2023-05-22 13:46
  • 沈小玲
  • 沈小玲 - 研究员 博士生导师-广州中医药大学-科技创新中心-个人资料




沈小玲 女,四川省犍为县人。广州中医药大学科技创新中心研究员。
1988.9-1998.6,西南林学院经济林系,从事植物化学的教学和科研工作;1998.7-2002.5任职广州中医药大学新药开发研究中心,从事中药标准物质和中药质量控制方面的研究工作;2008.4-2009.3在香港浸会大学中医药学院作为博士后学人,从事中药复方质量控制和药效学评价方面的工作;2009年7月入职广州中医药大学热带医学研究所。目前主要研究兴趣:抗肿瘤、抗骨质疏松、降血糖、降血脂中药新药的开发研究。主持过重大新药创制国家科技重大专项《治疗糖尿病1 类新药候选药物树豆酮酸A 的研究》(项目编号2009ZX09103-436),参与了国家科技重大专项“艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大疾病防治”《抗HIV中药复方及中医动物模型研究》(项目编号2008ZX10005-005)、“传染病专项”国家科技重大专项《中医药活化潜伏HIV-1,促进病毒库清楚的策略研究》 (项目编号2014ZX10005002)等课题的研究。在Phytochemistry、Biochem Pharmacol、Bioor Med Chem 等刊物上发表SCI论文多篇。担任《中国药理学通报》、《African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》,《Natural Product Research》等杂志的审稿人。




1) Xie B, Lu YY, Luo ZH, Qu Z, Zheng CG, Huang XA, Zhou HY, Hu YJ#, Shen XL#. Tenacigenin B ester derivatives from Marsdenia tenacissima actively inhibited CYP3A4 and enhanced in vivo antitumor activity of paclitaxel. J Ethnopharmacol. 2019 May 10;235:309-319. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2019.02.028. Epub 2019 Feb 14. PMID:30772481
2) Liu S, Luo ZH, Ji GM, Guo W, Cai JZ, Fu LC, Zhou J, Hu YJ#, Shen XL#. Cajanolactone A from Cajanus cajan Promoted Osteoblast Differentiation in Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Stimulating Wnt/LRP5/β-Catenin Signaling. Molecules. 2019 Jan 12;24(2). pii: E271. doi: 10.3390/molecules24020271.
3) Yang R, Wang L, Xie J, Li X, Liu S, Qiu S, Hu Y#, Shen X#. Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus via reversing insulin resistance and regulating lipid homeostasis in vitro and in vivo using cajanonic acid A. Int J Mol Med. 2018 Nov;42(5):2329-2342. doi: 10.3892/ijmm.2018.3836.
4) Yang RY, Wang L, Xie J, Li X, Liu S, Qiu SX, Hu YJ*, Shen XL*. Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus via reversing insulin resistance and regulating lipid homeostasis in vitro and in vivo using cajanonic acid A. Int J Mol Med 2018 July 25 (pp.1-14; DOI:10,3892/ijmm.2918.3896).
5) 姚晓辉, 黎欢, 胡阳亮, 胡英杰, 符林春, 沈小玲*.中草药来源的Ⅰ类HDAC抑制剂筛选. 天然产物研究与开发 2018, 30:1099-1104.
6) 黎欢,吴斯东,胡英杰,周娟,沈小玲*. 华萝藦C21甾体成分及其逆转肿瘤细胞多药耐药的作用. 天然产物研究与开发 2017, 29: 756-761, 790.
7) 戴铃林,田汝华,艾香英,张艳平,周 娟,朱瑞静,胡英杰,沈小玲*. 通光散C21甾体成分增强紫杉醇抗肿瘤作用的研究. 中药新药与临床药理 2015,26(3):269-274.
8) Cai JZ, Tang R, Ye GF, Qiu SX, Zhang NL, Hu YJ*, Shen XL*. A Halogen-Containing Stilbene Derivative from the Leaves of Cajanus cajan that Induces Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Molecules 2015, 20:10839-10847.
9) Qin JH, Ma JZ, Yang XW, Hu YJ, Zhou J, Fu LC, Tian RH, Liu S, Xu G*, Shen XL*. A Triterpenoid Inhibited Hormone-Induced Adipocyte Differentiation and Alleviated Dexamethasone-Induced Insulin Resistance in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Nat Prod Bioprospect 2015, 5:159–166.
10) Zhang JJ, Yang XW, Ma JZ, Ye Y, Shen XL*, Xu G*. Cytotoxic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinol derivatives from Hypericum henryi. Tetrahedron 2015, 71:8315e8319.
11) Wu CY, Liao Y, Yang ZG, Yang XW, Shen XL*, Li RT, Xu G*. Cytotoxic diterpenoids from Salvia yunnanensis. Phytochemistry 2014,106:171-7.
12) Ma JZ, Yang LX, Shen XL*, Qin JH, Deng LL, Ahmed S, Xu HX, Xue DY*, Ye JX & Xu G*. Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Plants on Anti-insulin Resistance Bioactivity of DXMS-Induced Insulin Resistant HepG2 Cells. Nat Prod Bioprospet 2014, 4(4):197-206.
13) Ma JZ, Yang XW, Zhang JJ, Liu X, Deng LL, Shen XL* and Xu G*. Sterols and Terpenoids from Viburnum odoratissimum. Nat Prod Bioprospect. 2014, 4:175-180.
14) Zhu RJ, Shen XL*, Dai LL, Ai XY, Tian RH, Tang R, Hu YJ*. Total aglycones from Marsdenia tenacissima increases antitumor efficacy of paclitaxel in nude mice. Molecules 2014, 19(9):13965-75.
15) 叶贵福, 王璐, 杨瑞仪, 田汝华, 胡英杰, 沈小玲*. 树豆脂溶性部位对糖尿病和肥胖小鼠骨密度及血脂水平的影响.中国药理学通报 2013,29(7):961-5.
16) Shen XL, Chen GY, Zhu GY, Cai JZ, Wang L, Hu YJ and Fong WF. 3ʹ-O,4ʹ-O-aromatic acyl substituted 7,8-pyranocoumarins: a new class of P-glycoproteinmodulators. J Pharm Pharmacol 2012, 64(1):90-100.
17) Xu G, Zhao F, Yang XW, Zhou J, Ynag LX, Shen XL*, Hu YJ and Zhao QS. neo-Clerodane diterpenoids from Salvia dugesii and their bioactive studies. Nat Prod Bioprospect 2011, 1:81-86.
18) Li YW, Zhu GY, Shen XL, Chu JH, Yu ZL, Fong WF. Furanodienone induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis by suppressing EGFR/HER2 signaling in HER2-overexpressing human breast cancer cells. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2011, 68(5):1315-23 .
19) Li YW, Zhu GY, Shen XL, Chu JH, Yu ZL, Fong WF. Furanodienone inhibits cell proliferation and survival by suppressing ERα signaling in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. J Cell Biochem 2011, 112(1):217-24.
20) He Q, Shi J, Shen XL, An J, Sun H, Wang L, Hu YJ*, Sun Q, Fu LC, Sheikh MS, Huang Y*. Dihydroartemisinin upregulates death receptor 5 expression and cooperates with TRAIL to induce apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells. Cancer Biol Ther 2010; 9(10):819-24.
21) Hu YJ, Shen XL, Lu HL, Zhang YH, Huang XA, Fu LC, Fong WF*. Tenacigenin B derivatives reverse P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance inHepG2/Dox cells. J Nat Prod 2008, 71(6):1049-51.
22) Fong WF*, Shen XL, Globisch C, Wiese M et al. Methoxylation of 3′,4′-aromatic side chains improves P-glycoprotein inhibitory and multidrug resistance reversal activities of 7,8-pyranocoumarin against cancer cells. Bioorg Med Chem 2008, 16:3694-3703.
23) Shen XL, Chen GY, Zhu GY, Fong WF*. (±)-3'-O, 4'-O-dicynnamoyl-cis-khellactone, a derivative of (±)-praeruptorin A, reverses P-glycoprotein mediated-multidrug resistance in cancer cells. Bioorg Med Chem2006, 14:7138-7145.

