主演:女人的色彩(韩语:컬러 오브 우먼,英语:Color of Woman)是韩国Channel A自2011年12月5日放映的月火迷你连续剧。描述两个色彩不同的女人,为了自己的爱情和成功而碰撞在一起,展开了一场探究直率女和心计女心理的喜剧。
主演:Kakao娱乐 的子公司
2011年 ← 2012年 → 2013年 NewPP limit reportParsed by mw2283Cached time: 20230417045916Cache expiry: 1814400Reduced expiry: falseComplications: [show‐toc]CPU time usage: 0.429 secondsReal time usage: 0.537 secondsPreprocessor visited node count: 3006/1000000Post‐expand include size: 126875/2097152 bytesTemplate argument size: 3396/2097152 bytesHighest expansion depth: 33/100Expensive parser function count: 6/500Unstrip recursion depth: 0/20Unstrip post‐expand size: 387/5000000 bytesLua time usage: 0.191/10.000 secondsLua memory usage: 19327971/52428800 bytesNumber of Wikibase entities loaded: 0/400-->Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template)100.00% 410.867 1 -total 33.36% 137.046 2 Template:Infobox 29.87% 122.729 1 Template:Infobox_Television 29.63% 121.753 16 Template:Navbox 29.53% 121.318 1 Template:Lang-ko 15.52% 63.786 1 Template:Distinguish 15.14% 62.220 1 Template:Hatnote 6.50% 26.710 1 Template:NSPN 6.27% 25.762 1 Template:Channel_A月火連續劇 6.18% 25.398 1 Template:Br_separated_entries--> Saved in parser cache with key zhwiki:pcache:idhash:1766475-0!userlang=zh-cn!zh-cn and timestamp 20230417045916 and revision id 72359670. Rendering was triggered because: api-parse -->esi
标签: 韩国电视剧
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