2023-05-22 15:59
  • 吕应堂
  • 吕应堂 - 教授 博导-武汉大学-生命科学学院-个人资料




教育经历/Education: 1986/08-1991/08,夏威夷大学,博士/ University of Hawaii, PhD 1982/02-1984/09,中科院北京遗传所,硕士/Institute of Genetics, CAS, Master's Degree 1978/03-1982/01,武汉大学,学士/ Wuahn University, Bachelor's Degree) 工作经历/ Professional Experience: 1996/09-至今:武汉大学生命科学学院教授/ Professor, College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University; 1986/08-1996/08: 美国加州大学伯克利分校植物生物学系博士后/Postdoc, Department of Plant Biology, University of California at Berkeley, USA


1) 植物发育与逆境应答/Plant Development and Environmental Response 2) 植物发育分子生物学/Molecular Biology of Plant Development


1. Juan Li, Heng-Hao Xu, Wen-Cheng Liu, Xiao-Wei Zhang and Ying-Tang Lu*. (2015). Ethylene inhibits root elongation during alkaline stress through AUX1 and associated changes in auxin accumulation. Plant Physiology 168:1777-1791 2. Wen Liu, Rong-Jun Li, Tong-Tong Han, Wei Cai, Zheng-Wei Fu and Ying-Tang Lu*.(2015). Salt stress reduces root meristem size by nitric oxide-mediated modulation of auxin accumulation and signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 168:343-356 3. Jiang Zhu, Kun-Xiao Zhang, Wen-Shu Wang, Wen Gong, Wen-Cheng Liu, Hong-Guo Chen, Heng-Hao Xu and Ying-Tang Lu*.(2015). Low temperature inhibits root growth by reducing auxin accumulation via ARR1/12. Plant and Cell Physiology 56:727–736 4. Wei Cai, Wen Liu, Wen-Shu Wang, Zheng-Wei Fu, Tong-Tong Han, Ying-Tang Lu*.(2015).Overexpression of rat neurons nitric oxide synthase in rice enhances drought and salt tolerance. PLoS ONE 10(6):e0131599. 5. Li-Wei Hong, Da-Wei Yan, Wen-Cheng Liu, Hong-Guo Cheng, Ying-Tang Lu*.(2014). TIME FOR COFFEE controls root meristem size by changesin auxin accumulation in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany 65:275–286 6. Xiang Gao, Hong-Mei Yuan, Ye-Qin Hu, Jing Li, Ying-Tang Lu*.(2014). Mutation of Arabidopsis CATALASE2 results in hyponastic leaves by changes of auxin levels. Plant, Cell and Environment 37:175–188 7. Ting-Ting Yuan, Heng-Hao Xu, Kun-Xiao Zhang, Ting-Ting Guo, Ying-Tang Lu*.(2014). Glucose inhibits root meristem growth via ABAINSENSITIVE 5, which represses PIN1 accumulation and auxin activity in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell and Environment 37:1338-1350 8. Kun-Xiao Zhang, Heng-Hao Xu, Ting-Ting Yuan, Liang Zhang, Ying-Tang Lu*.(2013). Blue-light-induced PIN3 polarization for root negative phototropic response in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 76:308–321 9. Hong-Mei Yuan, Heng-Hao Xu, Wen-Cheng Liu, Ying-Tang Lu*.(2013). Copper regulates primary root elongation through PIN1-mediated auxin redistribution. Plant and Cell Physiology 54:766-778 10. Jing Wang, Da-Wei Yan, Ting-Ting Yuan, Xiang Gao, Ying-Tang Lu*.(2013). 2013 A gain-of-function mutation in IAA8 alters Arabidopsisfloral organ development by change of Jasmonic acid level. Plant Molecular Biology 82:71-83

