2023-05-22 15:22
  • 王魁
  • 王魁 - 副研究员-四川大学-华西基础医学与法医学院-个人资料




2015年毕业于四川大学生物治疗国家重点实验室,获理学博士学位,随后在四川大学华西医院从事博士后研究。2018年3月任四川大学华西基础医学与法医学院副研究员。2013年作为访问学者赴澳大利亚莫纳什大学(Monash University)学习交流1年。
共发表论文44篇。其中,以第一或通讯作者(含共同)在Trends Biochem Sci(IF: 16.89,ESI高被引论文)、Hepatology (IF: 17.43)、Signal Transduct Target Ther (IF: 18.19)、Autophagy (IF: 16.02,4篇)、Cancer Res(IF: 12.70)、Med Res Rev (IF: 12.94)、Antioxid Redox Signal等国际学术刊物发表SCI论文24篇,9篇影响因子大于10分。被包括Cell, Nat Rev Drug Discov, Nat Rev Microbiol等在内的国际学术期刊引用2000余次,2篇被引用超过200次,单篇最高被引用294次,H-index为28。任国际学术刊物Expert Rev Proteomics 期刊编委委员(2019--);Signal Transduct Target Ther(IF: 18.19)、Mol Cancer(IF: 27.40)等国际学术刊物特邀审稿人。承担国家自然科学基金面上项目(2项)、青年科学基金项目(1项)和中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目等,作为项目骨干参与国家自然科学基金重大项目和重点项目。


1. 代谢、氧化应激、自噬与肿瘤发生发展
2. 药物靶点筛选、鉴定和作用机制研究""


1. Wang K, Jiang J, Lei Y, Zhou S, Wei Y, Huang C. Targeting Metabolic-Redox Circuits for Cancer Therapy.Trends Biochem Sci. 2019;44(5):401-14. (IF: 16.89; ESI高被引论文)
2. Jiang J, Zhang L, Chen H, Lei Y, Zhang T, Wang Y, Jin P, Lan J, Zhou L, Huang Z, Li B, Liu Y, Gao W, Xie K, Zhou L, Nice EC, Peng Y, Cao Y, Wei Y,Wang K#, Huang C#. Regorafenib induces lethal autophagy arrest by stabilizing PSAT1 in glioblastoma.Autophagy. 2020;16(1):106-22.(IF: 16.02; 共同通讯作者)
3. Huang Z*, Zhou JK*,Wang K*, Chen H, Qin S, Liu J, Luo M, Chen Y, Jiang J, Zhou L, Zhu L, He J, Li J, Pu W, Gong Y, Li J, Ye Q, Dong D, Hu H, Zhou Z, Dai L, Wei Y, Huang C, Wei X, Peng Y. PDLIM1 inhibits tumor metastasis through activating Hippo signaling in hepatocellular carcinoma.Hepatology. 2020; doi: 10.1002/hep.30930. (IF: 17.43;共同第一作者)
4. Jiang J, Peng L,Wang K#, Huang C#. Moonlighting Metabolic Enzymes in Cancer: New Perspectives on the Redox Code.Antioxid Redox Signal. 2021; 34(13):979-1003 (IF: 8.40;共同通讯作者)
5. Wang K, Liu R, Li J, Mao J, Lei Y, Wu J, Zeng J, Zhang T, Wu H, Chen L, Huang C, Wei Y. Quercetin induces protective autophagy in gastric cancer cells: involvement of Akt-mTOR- and hypoxia-induced factor 1α-mediated signaling.Autophagy. 2011;7(9):966-78. (IF: 16.02; 被引用294次)
6. Wang K,Zhang T, Lei Y, Li X, Jiang J, Lan J, Liu Y, Chen H, Gao W, Xie N, Chen Q, Zhu X, Liu X, Xie K,NiceEC, Wu M, Huang C, Wei Y. Identification of ANXA2 (annexin A2) as a Specific Bleomycin Target to Induce Pulmonary Fibrosis by Impeding TFEB-mediated Autophagic Flux. Autophagy. 2018;14(2):269-82. (IF: 16.02)
7. Lei Y*,Wang K*, Li X*, Li Y, Feng X, Zhou J, Zhang Z, Huang C, Zhang T. Cell-surface Translocation of Annexin A2 contributes to bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis by mediating inflammatory response in mice.Clin Sci. 2019;133(7):789-804. (IF: 6.12;共同第一作者)
8. Wang K, Chen Y, Zhang P, Lin P, Xie N, Wu M. Protective Features of Autophagy in Pulmonary Infection and Inflammatory Diseases.Cells. 2019;8(2). pii: E123.(IF: 6.60)
9. Wang K, Gao W, Dou Q, Chen H, Li Q, Nice EC, Huang C. Ivermectin induces PAK1-mediated cytostatic autophagy in breast cancer. Autophagy. 2016;12(12):2498-9. (IF: 16.02)
10. Dou Q*, Chen HN*,Wang K*, Yuan K*, Lei Y, Li K, Lan J, Chen Y, Huang Z, Xie N, Zhang L, Xiang R, Nice EC, Wei Y, Huang C. Ivermectin Induces Cytostatic Autophagy by Blocking the PAK1/Akt Axis in Breast Cancer.Cancer Res. 2016;76(15):4457-69. (IF: 12.70; 共同第一作者)
11. Wang K, Zhang T, Dong Q, Nice EC, Huang C, Wei Y. Redox homeostasis: the linchpin in stem cell self-renewal and differentiation.Cell Death Dis. 2013;14;4:e537.(IF: 8.47; 被引用235次)
12. Lei Y*,Wang K*, Deng L*, Chen Y, Nice EC, Huang C. Redox Regulation of Inflammation: Old Elements, a New Story.Med Res Rev. 2015;35(2):306-40. (IF: 12.94; 共同第一作者)
13. Jiang J*,Wang K*, Chen Y*, Chen H, Nice EC, Huang C. Redoxregulation intumorcellepithelial-mesenchymaltransition: Molecularbasis andtherapeuticstrategy.Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2017;2:e17036. (IF: 18.19,*共同第一作者)
14. Zhang L*,Wang K*, Lei Y, Li Q, Nice EC, Huang C. Redox signaling: Potential arbitrator of autophagy and apoptosis in therapeutic response. Free Radic Biol Med. 2015;89:452-65. (IF: 7.38; 共同第一作者)
15. Wang K, Huang C, Nice EC. Proteomics, genomics and transcriptomics: their emerging roles in the discovery and validation of colorectal cancer biomarkers.Expert Rev Proteomics. 2014;11(2):179-205. (IF: 3.94)
16. Wang K, Yang T, Wu Q, Zhao X, Nice EC, Huang C. Chemistry-based functional proteomics for drug target deconvolution.Expert Rev Proteomics. 2012;9(3):293-310. (IF: 3.94)

