  • 陈国华


    个人简历 Professor Chen received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in Chemical Engineering from Dalian University of Technology (DUT) in China. He then obtained the Master of Engineering degree and PhD degree from McGill University in Canada.\r \r Pr...
  • 朱叶


    个人简历 研究领域 ""材料结构,成分和缺陷在原子尺度上的表征,纳米材料的三维立体重构,以及透射电镜下材料物理化学变化的原位观测与表征。"""" 近期论文...
  • 赵炯


    个人简历 研究领域 """""Synthesis and physical properties of low dimensional materials\r In situ electron microscopy" 近期论文 A Bifunctional Memristor Enables Multiple Neuromorphic Computing Applications. Lyapunov, N., Zheng, X. D., Yang, K.,...
  • 郑湃


    个人简历 研究领域 """""人机协作系统、智能产品服务系统、智能制造系统。" 近期论文...
  • 郑子剑


    个人简历 Prof. Zijian Zheng is currently Professor at the Institute of Textile and Clothing (ITC) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests are surface science, self-assembly, nanolithography, polymer science, and bendable/stretc...
  • 余永耀


    个人简历 Awards\r Croucher Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship 1993-1996\r Best teaching award in ABCT 2011 \r ABCT Star Award, PolyU 2014\r ABCT Star Award, PolyU 2016\r Asian Core Program Lectureship Award (ICCEOCA-8) 2014 (Japan)\r Asian Core Progra...
  • 余兆丰


    个人简历 研究领域 """""Main research interest\r analysis 近期论文...
  • 姚钟平


    个人简历 Panel Member for the Physical Sciences Subject (Joint Research Schemes), Hong Kong Research Grants Council, 2019 – present\r Assessment Panel Member for the Biology and Medicine Subject (Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Se...
  • 严锋


    个人简历 Dr Feng Yan received PhD degree in physics from Nanjing University in 1997. Soon afterwards, he became an assistant professor and then an associate professor at Physics Department of Nanjing University. During that period, he worked on ferroe...
  • 殷骏


    个人简历 研究领域 """""First-Principles Calculations\r Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics\r Perovskite Materials\r Photophysical Processes\r Polaron and Exciton 近期论文 Broadband white-light emission from a novel two-dimensional metal halide ass...
  • Yan, Feng


    个人简历 INTRODUCTION:\r Dr Feng Yan received PhD degree in physics from Nanjing University in 1997. Soon afterwards, he became an assistant professor and then an associate professor at Physics Department of Nanjing University. During that period, he...
  • 巫茂春


    个人简历 研究领域 ""主要从事电化学储能技术研究,主要包括液流电池、水系锌电池和固态锂电池等。"""" 近期论文...
  • 陶肖明


    个人简历 Prof. Tao is Chair Professor of Textile Technology, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University since 2002. Currently she holds the Vincent and Lily Woo Endowed Professorship in Textile Technology generously suppo...
  • 沈曦


    个人简历 Dr. Shen received his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2015. Before joining HKPolyU, he was a Research Assistant Professor at HKUST. Dr. Shen was also an Alexander von Humboldt re...
  • 苏秋铭


    个人简历 个人简介\r 学习经历\r 2006-2010 哲学博士 香港理工大学应用生物及化学科技学系 (邝福儿教授, 刘泽甫教授及陈新滋院士)\r 2003-2006 理学学士(一级荣誉) 香港理工大学应用生物及化学科技学...
  • 倪萌


    个人简历 Prof. Meng Ni received his Bachelor (2000) and Master (2003) degrees in Aero-engine Engineering. He joined The University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2003 as a research student and received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from HKU in 2007. Then...
  • 李明杰


    个人简历 Bachelor of Science, Lanzhou University\r Master of Science, Lanzhou University\r Doctor of Philosophy, Nanyang Technological University 研究领域 """""" 近期论文 Grain-Boundaries-Engineering via Laser Manufactured La-Doped BaSnO3 Nano...
  • 冷凯


    个人简历 Dr. Kai Leng obtained her Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from National University of Singapore (NUS) in February 2019. She then worked as a research fellow in NUS and University of Cambridge before joining the Department of Applied Physics, the...
  • 刘重明


    个人简历 Francis C. M. Lau received the BEng (Hons) degree in electrical and electronic engineering and the PhD degree from King’s College London, University of London, UK, in 1989 and 1993, respectively. He is also a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of...
  • 劳子桓


    个人简历 研究领域 """""With a strong interest in materials and catalysis 近期论文 Xue, Qi, et al. “Controlled Synthesis of bi- and tri-nuclear Cu-oxo Nanoclusters on Metal-organic Frameworks and the Structure-reactivity Correlations” Chemi...
  • 刘树平


    个人简历 Academic Qualifications :\r 1995\tPh.D., Materials Engineering, University of Wales Swansea, U.K.\r 1991\tBSc (Hons), First Class, Physics and Computer Electronics, The University of North London, U.K.\r \r Working Experience :\r Sep 2008 - p...
  • 黄国贤


    个人简历 Awards:\r Patrick S.C. Poon Endowed Professorship (since 2013)\r Natural Science Award (Second Class) by the Ministry of Education (2013) 研究领域 """""We are interested in the development of inhibitors for bacterial proteins as antimicro...
  • 黄勃龙


    个人简历 Awards\r 2021/05 Honorable Speaker for the Electroanalytical Chemistry Lecture Series\r Awarded by Prof. Wang Erkang, CAS Fellow/Academician \r State Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry,\r Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (C...
  • 黄维扬


    个人简历 Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry\r Chartered Chemist 研究领域 """""My research focuses on the design and synthesis of molecular functional materials and metallopolymers (1D and 2D) with photofunctional properties and energy functions....
  • 黄海涛


    个人简历 B.Sc., Shanghai Jiao Tong University\r M.Sc., Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy, Chinese Academy of Sciences\r Ph.D, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 研究领域 """""铁电材料在能源邻域中的应用(压电催化、热释电...
  • 郝建华


    个人简历 Jianhua Hao received his BSc, MSc and PhD at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. After working at Penn State University, USA, University of Guelph, Canada and the University of Hong Kong, Jianhua Hao joined the faculty in th...
  • Huang, Haitao


    个人简历 Ph.D Nanyang Technological University, 2000\r M.Phil. Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy, 1993\r Double B.Sc. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1990 研究领域 """""· Ferro-energy: ferroelectric materials for energy applications (electric energ...
  • Hao, Jianhua


    个人简历 Jianhua Hao received his BSc, MSc and PhD at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. After working at Penn State University, USA, University of Guelph, Canada and the University of Hong Kong, Jianhua Hao joined the faculty in th...
  • 费宾


    个人简历 Dr FEI Bin obtained his B Sc at the University of Science Technology, 2020, online.\r \r Pui Fai Ng, Jiachuan Hua, Chang Liu, Yidi Wang, Rong Yin, Bin Fei*. Solar Energy Storage Silks via Coaxial Wet Spinning. ACS Materials Letters, 2020, acc...
  • 戴建国


    个人简历 October 2000 – August 2003 Doctor of Philosophy in Social Infrastructure Engineering.\r Topic: Interfacial Models for Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Sheets Externally Bonded to Concrete.\r English Graduate Program in Socio-Environment Engin...
  • 陈韦


    个人简历 Professor Chen obtained his PhD degree in Condensed Matter Physics from Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2001. From 2001 to 2006, he worked as postdoctoral research fellow at University of Science and Technology of China, and The Hong Kong Poly...
  • 陈国华


    个人简历 Professor Chen received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in Chemical Engineering from Dalian University of Technology (DUT) in China. He then obtained the Master of Engineering degree and PhD degree from McGill University in Canada.\r \r Pr...
  • 柴扬


    个人简历 研究领域 """""" 近期论文 Bo Fang, Jianmin Yan, Dan Chang, Jinli Piao, Kit Ming Ma, Qiao Gu, Ping Gao, Yang Chai*, and Xiaoming Tao*, \...
