2023-05-22 14:59
  • 方开洪
  • 方开洪 - 副教授-兰州大学-核科学与技术学院-个人资料




学习经历: 2005年毕业于兰州大学物理科学与技术学院应用物理学(核物理方向)专业,获理学学士学位; 2011年毕业于兰州大学核科学与技术学院粒子物理与原子核物理专业,获理学博士学位。期间2007-2009年受CSC资助在Tohoku University原子核研究所学习两年。工作经历: 2007.10 – 2011.06 兰州大学核科学与技术学院 助教; 2011.07 – 2015.05 兰州大学核科学与技术学院 讲师; 2016.04 – 2017.12 日本大阪大学工学部 访问学者; 2017.01 – 2017.04 日本东北大学理学部 访问学者; 2015.06 – 至今 兰州大学核科学与技术学院副教授。获奖统计: 2007年获CSC高水平大学建设项目奖学金; 2015年获甘肃省青年教师成才奖; 2015年获兰州大学核学院优秀党员称号; 2016年获CSC青年骨干项目奖学金; 2018年兰州大学第五届“我最喜爱的十大教师”提名奖; 2018年获兰州大学2016-2018“优秀班主任”荣誉称号。


A. 轻核聚变反应研究(核天体物理方向); B. 快中子诱发核反应截面测量研究; C. 辐射监测与屏蔽


[1] Niu Deqing, Zhang Zuoyi, Zhou Yong, Yang Chao, Liu Yang, Fang Kaihong*, Fission cross-section measurement for 238U(n,f)134ZX reactions induced by D-T neutrons, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 158: 175–179 (2019).[2] Qiang Wang, Bing-Jun Chen, Qian Zhang, Si-Min Cai,Chang-Lin Lan, Kai-Hong Fang*, Cross-section measurement of (n,2n) reactions for Nd isotopes induced by 14 MeV neutrons, NUCL SCI TECH, 30:8, p6(2019).[3] Fang Kaihong*, ZhangQian, ChenBingjun, et al., Direct measurement of astrophysical factor S(E) and screening potential for 9Be(p, α)6Li reaction at low energy, Physics Letters B, 785: 262–267(2018).[4] Zhang Zhengwei, Qian Zhang, Shihong Chen, ..., Fang Kaihong*, Measurement of cross-sections for 14 MeV neutron interaction with 175Lu, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 132: 61–66(2018).[5] Zhang Zhengwei, Liu Shuangtong, Wang Qiang, …, Fang Kaihong*, Measurement of fission cross-section for 134Te and 134I in 232Th(n,f) reaction induced by 14 MeV neutrons. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 141: 138–141 (2017).[6] 方开洪*,王强,赵江涛,一种基于闪烁光纤与闪烁晶体耦合的闪烁体探头,ZL201620233029.9(专利)。[7] Kaihong Fang*, Jianxin Zou, Houjun He, et al., Astrophysical S factor for the 6Li(d,α)4He and 6Li(d,p0/p1)7Li reactions and their astrophysical implications. Physical Review C, 94:054602 (2016)[8] Fang Kaihong*, Zou Jian-Xin, Liu Dong-Dong, et al., Experimental evidence for temperature effect on energy loss of low-energy D+ in liquid lithium, Chinese Physics C, 39: 084001 (2015).[9] Fang Kaihong*, Jianxin Zou, Eiji Yoshida, et al., Temperature effect on screening effects and stopping power for low-energy d-6Li interaction in liquid Li, Europhysics letters, 109:22002p1-p5(2015).[10] 刘东东, 王正海, 周钰珊, 方开洪*, 王铁山, 利用D-D 核反应研究低能区氘与重原子碰撞的屏蔽库仑势, 核技术, 37(10): 100518-p1-p5 (2014).[11] Fang kaihong*, Changlin Lan,Yupeng He,Xiangzhong Kong,Measurement of fission crosssection for 232Th(n,x)89Rb reaction induced by neutrons around 14MeV,Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 70:2295(2012).[12] Fang Kaihong*,WangDawei,YangShaobo,et al.,Half life of 175Hf,Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 70: 2328(2012).[13] Fang Kaihong*, Tieshan Wang, Hiroki Yonemura, et al., Screening Potential of 6Li(d,a)4He and 7Li(p,a)4He Reactions in Liquid Lithium, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 80:084201(2011).[14] Fang Kaihong*, Yang Xiang, Yuncheng Han, et al., Measurements of activation cross-sections for 165Ho(n,2n)164gHo and 180W(n,2n)179gW reactions induced by neutrons around 14 MeV, Radiation Measurements, 44:68(2009).[15] Fang Kaihong*, Xu Xiaosan, Lan Changlin, et al., Cross-section measurement for Ni(n,x)58(m+g)Co, Ni(n,x)60mCo, Ni(n,x)61Co and Ni(n,x)62mCo reactions induced by neutrons around 14 MeV, Chinese Physics C, 32:251(2008).[16] Fang Kaihong*, Shiwei Xu, Changlin Lan, et al., Cross-section measurement for the reactions producing short-lived nuclei induced by neutrons around 14MeV, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 66:1104(2008).

