朝鲜族,教授,硕士生导师, 工学博士(北京理工大学), 访问学者(美国University of Georgia),现任学院党委书记。曾获2010年首都高校社会实践先进工作者,2010年中央民族大学优秀科研成果二等奖,2018年中央民族大学首届杰出育人奖。研究领域
1.Yan Zhang,a,bYaoming Xie,bHenry F. Schaefer III,b* and Judy I-Chia Wuc. Stabilizing Borinium Cations [X–B–X]+Through Conjugation and Hyperconjugation Effects,Inorganic Chemistry, 58, 243-249 (2019)2.Shu-Hua Xia,aMeng Che,aYan Liu,aYan Zhang*aand Ganglong Cui*b. Photochemical mechanism of 1,5-benzodiazepin-2-one: electronic structure calculations and nonadiabatic surface-hopping dynamics simulations,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,(2019), DOI: 10.1039/C9CP00692C.3.Meng Che,aYuan-Jun Gao,bYan Zhang,aShu-Hua Xia*aand Ganglong Cui*bElectronic structure calculations and nonadiabatic dynamics simulations of excited-state relaxation of Pigment Yellow 101†Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,20, 6524-6532(2018).4.Yan Zhang, Meng Che, Jing Yuan, Yun Yu, Chang Cao, Xiao-Yan Qinand Yong Cheng*,Aberrations in circulating inflammatory cytokine levels in patients with Down syndrome: a meta-analysis,Oncotarget, 8(48), 84489-84496 (2017).5.张婷,王华华,车萌,张严*,基于反向找靶的抗肿瘤活性研究,计算机与应用化学, 33(3), 353-358 (2016).6.朱钰,孙颖,王华华,张严*,植物来源醛糖还原酶抑制剂研究进展,计算机与应用化学, 32(7), 845-850 (2015).7.Yan Zhang, David S. Hollman, Henry F. Schaeffer, III*. From strong van der Waals complexes to hydrogen bonding: From CO⋯H2O to CS⋯H2O and SiO⋯H2O complexesJ. Chemistry Physics, 136,244-305 (2012). 相关热点
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