2023-05-22 15:36
  • 李新碗
  • 李新碗 - 教授-上海交通大学-密西根学院-个人资料




教育背景 Ph.D. Electronic Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2005) M.S. Electronic Science and Technology, Shanghai University of Science and Technology (1993) B.S. Physics Education Science, Soochow University (1990) 工作经历 2013.05 – pres. Professor and Associate Dean for Research, University of Michigan –Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute 2011.03 – 2013.3 Professor and Dean, School of Physics Electrical Information Engineering, Ningxia University 2005.08 – pres. Professor, National Key Lab on Local Optical Fiber Communication Networks & Advanced Optical Communication System, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1998.12 – 2005.08 Associate Professor, National Key Lab on Local Optical Fiber Communication Networks & Advanced Optical Communication System, Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1995.12 – 1997.05 Lecturer, National Key Lab on Local Optical Fiber Communication Networks & Coherent Optical Communication System, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1993.03 – 1995.12 Teaching Assistant, Research Institute of Optical Fiber Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 海外工作经历 2007.06 – 2007.09 Visiting Professor, Department of Electronics and Information Eng., Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Jeonbuk, 561-756, KOREA 2001.03 – 2001.11 R&D Engineer of OPCOM, Inc. (research group cooperation partner), San Jose, USA 1997.05 – 1998.05 Research Attachment, Department of Electronic and Computer Systems, Essex University, Colchester, CO4 3SQ, UK


X. Sun, L. Zhou, J. Xie, Z. Zou, L. Lu, H. Zhu, X. Li, and J. Chen , “Tunable silicon Fabry-Perot comb filters formed by Sagnac loop mirrors,” Opt. Letters 38(4), pp: 567-569 (2013). X. Sun, L. Zhou, J. Xie, Z. Zou, L. Lu, H. Zhu, X. Li, and J. Chen, “Investigation of Coupling Tuning in Self-coupled Optical Waveguide (SCOW) Resonators,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 25(10), 936-939 (2013). Z. Zou, L. Zhou, X. Sun, J. Xie, H. Zhu, L. Lu, X. Li, and J. Chen, “Tunable two-stage self-coupled optical waveguide (SCOW) resonators,” Opt. Letters 38(8), pp: 1215-1217 (2013). L. Lu, L. Zhou, X. Sun, J. Xie, Z. Zou, H. Zhu, X. Li, and J. Chen, “CMOS-compatible temperature-independent tunable silicon optical lattice filters,” Opt. Exp. 21(8), pp: 9447-9456 (2013).. Luo, HM, Li, XW Zou, WW,Temperature-Insensitive Micro displacement Sensor Based on Locally Bent Microfiber Taper Modal Interferometer,IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, vol 4, 2012, pp:772-778 Li Xinwan, Intelligent Desert: the key to understand the desert, INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT, No.1, 2012, pp. 26-27 Luo, HM; Li, XW ; Zou, WW ; Jiang, WN ; Chen, JP Modal Interferometer Based on a C-Shaped Ultrathin Fiber Taper for High-Sensitivity Refractive Index Measurement, APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS, vol 5, 2012, pp:012502 Zehua Hong , Xinwan Li, LinjieZhou, Weiwen Zou, Xiaomeng Sun, Shuguang Li, Jianguo Shen, Haimei Luo, Jianping Chen,Highly-efficient optical power combiners based on evanescently-coupled micro/nano optical fibers, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol 285, 2012, pp:3592–3596

