主要研究方向 生存分析,可靠性,纵向数据,基尼系数,空间统计等。近期论文
1. Huijun Fan, Existence of the Self-Similar Solutions in the Heat Flow of Harmonic Maps, Adv, In Math. (China), Vol. 26, no. 4(Notice) 2. Huijun Fan, Existence of the Self-Similar Solutions in the Heat Flow of Harmonic Maps, Sci. China Ser. A 42(1999), no. 2, 113--132 3. W.Y.Ding, Huijun Fan and Jiayu Li, Harmonic Hopf constructions between spheres II, Calc Var 16 (2003) 3, 273--282 4. Huijun Fan, and Juergen Jost, Novikov-Morse theory for dynamical systems, Calc Var 17 (2003) 1, 29--73 5. Huijun Fan, Cauchy Problem of Some Doubly Nonlinear Degenerate Parabolic Equations with Datum a Measure, Acta. Math. Sinica,English series Vol.20 (2004) no. 4, 663--682 6. Huijun Fan, and J. Jost, Conley index Theory and Novikov-Morse theory, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly Vol. 1, No. 4 (Special Issue: In Memory of Armand Borel, Part 3. of 3 ) 939--971, 2005 7. J. Cao, Huijun Fan and F. Ledrappier, Martin points on open manifolds, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 359 (2007) 5697--5723 8. Huijun Fan, T. Jarvis and Y. Ruan, Geometry and analysis of spin equations,Comm. Pure Appl. Math.,Vol. LXI,0745-0788 (2008), 44 pages 10. Huijun Fan, T. Jarvis and Y. Ruan, The Witten equation and its virtual fundamental cycle, arxiv: math/0712.4025, 108 pages, book \社会兼职2005-2009北大数院05级5班主任:)2005-北大数院本科生兼职指导导师 相关热点