管理学(市场营销学)博士,2021年6月毕业于华中科技大学管理学院,现任职四川大学商学院助理研究员。研究发表在Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services、Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking等期刊。【科研成果】:参与国家自然科学基金面上项目. 虚拟现实(VR)广告对购买决策的影响研究:作用机理与协同效应. 2020-2023.研究领域
Zhu D. H., Deng Z. Z., Chang Y. P. Understanding the influence of submission devices on online consumer reviews: a comparison between smartphones and PCs. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020, 54. (SSCI JCR Q1, IF:7.135)Zhu, D.H. & Deng, Z. Z. Effect of Social Anxiety on the Adoption of Robotic Training Partner. Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking, 24(5), 343-348. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF:4.157)Deng, Z. Z., Zhu, D.H. Does Alpha go's Victory Over Human Champions Reduce The Interest Of People In Go? The Negative Effect Of Artificial Intelligence On Competition Events, ACR Conference, Paris, Oct 2020. 相关热点
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