  • McFarlane,RamsayJames
  • McFarlane,RamsayJames - 博士-班戈大学-个人资料




Other external positions currently held
Visiting Professor – King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Other external positions previously held
Visiting Scientist – CABIMER Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Sevilla, Spain
NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA
MRC Research associate, Krebs Institute, University of Sheffield
Educational Background
Ph.D. Medical Genetics (Prof. John Saunders), Liverpool University, UK
Dr McFarlane has served as a full member of the North West Cancer Research Committee for 5 years. He has reviewed regularly for international funding bodies and journals and has served as external Ph.D. examiner for a large number of national and international institutions.


Gomez-Escobar, N., Almobadel, N., Alzahrani, O., Feichtinger, J., Planells-Palop, V., Alshehri, Z., Thallinger, G., Wakeman, J.A., McFarlane, R.J.* (2016) Translin and Trax differentially regulate telomere-associated transcript homeostasis. Oncotarget inpress.
Jezkova, J., Williams, J.S., Pinto, F., Sammut, S.J., Williams G.T., Gollins, S., McFarlane, R.J., Reis, R.M., Wakeman, J.A. (2016) Brachyury identifies a class of enteroendocrine Cells in normal human intestinal crypts and colorectal cancer. Oncotarget doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.7202.
McFarlane, R.J.*, Feichtinger, J., Larcombe, L. (2015) Germline/meiotic genes in cancer: new dimensions. Cell Cycle 14: 791-792.
Sammut, S.J., Feichtinger, J., Stuart, N., Wakeman, J.A., Larcombe, L., McFarlane, R.J.* (2014) A novel cohort of cancer-testis biomarker genes revealed through meta-analysis of clinical data sets. Oncoscience 1: 349-359.
Almatrafi, A., Feichtinger, J., Vernon, E.G., Gomez-Escobar, N., Wakeman, J.A., Larcombe, L.D., McFarlane, R.J.* (2014) Identification of a class of human cancer germline genes with transcriptional silencing refractory to the hypomethylating druig 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine. Oncoscience 1: 745-750.
McFarlane, R.J.*, Feichtinger, J., Larcombe, L. (2014) Cancer Germline gene activation: friend or foe? Cell Cycle 13: 2151-2152.
Jezkova, J., Williams, J.S., Jones-Hutchins, F., Sammut, S.J., Gollins, S., Cree, I., Coupland, S., McFarlane, R.J.*, Wakeman, J.A. (2014) Brachyury regulates proliferation of cancer cells via a p27kip1-dependent pathway. Oncotarget 5: 3813-3822.
Feichtinger, J., McFarlane, R.J.*, Larcombe, L.D. (2014) CancerEST: a web-based tool for automatic meta-analysis of public expressed sequence tag data. Database 2014: bau024.
Feichtinger, J., Larcombe, L.D., McFarlane, R.J.* (2014) Meta-analysis of expression of l(3)mbt tumour-associated germline genes supports the model that a soma-to-germline transition is a hallmark of human cancers. Int. J. Cancer 134: 2359-2365.
Sammut, J.S., Wakeman, J.A., Stuart, N., McFarlane, R.J.* (2013) Cancer/Testis antigens and colorectal cancer. J. Genet. Syndr. Gene Ther. 4: 1000149
Feichtinger, J., McFarlane, R.J.*, Larcombe, L.D. (2012) CancerMA: a web-based tool for automatic meta-analysis of public cancer microarray data. Database 2012:bas055.
Wakeman, J.A., Hmadcha, A., Soria, B., McFarlane, R.J.* (2012) The immortal strand hypothesis: still non-randomly segregating opinions. Biomol. Concepts 3: 203-211.
Feichtinger, J., Aldeailej, I., Anderson, R., Almutairi, M., Almatrafi, A., Alsiwiehri, N., Griffiths, K., Stuart, N., Wakeman, J.A., Larcombe, L., McFarlane, R.J.* (2012) Meta- analysis of clinical data using human meiotic genes identifies a novel cohort of highly restricted marker genes. Oncotarget 3: 843-853
Jaendling, A., McFarlane, R.J.* (2010) Biological roles of translin and translin-associated factor X: RNA metabolism comes to the fore. Biochem J. 429: 225-234.
McFarlane, R.J., Humphrey, T.C. (2010) A role for recombination in centromere function. Trends Genet. 26: 209-213.
McFarlane, R. J.*, Mian, S., Dalgaard, J.Z. (2010) The many facets of the Tim-Tipin protein families’ roles in chromosome biology. Cell Cycle 9: 700-705.
Spirek, M., Estreicher, A., Csaszar, E., Wells, J.L., McFarlane, R.J., Watts, F.Z., Loidl, J. (2010) SUMOylation is required for normal development of linear elements and wild- type meiotic recombination in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Chromosoma 119: 59-72.
McFarlane, R.J.*, Whitehall, S.K. (2009) tRNA genes in eukaryotic genome organization and reorganization. Cell Cycle 8: 3102-3106.
Pryce, D.W., Ramayah, S., Jaendling, A., McFarlane, R.J.* (2009) Recombination at DNA replication fork barriers is not universal and is differentially regulated by Swi1. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106: 4770-4775.
*Denotes corresponding author.

标签: 班戈大学

