2023-05-22 14:33
  • 李渝舟
  • 李渝舟 - 副教授 -华中科技大学-电子信息与通信学院-个人资料




Brief Biography
Yuzhou Li is an assistant professor with the School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China. He earned the Ph.D. and Master degrees in communications and information systems from the School of Telecommunications Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an, China, in December 2015 and February 2011, respectively, where his Ph.D. advisor is Prof. Min Sheng and Master advisor is Prof. Jiandong Li. Prior to that, he received his B.Eng. degree in electronic and information engineering from the College of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, China, in July 2009.
His current research interests include intelligent underwater acoustic and sea-space wireless communications, intelligent signal processing, and related engineering development. He has published near 50 prestigious journal and conference papers on these topics. Dr. Li is the recipient of the Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) in 2017, the Chutian Scholar Program by Hubei Province in 2018, and the Young Professional Award of HUST in 2018. He also received the Nomination Award for Excellent Doctoral Dissertation by Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE) in 2016, the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of Shaanxi Province in 2018, and the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award by Xidian University in 2018. He won the First Prize of Teachers’ Teaching Competition by Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2019.
Latest NewsCongratulations! Donghong Ouyang’s and Jihui Qiu’s papers have been accepted by IEEE GLOBECOM’21 (one of the IEEE Communications Society’s two flagship conferences).t08/2021
Congratulations! Four of my master students, Donghong Ouyang, Zhizhan Wang, Jihui Qiu, and Shan Jin, have been Successfully graduated.t06/2021
Congratulations! Zhizhan Wang’s paper “A-OMP: An Adaptive OMP Algorithm for Underwater Acoustic OFDM Channel Estimation” has been accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (Impact factor: 4.66).t05/2021
Congratulations! Donghong Ouyang’s and Yunlong Huang’s papers have been accepted by IEEE ICC’21 (one of the IEEE Communications Society’s two flagship conferences).t01/2021
Congratulations! Three of my master students, Yubing Liu, Yuan Wang, and Shengnan Wang, have been Successfully graduated.t06/2020
Win the First Prize of Teachers’ Teaching Competition by Huazhong University of Science and Technology.t10/2019
Supported by Chutian Scholar Program by Hubei Province in 2018.t03/2019
Our paper “A Survey of Underwater Magnetic Induction Communications: Fundamental Issues, Recent Advances, and Challenges” accepted by IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials (Impact factor: 20.23).t02/2019
Our paper “SVM-Based Sea-Surface Small Target Detection: A False-Alarm-Rate-Controllable Approach” accepted by IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (Impact factor: 2.892).t01/2019
Awarded as the 2017 Excellent Cooperation Project Award by Huawei Wireless.t12/2018
Awarded as the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of Shaanxi Province in 2018.t12/2018
Our paper “Localization and Tracking for AUVs in Marine Information Networks: Research Directions, Recent Advances, and Challenges” accepted by IEEE Network (Impact factor: 7.197).t12/2018
Congratulations! Master Students Yu Zhang and Yixin Zhang were awarded the National Scholarship for Graduate Students in 2018, ranking 2nd and 3rd among all 25 receivers, respectively.t10/2018
Our paper “Underwater Anchor-AUV Localization Geometries with an Isogradient Sound Speed Profile: A CRLB-Based Optimality Analysis” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC, impact factor: 5.888).t09/2018
Our paper “Sea Clutter Distribution Modeling: A Kernel Density Estimation Approach” accepted by International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP).t08/2018
Awarded as Young Professional Award of Huzhong University of Science and Technology in 2018.t06/2018
Awarded as the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award by Xidian University in 2018.t05/2018
Our paper “To Relay or not to Relay: Open Distance and Optimal Deployment for Linear Underwater Acoustic Networks” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM, impact factor: 4.671).t03/2018
Supported by the State Key Laboratory of Integrated Services Networks (Xidian University) with Grant Number ISN19-09.t02/2018
Congratulations! Master Student Yu Zhang was awarded the National Scholarship for Graduate Students in 2017, ranking 2nd among all the receivers.t10/2017
Supported by the Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST with Grant Number 2017QNRC001.t10/2017
Our paper “Marine Wireless Big Data: Efficient Transmission, Related Applications, and Challenges” accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications (WCM, impact factor: 9.202).t10/2017
Our paper “Ultra-dense HetNets meet Big Data: Green frameworks, techniques, and approaches” accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine (COMMAG, impact factor: 9.270).t09/2017
Awarded as the Nomination Award for Excellent Doctoral Dissertation by the Chinese Institute of Electronics in 2016.t12/2016



