2023-05-05 16:08
  • 季曦
  • 季曦 - 副教授 博导-北京大学-经济学院-个人资料




研究课题: 生态经济学的理论和模型;城市经济的最优规模;大气治理与经济增长
2003-2008 直博 北京大学

2008-2010 博士后, 北京大学经济学院 ;2010-2010 讲师, 北京大学经济学院 ;2012-至今 副教授,北京大学经济学院;2016至今 博导,北京大学经济学院

本科生: 生态经济学(3学分);中国环境概论(3学分)Introduction to Chinese Economy(4.5 学分)经济学思维训练(1学分,与其他老师合上) 研究生:人类发展的理论和实践 (2学分);高级环境经济学(3学分,与刘民权老师合上)

[1] 全球气候融资新趋势. 人民日报. 2011年11月02日(22 版)国际(经济透视)板块 [2] 狼、羊,怎么取舍?人民日报. 2008年12月21日

[1] 生态经济学的能量学说 社会科学文献出版社 2017年3月

[1] Research on Public Policies for Pro-poor Growth (the 6th chapter). Social sciences academic press (China). Forthcoming (Co-authored with X.L.Wang)
[2] 利贫增长的公共政策研究(第六章 低碳扶贫:机会、挑战与政策建议). 社科文献出版社. 出版中.第六章作者(与王小林合作)
[3] 中国发展报告2010:促进人的发展的中国新型城市化战略.人民出版社.2011. 背景报告作者之一

201807-201812 北京大学新农村发展研究院 “实现乡村绿色发展的新能源战略:提高生物质能开发的社会、经济和环境效应” 课题主持人
201612至今 绿色和平组织“环境治理与经济增长”,课题负责人
2011.07-今 国家人口计生委资助 国家人口发展战略研究课题:主体功能区建设配套人口政策研究
2011.12-今 2011年度北京大学教材建设立项:《生态经济学》》
2012.03 –今 北京大学经济学院种子基金资助 中国城市化与能源消耗的深层次关系剖析
2010.01-2012.12 国家自然科学基金(课题编号:70903005 研究内容:城市资源-经济-环境统一核算、模拟和调控)
2010.01-2012.12 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(课题编号:09YJCZH005研究内容:城市碳排放计量以及低碳城市的评估体系)
2009.09-2010.07 中国博士后科学基金一等资助(课题编号:20080440005研究内容:资源环境问题的系统生态核算与调控机理研究)
2009.11-2010.07 中国博士后科学基金特别资助(课题编号:200902016研究内容:基于环境核算的城市危机管理与生态调控)

2012-2014 国家自然基金面上项目(课题编号:71173006 课题名称:基于新能源替代和传统耗竭能源突破的动态经济增长:理论模型和政策设计)(李金凯教授主持)
2010.01-2012.12 国家自然科学基金(课题编号:70903006 研究内容:环境污染对健康人力资本的影响机制研究:理论框架与实证检验) (苗艳青博士主持)

北京大学青年教师教学基本功比赛优秀奖,2011.12 ;


As the first or corresponding author
[1] Economic Growth Quality, Environmental Sustainability, and Social Welfare in China-Provincial Assessment Based on Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) (with X. Long). Ecological Economics, 2019, 159: 157-176. (SSCI, IF=3.895, Q1)
[2] What causes PM2.5 pollution? Cross-economy empirical analysis from socioeconomic perspective (with Y. Yao et al.). Energy Policy. 2018, 119: 458-472. (SSCI, IF=4.039, Q1)
[3] Towards urban-rural sustainable cooperation: Models and policy implication (with J. Ren et al.). Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 213: 892-898. (SSCI, IF=5.651, Q1)
[4] A Review of the Ecological and Socioeconomic Effects of Biofuel and Energy Policy Recommendations (with X. Long). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 61: 41-52. (SSCI, IF=9.184, Q1)
[5] Is Urbanization Eco-Friendly? An Energy and Land Use Cross-Country Analysis? (with X. Long et al.). Energy Policy. 2017, 100: 387–396 (SSCI, IF=4.039, Q1)
[6] Assessing the energy-saving effect of urbanization in China based on stochastic impacts by regression on population, affluence and technology (STIRPAT) model (with B. Chen). Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 306-314 (SSCI, IF=5.651, Q1)
[7] Taking the pulse of urban economy: From the perspective of systems ecology. Ecological Modelling, 2015, 318: 36-48. (SSCI, IF=2.507, Q2)
[8] Emergy-based hybrid evaluation for commercial construction engineering: A case study in BDA (With M.Y. Han et al.). Ecological Indicators, 2014, 47: 179-188. (SCI, IF=3.983, Q1)
[9] Ecological accounting and evaluation of urban economy: taking Beijing city as the case. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2011, 16(3): 1650-1669. (SSCI, IF=3.181, Q1)
[10] Unified account of gas pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions: Chinese transportation 1978-2004 (with G.Q. Chen). Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2010. 15(9): 2710-2722. (SSCI, IF=3.181, Q1)
[11] Cosmic emergy based ecological systems modelling (with H. Chen et al.). Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2010. 15(9): 2672-2700. (SSCI, IF=3.181, Q1)
[12] Exergy-based assessment for waste gas emissions from Chinese transportation (with G.Q. Chen et al.). Energy Policy, 2009. 37(6): 2231-2240. (SSCI, IF=4.039, Q1)
[13] Urban dynamics and multiple-objective programming: A case study of Beijing (with X.H. Yuan et al.). Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2008. 13(9): 1998-2017. (SSCI, IF=3.181, Q1)
[14] Exergy analysis of energy utilization in the transportation sector in China (with G.Q. Chen). Energy Policy, 2006. 34 (14): 1709-1719. (SSCI, IF=4.039, Q1)
[15] Local-scale systems input-output analysis of embodied water for the Beijing economy in 2007 (with M. Han et al.). Frontier of Earth Science, 2014, 8(3): 414-426. (SSCI, IF=1.096)
[16] Embodied energy consumption and carbon emissions evaluation for urban industrial structure optimization (with Z. Chen et al.). Frontier of Earth Science, 2014, 8(1): 32-43. (SSCI, IF=1.096)
[17] Embodied water analysis for Hebei Province, China by input-output modelling (with S.Y. Liu). Frontiers of Earth Science. 2018, 72-85 (SSCI, IF=1.096)
[18] Alternative Industrial Carbon Emissions Benchmark Based on Input-Output Analysis (With M.Y. Han). Frontiers of Earth Science, 2016, 10 (4) :731-739. (SSCI, IF=1.096)
As co-author
[1] Energy use in world economy from household-consumption-based perspective (with X. Wu et al.). Energy Policy, 2018, 127: 287–298. (SSCI, IF=4.039, Q1)
[2] Evaluating the transition towards cleaner production in the construction and demolition sector of China: A review (with P. Ghisellini et al.). Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 195: 418-434. (SSCI, IF=5.651, Q1)
[3] Embodied greenhouse gas emission by Macao (with J.S. Li et al.) Energy Policy, 2013. 59: 819-833. (SSCI, IF=4.039, Q1)
[4] Environmental emissions by Chinese industry: Exergy-based unifying assessment (with B. Zhang et al.). Energy Policy, 2012. 45: 490-501. (SSCI, IF=4.039, Q1)
[5] Embodied water for urban economy: A three-scale input–output analysis for Beijing 2010 (With M.Y. Han et al.). Ecological Modelling, 2015. 318: 19-25. (SSCI, IF=2.507, Q2)
[6] Regional study on investment for transmission infrastructure in China based on the State Grid data (With W.D. Wei et al.). Frontiers of Earth Science. 2017.11(1): 162-183. (SSCI, IF=1.096)
[7] Ecological evaluation of Beijing economy based on emergy indices (with M.M. Jiang et al.). Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2009.14(5): 2482-24. (SSCI, IF=3.181, Q1)
[8] Exergetic evaluation of corn-ethanol production in China (with Q.Yang et al.). Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2009. 14 (5): 2450-2461. (SSCI, IF=3.181, Q1)
[9] Exergetic assessment for ecological economic system: Chinese agriculture (with G.Q. Chen et al.). Ecological Modelling, 2009, 220(3): 397-410. (SSCI, IF=2.507, Q2)
[10] Chemical exergy based evaluation of water quality (with G.Q. Chen). Ecological Modelling, 2007, 200 (1-2): 259-268. (SSCI, IF=2.507, Q2)

[2]中国石油资源的资产负债表编制初探. 中国人口.资源与环境.2017年第6期.(第一作者,与熊磊合作)
[4]我国编制自然资源资产负债表的意义与困境. 选入《全面深改关键年》2015.(第一作者,与龙显灵合作)
[5]碳金融创新与“低碳扶贫”.农业经济问题. 2012,第1期,79-88.(第一作者,与王小林合作)
[6]我国农村如何在应对气候变化中把握发展机遇? 中国经济,2011,第4期,110-113.(第一作者,与王小林合作)
[7]城市,人与环境. 经济科学. 2011. 第1期,(第一作者,与刘民权合作)
[8]资源经济学学科综述. 中国经济学年鉴2010. 中国社会科学出版社.2011.
[9]以人类发展的视角看城市化的必然性.南京大学学报(哲社版). 2010. (第一作者,与刘民权合作).
[10]城市低碳产业的评估与分析:以北京为例.城市与区域规划研究:低碳城市. 2010.第3卷第2期.商务印书馆.(第一作者,与陈占明、任抒杨合作)
[11]改革开放30年中国环境保护政策演变.南京大学学报(哲社版). 2009. 第46卷第1期,31-40.(第二作者,与周宏春合作,被人大内部资料转载).

