2023-05-05 16:03
  • 范六民
  • 范六民 - 教师-北京大学-现代农学院-个人资料




教育经历: 2001 - 2004 , 博士后 , 植物信号转导 , Pennsylvania State University 1997 - 1999 , 博士后 , 植物信号转导 , 中国农业大学 1994 - 1997 , 理学博士 , 生物系 , 武汉大学生命科学学院 1989 - 1992 , 理学硕士 , 植物学专业 , 北京大学生物系 1985 - 1989 , 理学学士 , 生物系 , 河南师范大学 工作经历: 2009 - 至今 , 教授 , 北京大学生命科学学院 2004 - 2009 , 副教授 , 北京大学生命科学学院 1999 - 2004 , 副教授 , 中国农业大学


1、植物干旱和高盐反应的分子基础 2、植物胁迫响应中植物激素的交互作用   逆境是影响植物生长发育的主要环境因子。逆境信号转导中脱落酸起非常重要的作用。我们以拟南芥和水稻作为模式植物进行逆境及脱落酸信号转导途径中关键因子的发掘,研究它们的生物学功能及其与农艺形状的关系。另外一个研究重点是,用遗传学、生物化学和分子遗传学方法揭示植物发育及逆境中脱落酸与其它激素信号之间的交互作用。"研究领域:赤霉素信号与逆境及脱落酸信号之间的交互作用。赤霉素合成或信号转导中某些关键基因的突变导致作物矮化,可增强作物的抗逆能力并提高作物的产量,故被称为绿色革命基因。对赤霉素信号转导分子机理的解析既具有重要的理论意义又有广阔的应用前景。我们以拟南芥和水稻作为模式植物,通过基因组学、分子遗传学、生物化学等方法和手段对植物发育过程中赤霉素信号转导过程进行深入和系统的研究,以期发现赤霉素信号转导过程中的新的组成分子,研究它们与已知蛋白之间交互作用的分子网络。


1. Yang B, Song Z, Li C, Jiang J, Zhou Y, Wang R, Wang Q, Ni C, Liang Q, Chen H, Fan LM. (2018) RSM1, an Arabidopsis MYB protein, interacts with HY5/HYH to modulate seed germination and seedling development in response to abscisic acid and salinity. PLoS Genet 14(12): e1007839. 2.Liang L, Yang J, Gao Z, Wang Q, Liang Q, Song Z, Bi Y, Li C, He H, Fan LM. (2018) SPINDLY is involved in ABA signaling bypassing the PYR/PYLs/RCARsmediated pathway and partly through functional ABAR. Environ Exp Bot 151: 43-54. 3. Lin F, Jiang Y, Li J, Yan T, Fan L, Liang J, Chen ZJ, Xu D, Deng XW. (2018) B-BOX DOMAIN PROTEIN28 negatively regulates photomorphogenesis by repressing the activity of transcription factor HY5 and undergoes COP1-mediated degradation. Plant Cell 30(9): 2006-2019. 4. Lin F, Xu D, Jiang Y, Chen H, Fan L, Holm M, Deng XW. (2017) Phosphorylation and negative regulation of CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 by PINOID in Arabidopsis.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114(25): 6617-6622. 5. Li K, Yu R, Fan LM, Wei N, Chen H, Deng XW.(2016) DELLA-mediated PIF degradation contributes to coordination of light and gibberellin signalling in Arabidopsis. Nat Commun 7: 11868. 6. Yang M, Wang X, Huang H, Ren D, Su Y, Zhu P, Zhu D, Fan L, Chen L, He G, Deng XW. (2016) Natural variation of H3K27me3 modification in two Arabidopsis accessions and their hybrid.J Integr Plant Biol 58(5): 466-474. 7. Li C, Zhou Y, Fan LM. (2015) A novel repressor of floral transition, MEE3, an abiotic stress regulated protein, functions as an activator of FLC by binding to its promoter in Arabidopsis. Environ Exp Bot 113: 1-10. 8. Li K, Gao Z, He H, Terzaghi W, Fan LM, Deng XW, Chen H. (2015) Arabidopsis DET1 represses photomorphogenesis in part by negatively regulating DELLA protein abundance in darkness. Mol Plant 8: 622-630. 9. Li C, Ng CKY, Fan LM. (2015) MYB transcription factors, active players in abiotic stress signaling. Environ Exp Bot 114: 80-91. 10. Qiao W, Li C, Fan LM. (2014) Cross-talk between nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide in plant responses to abiotic stresses. Environ Exp Bot 100: 84-93. 11. Feng X, Peng ZY, Fu X, Zhang H, Li S, Deng XW, Fan LM. (2012) Similarity and distinction between organ-specific gibberellin-modulated genome Expression between Arabidopsis and rice. Environ Exp Bot 78:127-137. 12. Qiao W, Fan LM. (2011) Epigenetics, a mode for plants to respond to abiotic stresses. Front Biol 6: 477–481. 13. Chen H, He H, Zou Y, Chen W, Yu R, Liu X, Yang Y, Gao YM, Xu JL, Fan LM, Li Y, Li ZK, Deng XW. (2011) Development and application of a set of breeder-friendly SNP markers for genetic analyses and molecular breeding of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theor Appl Gene 123: 869-879. 14. Bai S, Zhao J, Zhang Y, Huang W, Xu S, Chen H, Fan LM, Chen Y, Deng XW. Rapid and reliable detection of 11 food-borne pathogens using thin-film biosensor chips. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2010, 86: 983-990. 15. Wang F, Zhu D, Huang X, Li S, Gong Y, Yao Q, Fu X, Fan LM, Deng XW. Biochemical Insights on Degradation of Arabidopsis DELLA Proteins Gained From a Cell-Free Assay System. Plant Cell 2009, 21: 2378-2390. 16. Zhang W, Fan LM. (2009) Actin dynamics regulates voltage-dependent calcium-permeable channels of the Vicia faba guard cell plasma membrane. J Integr Plant Biol 51: 912-921. 16. Qiao W, Xiao S, Yu L, Fan LM. (2009) Expression of a rice gene OsNOA1 re-establishes nitric oxide synthesis and stress-related gene expression for salt tolerance in Arabidopsis nitric oxide-associated 1 mutant Atnoa1. Environ Exp Bot 65:90-98. 18. Fan LM, Zhang W (contributed equally), Chen JG, Taylor JP, Jones AM, Assmann SM. (2008) Abscisic acid regulation of guard-cell K+ and anion channels in Gβ and RGS-deficient Arabidopsis lines. PNAS 105: 8476-8481. 19. Qiao W, Fan LM. (2008) Nitric oxide signaling in plant responses to abiotic stresses. J Integr Plant Biol 50: 1238-1246.

