次学术讨论会), Ningbo, China, Nov 30-Dec 1, 2017, oral presentation(特邀报告)
Liu J. Metabolic engineering of microalgae for enhanced production of value-added products. 2nd Algae Submit of China(中国第二届藻类高峰论坛), Nanning, China, May 11-12, 2017, oral presentation(特邀报告)
Liu J, Han D, Yoon K, Hu Q, Li Y. Characterization of Chlamydomonas diacylglycerol acyltransferases reveals their distinct substrate specificities and functions in triacylglycerol biosynthesis. 17th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, Kyoto, Japan, Jun 26-Jul 1, 2016, presented poster
Liu J, Han D, Yoon K, Hu Q, Li Y. Characterization of Chlamydomonas diacylglycerol acyltransferases reveals their distinct substrate specificities and functions in microalgal triacylglycerol biosynthesis. Bioenergy and Biorefinery Conference – Southeast Asia 2016. Singapore, May 30-June 1, 2016, presented poster
Liu J. Microalgal Triacylglycerol metabolism and epigenetic regulation. 2nd SDIC Microalgae Biotechnology Symposium. Beijing, China, Apr 11-12, oral presentation
Liu J, Yoon K, Han D, Hu Q, Li Y. Substrate specificity and positional preference of Chlamydomonas diacylglycerol acyltransferases critical for stress-related biosynthesis of triacylglycerol. 16th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Jun 8-13 2014, oral presentation
Liu J, Li Y. Single-tube colony PCR for DNA amplification and transformant screening of microalgae. 7th Annual Algae Biomass Summit, Orland, FL, USA, October 2013, presented poster
Liu J, Chen F. Engineering of An Endogenous Phytoene Desaturase Gene As a Dominant Selectable Marker for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Transformation and Enhanced Biosynthesis of Carotenoids. 13th AIChe Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, November 2013, presented poster
Sun Z, Liu J, Wang M, Chen F. Inhibitory Effects of Microalgal Extracts and Their Active Compounds On Protein Glycation and Glycoxidation. 10th AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, November 2010, presented poster
Liu J, Chen F. Astaxanthin production from molasses by Chlorella zofingiensis. 280th Session of the PhD Candidates Forum, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen, China, November 2010, Oral presentation
Liu J, Huang J, Chen F. Genetic engineering for improvement of astaxanthin in microalgae. Global Chinese Health (Functional) Food Symposium, Hong Kong, China, August 2009, presented poster
Liu J, Huang J, Chen F. Metabolic engineering of Chlorella zofingiensis (Chlorophyta) for enhanced biosynthesis of astaxanthin. 34th FEBS Congress: life's Molecular Interactions, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2009, presented poster
Liu J, Huang J, Sandmann G, Chen F. Metabolic engineering for enhanced astaxanthin biosynthesis in Chlorella zofingiensis(chlorophyta). 13th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition, Dalian, China, October 2008, presented poster
BioMed Research International 特刊Advances in Microalgal Biotechnology客座主编
American Journal of Food Science and Technology和Frontiers in Marine Science等多家学术期刊编委
20多个学术期刊的独立审稿人(Bioresource Technology, Food Chemistry, Scientific Reports, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Algal Research, Journal of Applied Phycology, Journal of Phycology, Marine Drugs, Energies, Eukaryotic Cell, Photosynthetic Research, Biotechnology Letters, Molecular Biotechnology, Algae, Molecules等)

