工作经历 2017/04-至今,华东师范大学,经济与管理学部,研究员2014/07-2017/03,上海财经大学,经济学院,副教授2008/09 - 2014/06,上海财经大学,经济学院,讲师开授课程 高级微观经济学,中级微观经济学,实证产业组织经济学,线性代数,概率统计科研项目 1.国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,71603159,中国汽车的国际贸易政策的理论和实证分析,2017-01至2019-12,17万元,结项,主持。2.华东师范大学2017年青年高层次引进人才,2017ECNU-HLYT005,中国新能源汽车产业政策的实证分析,2017-05至2019-12,30万元,结项,主持。3.上海市教育委员会科研创新项目,14ZS077,上海汽车牌照拍卖,北京汽车牌照摇号的影响,2014-01至2016-12,6万元,结项,主持。4.国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,71371116,存在外部性的横向兼并中现金拍卖与利润份额拍卖的比较研究,2014-01至2017-12、51.2万元,结项,参加。5.国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,71273162,资源配置效率与全要素生产率的微观实证研究,2013-01至2016-12,50万元,结项,参加。研究领域
实证产业组织, 实证微观经济学, 国际贸易, 金融""近期论文
[1]“Buying Reputation as a Signal of Quality: Evidence from an Online Marketplace”(2020), with Lingfang (Ivy) Li, and Steve Tadelis, the Rand Journal of Economics, forthcoming. [2]“Comparison between Uniform Tariff and Progressive Consumption Tax in the Chinese Automobile Industry”(2020), with Caixia Shen, Yanfei Wang, and Junji Xiao,Journal of Industrial Economics, forthcoming.[3] “Market Equilibrium and Welfare Effects of a Fuel Tax in China: the Impact of Consumers' Response in Driving Patterns” (2019), with Jijun Tan and Junji Xiao, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 93, 20-43.[4] “Demographics, Gender and Local Knowledge - Price Discrimination in China's Car Market” (2018), with Li-Zhong Chen, Wei-min Hu, and Radek Szulga, Economics Letters, 163, 172-174.[5] “Welfare Analysis of the Vehicle Quota System in China” (2017), with Junji Xiao, and Wei-min Hu, International Economic Review, 58(1), 617-650.[6] “Welfare Analysis of Tacit Coordination in the U.S. Airline Industry” (2017), Frontiers of Economics in China, 12(1), 66-93.[7] “Collusion or Competition? Interfirm Relationships in the Chinese Auto Industry” (2014), with Wei-min Hu, and Junji Xiao, Journal of Industrial Economics, 62(1), 1-35.[8] “Multimarket Contact in Italian Retail Banking: Competition and Welfare” (2013), with Jozsef Molnar, and Roberto Violi, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 31(5), 361-381. 相关热点
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