2023-05-22 15:24
  • 黄桂华
  • 黄桂华 - 应用研究员-山东大学-药学院-个人资料




1986.07―1987.08 山东医学院药学系年级办公室兼职班主任
1987.09―1992.12 山东医科大学药学院药剂教研室助教
1993.01―1998.12 山东医科大学药学院药剂教研室讲师
1999.01―2009.11 山东大学药学院药剂教研室副教授
2007.01―2009.11 山东大学药学院药剂实验室副教授
2009.12―至今 山东大学药学院药剂与制药工程实验室主任、应用研究员


1. 药物新剂型的研究与开发:研究领域包括固体口服缓控释制剂、靶向给药系统、皮肤/粘膜给药系统等新型给药系统的研究,尤其是在口服缓、控释制剂方面进行了深入而广泛的研究。
2. 生物药剂学与药物动力学:主要进行新药和新制剂的临床前生物药剂学与药物动力学研究


1. Xin Liu(柳新), Zhonglan Wang, Ruihua Feng, Yue Hu, and Guihua Huang∗. A Novel Approach for Systematic Delivery of a Hydrophobic Anti-Leukemia Agent Tamibarotene Mediated by Nanostructured Lipid Carrier. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology(JBN) Vol. 9, 1586–1593, 2013.
2. Zhenlei Yang(杨振磊), Junli Liu, Jinhua Gao, Shilei Chen, Guihua Huang*.Chitosan coated vancomycin hydrochloride liposomes:Characterizations and evaluation[J], International Journal of Pharmaceutics( IJP) 495 (2015) 508–515.
3. Sun Q(孙庆雪), Shi M, Shao W, Shi Y, Xi Y, Huang G.Tissue distribution and pulmonary targeting studies of cefpiramide sodium-loaded liposomes. J Drug Target( Journal of Drug Targeting). 2011,19(1):49-55
4. Zhanglan Wang(王忠兰), Zhongwen Li2, Dong Zhang1, Lei Miao3, and Guihua Huang1∗. Development of etoposide-loaded bovine serum albumin nanosuspensions for parenteral delivery. Drug Delivery[J],2015,22(1):79-85.
5. Xin Liu(柳新), Zhihua Zhang, Yuqi Jiang, Yue Hu, Zhonglan Wang, Junli Liu, Ruihua Feng, Jie Zhang, and Guihua Huan.Novel PEG-grafted nanostructured lipid carrier for systematic delivery of a poorly soluble anti- leukemia agent Tamibarotene: characterization and evaluation. Drug Delivery [J],2015, Vol. 22, No. 2 , Pages 223-229.
6. Ruihua Feng1(冯瑞华), Zhiyue Zhang1, Zhongwen Li2, and Guihua Huang1.Preparation and in vitro evaluation of etoposide-loaded PLGA microspheres for pulmonary.Drug Delivery[J],2014,21(3):185-192.
7. Zhiyue zhang and Guihua Huang. Intra-articular lornoxicam loaded PLGA microspheres: enhanced therapeutic efciency and decreased systemic toxicity in the treatment of osteoarthritis.Drug Delivery, 2012; 19(5): 255–263.
8. Jinping Wang and Guihua Huang. Preparation of itraconazole-loaded liposomes coated by carboxymethyl chitosan and its pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution.Drug Delivery, 2011; 18(8): 631–638.
9. Zhiyue Zhang1, Xiuli Bi1, Hui Li2.Guihua Huang*. Enhanced Therapeutic Efficiency and Decreased Systemic Toxicity in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis with Intra-articular Lornoxicam Loaded PLGA Microspheres. Drug Delivery, 2011; 18(7): 536–544.
10. Jinhua Gao1, Zhonglan Wang1, Honghai Liu2,Longmei Wang1 and Guihua Huang1* Liposome encapsulated of Temozolomide for the treatment of glioma tumor: preparation, characterization and evaluation[J]. Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics(DDT). 2015; 9(3):205-212。

