2023-05-19 10:31
  • 王钰轲
  • 王钰轲 - 博士 讲师-郑州大学-水利科学与工程学院-个人资料




2016 年至今 郑州大学水利科学与工程学院从事教学与科研工作
2016-2018 年 郑州大学水利工程博士后科研流动站,合作导师:王复明 院士 2011-2016 年 河海大学,岩土工程,工学博士(硕博连读),导师:高玉峰 教授 2007-2011 年 内蒙古工业大学,土木工程,工学学士
1、主持 国家重点研发计划子课题《土石堤坝渗漏险情抢险关键技术与装备研究》 (2020-至今)
2、主持 河南省青年人才托举工程项目《交通荷载作用下黄泛区路基长期累积变 形特性研究》(2020-至今)
3、主持 河南省自然科学基金青年项目《多维度耦合下饱和软黏土的变形及软化 特性试验研究》(2020-至今)
4、主持 河南省重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关)《交通荷载作用下各向异性固 结软黏土的非共轴变形特性研究》(2020-至今)
5、主持 河南省高等学校重点科研项目《非水反应类高聚物注浆技术在隧道突涌 水及渗漏处治中的应用》(2019-至今)
6、主持 中国博士后面上基金二等资助《考虑主应力轴旋转的饱和软黏土长期循 环软化特性研究》(2019-至今)
7、主持 中国博士后面上基金一等资助《主应力轴旋转下软黏土的非共轴变形特 性及本构理论研究》(2017-2018 年)
8、主持 河南省博士后基金《高聚物注浆技术在隧道及地下工程渗漏处治中的应 用研究》(2017-2018 年)
9、主持 岩土力学与工程国家重点实验室开放基金项目 《主应力轴旋转下饱和软 黏土累积变形特性试验研究》(2017-2019)
10、主持 岩土力学与堤坝工程教育部重点实验室开放基金项目《天然软黏土在主 应力轴旋转下静动力特性试验研究》(2017-2019)
11、参与 国家自然科学基金重点项目《海洋土软化特性及海床和基础失稳与灾变 机理研究》(2017-至今)
12、参与 国家重点研发计划《膨胀土岸坡和堤坝渗透滑动柔性修复加固技术》 (2018-至今)
1. 一种现场浇注铁路混凝土桥梁用弹性体伸缩缝装置 王复明; 赵鹏; 王磊; 方宏远; 潘艳辉; 王钰轲 中国专利, 授权, 2018.10.16, CN201820155380.X
2. 一种铁路桥梁用弹性体伸缩缝装置 王复明; 赵鹏; 王磊; 方宏远; 潘艳辉; 王钰轲 中国专利, 授权, 2018.10.16, CN201820156897.0




1. Wang, Y., Han, M., Yu, X.*, Wan, Y., Shao, J., Ren, D. Stiffness degradation of natural soft foundation in embankment dam under complex stress paths with considering different initial states. Applied Ocean Research. 2020, 104: 1-22.
2. Wang Y., Wan Y., Liu M, Guo C.*, Zeng C., Wu D. Undrained multi-dimensional deformation behavior and degradation of natural soft marine clay from HCA experiments. Soils and Foundations. 2020. 60(1), 103-114
3. Wang, Y., Wan, Y., Ruan, H.*, Yu, X., Shao, J., & Ren, D. Pore pressure accumulation of anisotropically consolidated soft clay subjected to complex loads under different stress paths. China Ocean Engineering. 2020. (Accept)
4. Wang, Y., Wan, Y., Wan, E., Zhang, X.*, Zhang, B., & Zhong, Y.* The pore pressure and deformation behavior of natural soft clay caused by long-term cyclic loads subjected to traffic loads. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2020. (On line)
5. Ruan, H., Wang, Y.*, Wan, Y., Yu, X., Zeng, C., Shao, J. Three-dimensional numerica l modeling of ground deformation during shield tunneling with considering principal stre ss rotation. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2020. (Accept). Doi:10.1061/(ASCE) GM.1943-5622.0002048
6. Wang, Z., Wang Y.* , Wang, S. , Li, B. , & Wang, H. Effect of longitudinal gradient on 3d face stability of circular tunnel in undrained clay. Advances in Civil Engineering, vol. 2020, Article ID 5846151, 12 pages, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/5846151
7. Zeng, C., Li, X., & Wang Y.* Behaviour of the interface between stored wheat and a steel silo under static and cyclic loading conditions. Biosystems Engineering, 2020, 190, 87-96.
8. Zeng, C., Gu, H., & Wang Y.* Stress-strain response of sheared wheat granular stored in silos using triaxial compression tests. International Agrophysics. 2020, 1(34), 103-114
9. Li, J., Zhang, J.*, Wang, Y., Wang, B. Seismic Response of Earth Dam with Innovative Polymer Antiseepage Wall. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2020, 20(7), 04020079.
10. Wang, Y., Gao, Y.*, Li, B., Guo, L., Cai, Y., & Mahfouz, A. H. Influence of initial state and intermediate principal stress on undrained behavior of soft clay during pure principal stress
rotation. Acta Geotechnica. 2019, 14(5):1379-1401.
11. Wang, Y., Zeng, C.*, Heyang Jia, Hongjian Cai, Xiangyuan Zhang. Cyclic behavior of natural organic clay under variable confining pressure that match traffic loading condition. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2019, 37(3): 402-407.
12. Zeng, C., and Wang, Y.*. Compressive behavior of wheat from confined uniaxial compression tests. International Agrophysics. 2019, 33(3): 347-354.
13. Zeng, C., and Wang, Y.*. The Shear Strength and Dilatancy Behavior of Wheat Stored in Silos. Complexity. 2019. Article ID 1547616, 9 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/1547616.
14. Zeng, C., and Wang, Y.*. Shear Behavior of Wheat-Concrete Interface during Monotonic and Cyclic Loading, Complexity, 2019, Article ID 6792650, 15 pages, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/6792650.
15. Wang, Y.*, Li, B.*, Chen, C., & Jia, H. Influence of Groundwater Level Fluctuation on Lateral Deformation of Cantilever Enclosure structure of Pit-in-Pit. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2020, 38(1): 108-113.
16. Wu, D.*, Wang, Y., Qiu, Y., Zhang, J., & Wan, Y. Determination of Mohr–Coulomb Parameters from Non-linear Strength Criteria for 3D Slope. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2019, Article ID 6927654, https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/6927654
17. Wang, Y., Gao, Y.*, Cai, Y., & Guo, L. Effect of initial state and intermediate principal stress on noncoaxiality of soft clay involved cyclic principal stress rotation. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2018, 18(7), 04018081.
18. Wang, Y., Gao, Y.*, Guo, L., & Yang, Z. Influence of intermediate principal stress and principal stress direction on drained behavior of natural soft clay. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2018, 18(1), 04017128.
19. Wang, Y.*, Gao, Y.*, Zeng, C., & Mahfouz, A. H. Undrained cyclic behavior of soft marine clay involved combined principal stress rotation. Applied Ocean Research. 2018, 81:141-149.
20. Fang, H.*, Li, B., Wang, F., Wang, Y., & Cui, C. The mechanical behaviour of drainage pipeline under traffic load before and after polymer grouting trenchless repairing. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018,74, 185-194.
21. Wang, Y., Gao, Y., Guo, L.*, Cai, Y., Li, B., Qiu, Y., & Mahfouz, A. H. Cyclic response of natural soft marine clay under principal stress rotation as induced by wave loads. Ocean Engineering, 2017, 129, 191-202.
22. Wang, Y., Zhang, J.*, Ma, L., & Wu, D.Anisotropic deformation characteristics of soft marine clay involved the change of b-values and stress direction. Marine Georesources& Geotechnology. 2017, 35(7):954-960.
23. Wang, Y., Gao, Y.*, Li, B., Fang, H., Wang, F., Guo, L., & Zhang, F. One-way cyclic deformation behavior of natural soft clay under continuous principal stress rotation. Soils and Foundations. 2017, 57(6), 1002-1013.
24. Wang, Y., Wu, D.*, Qiu, Y., & Wang, D. Experimental Investigation on cyclic deformation
behavior of soft marine clay involved principal stress rotation. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2017, 35(4):571-577.
25. Wang, Y., Guo, L.*, Gao, Y. F., Qiu, Y., Hu, X. Q., & Zhang, Y. (2016). Anisotropic drained deformation behavior and shear strength of natural soft marine clay. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 34(5), 493-502.
26. Ma, L., Wang, Y.*, Wang, W., Xu, X., & Li, S. An analysis method of laterally loaded pile in cohesive soil. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2018.36(1):2-9.
27. Ma, L., Wang, Y.*. Calculation and analysis of negative skin of monopile applied for offshore wind turbine. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2017, 35(2):275-280.
28. 王钰轲, 万永帅, 方宏远, 曾长女, 石明生, 吴迪.圆形应力路径下软黏土的动力特性试验 研究. 岩土力学.2020, 41(5): 1643-1652.
29. 王钰轲, 万永帅, 刘琪, 郭成超*, 石明生. 非水反应高聚物与土工材料界面剪切特性研 究. 建筑材料学报. 2021, 24(1): 121-126.
30. 王钰轲, 黄文清, 万永帅, 余翔*, 韩沐森, 郭成超. 不同初始状态软黏土在主应力轴耦合 旋转下的孔压及三维变形规律.工程科学与技术. 2021, 53(2):1-11
31. 王钰轲, 于博文, 万永帅, 余翔*,郭成超,钟燕辉,石明生.非水反应高聚物-混凝土界面单调 剪切特性及本构模拟.工程科学与技术. 2021(录用)
32. 王钰轲, 马露, 曾长女*, 张冲博, 陈灿.主应力轴连续旋转下软黏土的软化特性试验研究. 建筑材料学报. 2019, 22(5):148-155.
33. 王钰轲, 黎冰*. 扭剪作用下饱和软黏土的单向循环变形特性试验研究. 东南大学学报. 2019, 49(5):981-988.
34. 郭林, 王钰轲, 王军*, 郑敏, 伍婷玉. 中主应力与主应力方位角对软粘土排水变形特性影 响.岩土力学.2016, 37(5):1380-1387.
35. 马露, 王钰轲*, 于敏, 王伟, 徐晓阳. 基于有效应力法的单桩负摩阻力计算研究. 水文地 质工程地质. 2017. 01(1):71-77.
36. 黄勇, 梅国雄, 王钰轲. 透水管桩的群桩沉桩室内模型试验研究.河北工程大学学报(自然 科学版), 2016. 33(3):18-23.
37. 邱月, 高玉峰, 黎冰, 王钰轲, 吴迪.倾斜荷载作用下沉箱基础的极限承载力计算方法[J]. 长江科学院院报,2017,34(06):103-107.
38. 邱月, 黎冰, 吴迪, 王钰轲, 刘勇. 饱和砂土中吸力式沉箱基础的极限承载力计算方法. 河北工程大学学报(自然科学版). 2016, 33(2):25-29.
中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会青年委员会委员 国际土力学及岩土工程学会会员 中国岩石力学与工程学会会员 中国公路学会会员 国际 SCI 期刊《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》编委

