


2003-2008 Nanjing University of Technology (NJUT), PhD in Chemical Engineering.
1999-2003 Nanjing University of Technology (NJUT), BEng in Chemical Engineering, Graduated with Highest Distinction.
2015.08 – present: Lecturer in Chemical Engineering, Aston University.
2015.04 – 2015.07: Postdoctoral Research Associate in National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester.
2013.04 – 2015.03: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Department of Physics, University of Liverpool.
2010.04 – 2013.03: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Department of Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t München, Germany.
2008.05 – 2010.03: Reseach Assistant in Department of Chemistry, The University of Hong Kong.


W. Li, G. O’Dowd, T. J. Whittles, D. Hesp, Y. Gründer, V. R. Dhanak and F. J?ckel. “Colloidal dual-band gap cell for photocatalytic hydrogen generation”, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 16606. (Co-corresponding Author)
W. Li, T. Dittrich, F. J?ckel and J. Feldmann. “Optical and electronic properties of pyrite nanocrystal thin films: the role of ligands”, Small, 2014, 10, 1194.
W. Li, Y. Bai, W. Zhuang, K.-Y. Chan, C. Liu, Z. H. Yang, X. Feng, and X. H. Lu. “Highly Crystalline Mesoporous TiO2(B) Nanofibers”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118, 3049. (Times cited: 8)
W. Li, Y. Bai, K.-Y. Chan, C. Liu, Z. H. Yang, X. Feng, L. H. Lu, and X. H. Lu. “Core-shell TiO2/C Nanofibers as Supports for Electrocatalytic and Synergistic Photoelectrocatalytic Oxidation of Methanol”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 4025. (Times cited: 29)
W. Li, M. D?blinger, A. Vaneski, A. L. Rogach, F. J?ckel, J. Feldmann. “Pyrite Nanocrystals: Shape-Controlled Synthesis and Tunable Optical Properties via Reversible Self-Assembly”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 17946. (Times cited: 40)
W. Li, Y. Bai, K.-Y. Chan, C. Liu, Z. H. Yang, X. Feng, and X. H. Lu. “Single-crystalline and reactive facets exposed anatase TiO2 nanofibers with enhanced photocatalytic properties”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 6718. (Times cited: 18)
W. J. Liu, J. G. Wang, W. Li, X. J. Guo, L. H. Lu, X. H. Lu, X. Feng, C. Liu and Z. H. Yang. “A shortcut for evaluating activities of TiO2 facets: water dissociative chemisorption on TiO2-B (100) and (001) ”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2010, 12, 8721. (Times cited: 22)
D. Li, K. Xiong, W. Li, Z. H. Yang, C. Liu, X. Feng, and X. H. Lu. “Comparative Study in Liquid-Phase Heterogeneous Photocatalysis: Model for Photoreactor Scale-Up”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2010, 49, 8397. (Times cited: 7)
S. S. Chen, Y. H. Zhu, W. Li, W. J. Liu, L. C. Li, Z. H. Yang, C. Liu, W. J. Yao, X. H. Lu and X. Feng. “Synthesis, Features, and Applications of Mesoporous Titania with TiO2(B)”, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2010, 31, 605. (Times cited: 22)
W. Li, Y. Bai, C. Liu, Z. H. Yang, X. Feng, X. H. Lu, N. K. van der Laak and K.-Y. Chan. “Highly Thermal Stable and Highly Crystalline Anatase TiO2 for Photocatalysis”, Environmental Science & Technology, 2009, 43, 5423. (Times cited: 71)
Y. Bai, W. Li, C. Liu, Z. H. Yang, X. Feng, X. H. Lu and K.-Y. Chan. “Stability of Pt Nanoparticles and Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance in Mesoporous Pt-(Anatase /TiO2(B)) nanoarchitecture”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2009, 19, 7055. (Times cited: 55)
Y. H. Zhu, W. Li, Y. X. Zhou, X. H. Lu, X. Feng, Z. H. Yang. “Low-Temperature CO Oxidation of Gold Catalysts Loaded on Mesoporous TiO2 Whisker Derived from Potassium Dititanate”, Catalysis Letters, 2009, 127, 406. (Times cited: 31)
Y. Bai, Y. Zhang, W. Li, X. F. Zhou, C. S. Wang, X. Feng, L. Z. Zhang, X. H. Lu. “Nanopatterned Surface with Adjustable Area Coverage and Feature Size Fabricated by Photocatalysis”, Applied Surface Science, 2009, 255, 9296. (Times cited: 5)
W. Li, C. Liu, Y. X. Zhou, Y. Bai, X. Feng, Z. H. Yang, L. H. Lu, X. H. Lu and K.-Y. Chan. “Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity in Anatase-TiO2(B) Core-Shell Nanofiber”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2008, 112, 20539. (Times cited: 132)
W. Li, Z. H. Yang, X. Feng, X. H. Lu. “Photocatalytic degradation of trace organics in water: sequencing and prediction of initial degradation rate”, Chinese Journal of Chemcal Engineering, 2007, 58, 1426.

标签: 阿斯顿大学

