在英语中,该词对应的词汇 Card sharp(或作cardsharp、card shark 或 cardshark 等),是指使用技巧和/或欺骗在扑克或其他纸牌游戏中获胜的人。该标签并不总是带有贬义,有时用于指代出于娱乐目的的纸牌技巧从事者。 在一般用法中,主要是在美式英语中,该术语还具有专业牌戏赌徒的意思,该类赌徒经常利用技能较低的其他参与者。
^ 老千 - 維基詞典,自由的多語言詞典. zh.wiktionary.org. [2021-12-31]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-31) (中文(繁体)). ^ 老千横行 《星洲日报 2012年4月14日 NewPP limit reportParsed by mw2412Cached time: 20230416174330Cache expiry: 1814400Reduced expiry: falseComplications: [show‐toc]CPU time usage: 0.213 secondsReal time usage: 0.285 secondsPreprocessor visited node count: 1417/1000000Post‐expand include size: 18335/2097152 bytesTemplate argument size: 1291/2097152 bytesHighest expansion depth: 30/100Expensive parser function count: 2/500Unstrip recursion depth: 0/20Unstrip post‐expand size: 2166/5000000 bytesLua time usage: 0.053/10.000 secondsLua memory usage: 2475911/52428800 bytesNumber of Wikibase entities loaded: 0/400-->Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template)100.00% 220.740 1 -total 39.49% 87.172 1 Template:Otheruses 38.40% 84.756 2 Template:Hatnote 36.78% 81.194 1 Template:Reflist 17.70% 39.079 1 Template:Cite_web 15.67% 34.597 1 Template:Dead_link 15.57% 34.358 2 Template:Ambox 13.89% 30.650 1 Template:Original_research 13.60% 30.023 1 Template:Fix 12.82% 28.296 1 Template:NSPN--> Saved in parser cache with key zhwiki:pcache:idhash:974024-0!canonical!zh-cn and timestamp 20230416174329 and revision id 75226833. Rendering was triggered because: page-view -->esi标签: 韩国电视剧