2023-05-22 15:49
  • 周雪飞
  • 周雪飞 - 教授 博导-同济大学-环境科学与工程学院-个人资料




教育经历 1991.09~1995.07 哈尔滨建筑工程学院暖通专业 学士学位 1995.09~1998.07 哈尔滨建筑大学暖通专业 硕士学位 1998.09~2001.07 哈尔滨工业大学环境工程专业 博士学位 工作经历 2001.07~2003.05 同济大学环境科学与工程学院 博士后研究 2003.05至今 同济大学环境工程系 教师 2007.03~2008.02 德国斯图加特大学,柏林工业大学 高级访问学者 2010.05~2010.06 香港浸会大学 短期访问学者


高效污水厌氧生物处理技术 城市污水处理与资源化技术 分散式污水处理技术与设备 水系统中PPCPs的行为与归宿研究 活性污泥数学模型和厌氧消化模型应用技术研究 城市水体环境生态恢复关键技术


1.X. F. Zhou, C. M. Dai, Y. L. Zhang*, R.Y. Surampalli, and T. C. Zhang. A preliminary study on the occurrence and behavior of carbamazepine (CBZ) in aquatic environments of Yangtze River Delta, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment , 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s10661-010-1369-8. 2.Xuefei Zhou, Wenjing Sang, Shushen Liu,Yalei Zhang, Huilin Ge. Modeling and Prediction for Acute Toxicity of Pesticide Mixtures to the Freshwater Luminescent Bacterium Vibrio-qinghaiensis sp.Nov.-Q67. J of Environ Sci, 2010,22(3):433-440. 3.Zhou Xue-fei, Zhou Shi-bing, Zhang Yalei, Shi Lu. Determination of Triclosan in Wastewater Using Solid Phase Extraction and High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultra-Violet detection. The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering.ICBBE.2009.5162633. 4.X. F. Zhou, Y. L. Zhang, D. Q. Xu, W. H. Cao, C. M. Dai, Z. M. Qiang, Z. Yang and J. F. Zhao. Treatment of succinonitrile wastewater by immobilized high efficiency microorganism strains.Water Science & Technology, 2008, 58(4):911-918. 5.XF Zhou, YL Zhang et al. Treatment of Domestic Wastewater with Integrated AmOn Process, Proceeding of 2008 IWA World Congress, Vienna, 2008.9. 6.XF Zhou, YL Zhang et al. Degradation Capability of Bacteria Strains for Effective Degradation of Selected Alkanes, Proceeding of 2008 IWA World Congress, Vienna, 2008.9. 7.X.F. Zhou, Y.L. Zhang, X.J. Zhang et al. Anaerobic digestion of municipal sewage by a modified EGSB reactor at ambient temperatures: performance evaluation and kinetic modeling, 11th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion:Bioenergy for our Future, 2007,75-81. 8.Zhou Xue-fei, Zhou Shi-bing, Zhang Yalei, Shi Lu. Determination of Triclosan in Wastewater Using Solid Phase Extraction and High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultra-Violet detection. The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering.2009. 9.L.Shi, X.F. Zhou, Y.L. Zhang, G.W. Gu. Simultaneous determination of 8- flouroquinolone antibiotics in sewage treatment plants by solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Water Science and Technology, 2009,59(4): 805-813. 10.Y.L. Zhang, X.F. Zhou, X.J. Zhang et al. Development of a novel modified EGSB reactor for treating municipal sewage at normal temperature. 11th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion:Bioenergy for our Future,2007,57-62.

