Dow GJ, Bergmann DC (2014) Patterning and processes: how stomatal development defines physiological potential. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 21: 67-74.Dow GJ, Bergmann DC, Berry JA (2014) An integrated model of stomatal development and leaf physiology. New Phytologist. 201: 1218-1226.Dow GJ, Berry JA, Bergmann DC (2014) The physiological importance of developmental mechanisms that enforce proper stomatal spacing in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist. 201: 1205-1217.Special commentary on above New Phytologist articles: Franks PJ and Casson S (2014) Connecting stomatal development and physiology. New Phytologist. 201: 1079-1082. 相关热点
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