  • Graaff,Marie-Annede
  • Graaff,Marie-Annede - 助理教授-博伊西州立大学-个人资料




Postdoctoral Research Associate – Biosciences Division, Molecular Microbial Ecology Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2008-2010)
Ph.D. – Environmental Science, Wageningen University, the Netherlands (2007)
M.Sc. – Nature conservation and development, Wageningen University, the Netherlands (2003)
B.Sc. – Forestry and Nature Management, Wageningen University, the Netherlands (2001)


Kardol P, Throop HL, Adkins J**, de Graaff M-A (2016) A hierarchical framework for studying the role of biodiversity in soil food web processes and ecosystem services. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (in review).
Adkins J**, Jastrow JD, Morris G, Six J, de Graaff M-A (2016) Effects of switchgrass cultivars and intraspecific differences in root morphology on soil carbon stabilization. Geoderma 262, 147-154.
Morris GP, Hu Z, Grabowski PP, Borevitz JO, de Graaff M-A, Miller RM, Jastrow JD (2015) Genotypic diversity effects on biomass production in native perennial bioenergy cropping systems. Global Change Biology Bioenergy (DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12309).
de Graaff M-A, Adkins J**., Kardol P, Throop HL (2015) A meta-analysis of soil biodiversity impacts on the carbon cycle. Soil 1, 257-271.
de Graaff M-A., Throop H.L., Verburg P.S.J., Arnone J.A., Campos X.* (2014) A synthesis of climate change and vegetation cover effects on biogeochemical cycling in shrub dominated drylands. Ecosystems 5, 931-945.
Smith A.P.*, Marin-Spiotta E., de Graaff M-A., Balser T.C. (2014) Microbial community structure varies across soil organic matter aggregate pools during tropical land cover change. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 77, 292-303.
De Graaff M-A., Jastrow J.D., Gillette S., Johns A.**, Wullschleger S.D. (2014) Differential priming of soil carbon driven by soil depth and root impacts on carbon availability. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 69, 147-156.
De Graaff M-A., Six J., Jastrow J.D., Schadt C.W., Wullschleger S.D. (2013) Variation in root architecture among switchgrass cultivars impacts root decomposition rates. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 58, 198-206.
De Graaff M-A., Schadt C.W., Six J., Schweitzer J.S., Rula K.**, Classen A.T. (2011) Elevated CO2 and plant species diversity interact to slow root decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 43, 2347-2354.
De Graaff M-A., Castro H., Classen A.T., Garten C.T. Schadt C.W. (2010) Root exudates mediate plant residue decomposition rates by regulating the microbial community structure. New Phytologist, 188, 1055-1064.
De Graaff M-A., Six J., van Kessel C. (2009) Rhizodeposition-induced decomposition increases N availability to wild and cultivated wheat genotypes. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 41, 1094-1103.
Hungate B.A., van Groenigen K.J., Six J., Jastrow J.D., Luo Y., de Graaff M-A., van Kessel C., Osenberg C.W. (2009) Assessing the effect of elevated CO2 on soil carbon: a comparison of four meta-analyses. Global Change Biology, 15, 2020-2034.
De Graaff M-A., Six J., van Kessel C. (2008) The impact of long-term elevated CO2 on C and N retention in stable SOM pools. Plant and Soil, 303, 311-321.
De Graaff M-A., Six J., van Kessel C. (2007) Elevated CO2 increases rhizodeposition and microbial immobilization of root-derived nitrogen. New Phytologist, 173, 778–786.
de Graaff M-A., van Groenigen K.J., Six J., Hungate B., van Kessel C. (2006) Interactions between plant growth and soil nutrient cycling under elevated CO2: a Meta-Analysis. Global Change Biology, 12, 1-15.
Van Kessel C., Boots B., de Graaff M-A., Six J. (2006) Soil C and N sequestration in a grassland following 10 years of Free Air CO2 Enrichment. Global Change Biology, 12, 1-13.
Van Groenigen K.J., Six J., Hungate B., de Graaff M-A., van Breemen N., van Kessel C. (2006) Element interactions limit soil carbon storage. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103, 6571-6574.
De Graaff M-A., Six J., van Kessel C. (2006) Prolonged elevated atmospheric CO2 does not affect decomposition of plant material. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 38, 187-190.
Van Groenigen, K.J., de Graaff M-A., Six J., Harris D., Kuikman P., van Kessel C. (2005) The impact of elevated [CO2] on soil C and N dynamics: a meta-analysis. In: N?sberger J, Long SP, Norby RJ, Stitt M, Hendrey GR, Blum H, eds. Managed Ecosystems and CO2 Case Studies, Processes and Perspectives. Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 373-388.
De Graaff M-A., Six J., Harris D., van Kessel C. (2004) Decomposition of soil and plant carbon from pasture systems after 9 years of exposure to elevated CO2: impact on C cycling and modeling. Global Change Biology, 10, 1922-1935.

