2023-05-15 19:36
  • 陈国华
  • 陈国华 - 教授-香港理工大学-机械工程学系-个人资料




Professor Chen received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in Chemical Engineering from Dalian University of Technology (DUT) in China. He then obtained the Master of Engineering degree and PhD degree from McGill University in Canada.\r
Professor Chen joined the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) as a Visiting Scholar in 1994, then as Assistant Professor in 1997, and rising through the academic ranks to Professor in 2008. Professor Chen also assumed the headship of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering during 2012-2016.\r
Professor Chen has served in many professional societies and editorial boards of key international journals. Apart from serving as the Chairman, Chemical Discipline for the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers during 2009 and 2012, he is the President of the Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, Editor of Separation and Purification Technology since 2006, Associate Editor of the Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, subject editor of Process Safety and Environmental Protection, and the editorial board member of Journal of Electrochemistry, Drying Technology-An International Journal, Environmental Technology Reviews, etc. He is an Adjunct Professor of DUT and Changjiang Scholar (Chair), Ministry of Education in China.\r
Professor Chen’s recent research interests include electrochemical technologies for energy and environmental applications. He has published over 235 journal papers with more than 18,000 Google citations and an H-index of 66. Professor Chen edited 3 books, and was granted three US patents and four China patents. In relation to his research achievements, Professor Chen received the Certificate of Excellence from the World Forum of Crystallization, Filtration and Drying in 2007 and the inaugural Research Excellence Award from the School of Engineering of HKUST in 2011. He was elected as a Fellow of Hong Kong Institute of Engineers, and Fellow of American Institute of Chemical Engineers.


"""""Advanced electrode materials for energy storage; electrochemical technologies for energy and environmental applications; drying of high value products."


Su, J., Bai, Z., Huang, B., Quan, X. and Chen, G., Unique three dimensional architecture using a metal-free semiconductor cross-linked bismuth vanadate for efficient photoelectrochemical water oxidation, Nano Energy, 24(2016)148-157.\r
Deng, Y., Xu, H., Bai, Z., Huang, B., Su, J. and Chen, G., Durable polydopamine-coated porous sulfur core–shell cathode for high performance lithium–sulfur batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 300 (2015) 386-394.\r
Zhang, L.T., Tarascon, J-M, Sougrati, M.T., Rousse, G. and Chen, G., Influence of relative humidity on structure and electrochemical performance of sustainable LiFeSO4F electrode for Li-ion batteries, J Mater. Chem. A, 3, 16988-16997(2015).\r
Xu, HJ, Deng, SN and Chen, G, Improved electrochemical performance of Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13O2 by Mg doping for lithium ion battery cathode material, J Mater. Chem. A, 2, 15015-15021 (2014).\r
Qian, YX , Deng, YF , Wan, LN , Xu, HJ , Qin, XS and Chen, G, Investigation of the effect of extra lithium addition and post annealing on the electrochemical performance of high-voltage spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode material, J. Phys. Chem. C,118, 15581-15589 (2014).\r
Deng, Y.F., Zhou, Y.B., Shi, Z.C., Zhou, X., Quan, X. and Chen, G., Porous LiMn2O4 microspheres as durable high power cathode materials for lithium ion batteries, J Mater. Chem. A, 1, 8170–8177 (2013).\r
Qian, Y., Deng, Y.F., Shi, Z.C., Zhou, Y., Zhuang, Q. and Chen G., Sub-micrometer-sized LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 spheres as high rate cathode materials for long-life lithium ion batteries, Electrochem. Comm., 27, 92–95 (2013)\r
Zhang Q., Shi, Z., Deng, Y., Zheng, J., Liu, G. and Chen, G., Hollow Fe3O4/C spheres as superior lithium storage materials, J. Power Sources, 197, 305– 309 (2012).\r
Deng, Y.F., Li, Z.E., Shi, Z.C., Xu, H., Peng, F. and Chen, G., Porous Mn2O3 microsphere as a superior anode material for lithium ion batteries, RSC Advances, 2 (11) 4645-4647 (2012).\r
Deng,Y.F., Zhang, Q., Tang, S., Zhang, L., Deng, S., Shi, Z. and Chen, G., One-pot synthesis of ZnFe2O4/C hollow spheres as superior materials for lithium ion batteries, Chem. Comm., 47, 6828-6830 (2011).\r
Zhu, Z.R., Li, X.Y., Zhao, Q., Li, H., Shen, Y., and Chen, G., Porous “brick-like” NiFe2O4 nanocrystals loaded with Ag species towards effective degradation of toluene, Chemical Engineering Journal, 165(1) 64-70 (2010).\r
Hou, Y., Li, X.Y., Zhao, Q.D., Quan, X. and Chen, G., Electrochemical method for synthesis of a ZnFe2O4/TiO2 composite nanotube array modified electrode with enhanced photoelectrochemical activity, Adv. Funct. Mater., 20, 2165–2174 (2010).\r
Jia, J., Li, X.Y. and Chen, G., Stable spinel type cobalt and copper oxide electrodes for O2 and H2 evolution in alkaline solution, Electrochimica Acta, 55, 8197–8206 (2010) .\r
Zhang, H., Li, X.Y. and Chen, G., Ionic liquid-facilitated synthesis and catalytic activity of highly dispersed Ag nanoclusters supported on TiO2, J. Mater. Chem., 19(43) 8223-8231 (2009).\r
Zhang, H. and Chen, G., Potent antibacterial activity of Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite powders synthesized by a one-pot sol-gel method, Environ. Sci. & Technol., 43 (8) 2905–2910 (2009).\r
Wang, YX, Li, XY, Lu, G, Quan X and Chen, G., Highly oriented 1-D ZnO nanorod arrays on zinc foil: Direct growth from substrate, optical properties and photocatalytic activities, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112(19) 7332-7336 (2008).\r
Wang N., Li X.Y., Wang Y., Hou Y., Zou X. and Chen G., Synthesis of ZnO/TiO2 nanotube composite film by a two-step route, Mater. Lett., 62(21-22)3691-3693 (2008).\r
Guo, L. and Chen, G., Long term stable Ti/BDD electrode fabricated with HFCVD method using 2-stage substrate temperature, J. Electrochem. Soc., 154 (12) D657-D661 (2007).\r
Chen, X. and Chen, G., Anodic oxidation of Orange II on Ti/BDD electrode: variable effects, Sep. Purif. Technol., 48(1) 45-49 (2006).\r
Chen, X., Gao, F. and Chen, G., Comparison of Ti/BDD and Ti/SnO2-Sb2O5 electrodes for pollutant oxidation, J. Applied Electrochem., 35, 185-191 (2005).

