2023-05-22 15:57
  • 郭古青
  • 郭古青 - 讲师-太原科技大学-应用科学学院-个人资料




2005.09—2009.06 南京航空航天大学应用物理专业学习,获理学学士学位
2009.09—2017.06 南京航空航天大学材料加工工程专业学习,获工学博士学位
2017.12—至今 太原科技大学应用科学学院教师




1. Guo Gu-Qing, Yang Liang*, Wu Shi-Yang, Zeng Qiao-Shi*, Sun Cheng-Jun and Wang Yin-Gang Structure-induced microalloying effect in multicomponent alloys, MATERIALS & DESIGN, 2016, 103:308-314
2. 郭古青,吴诗阳,蔡光博,杨亮*判定金属玻璃微观结构中的二十面体类团簇。物理学报,2016,65(9):096402
3. Guo Gu-Qing, Wu Shi-Yang and Yang Liang*Structural Origin of the Enhanced Glass-Forming Ability Induced by Microalloying Y in the ZrCuAl Alloy, METALS, 2016, 6(4):67-77
4. Guo Gu-Qing, Yang Liang*and Wu Shi-Yang Structural investigation upon the high glass-forming ability in Fe doped ZrCuAl multicomponent alloys, INTERMETALLICS, 2016, 71:24-36
5. Guo Gu-Qing, Wu Shi-Yang, Luo Sheng and Yang Liang*How can synchrotron radiation techniques be applied for detecting microstructure in amorphous alloys? METALS, 2015, 5(4):2048-2057
6. Guo Gu-Qing, Wu Shi-Yang, Luo Sheng and Yang Liang*Detecting the universal structural features in metallic glasses via synchrotron radiation experiments combined with simulations. METALS, 2015, 5(4):2093-2108
7. Guo Gu-Qingand Yang Liang*Structural mechanisms of the microalloying induced high glass-forming abilities in metallic glasses. INTERMETALLICS, 2015, 65:66-74
8. Yang Liang#*,Guo Gu-Qing#, Chen Lian-Yi, Huang Cai-Long, Ge Tao, Chen Da, Liaw PK, Saksl K, Ren Y, Zeng Qiao-Shi, LaQua B, Chen FG and Jiang Jian-Zhong*Atomic-Scale Mechanisms of the Glass-Forming Ability in Metallic Glasses. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 2012(10), 109:105502
9. Guo Gu-Qing, Yang Liang*, Huang Cai-Long, Chen Da and Chen Lian-Yi*Structural origin of the different glass-forming abilities in ZrCu and ZrNi metallic glasses. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 2011, 26(16):2098-2102
10. 郭古青,杨亮*,张国庆Zr48Cu45Al7大块金属玻璃的原子结构研究,物理学报,2011, 60(1):016103

