2023-05-18 16:39



2014 – present Assistant Professor, in Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2010-2012 Joint Training Doctor Student, in Engineering System Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2009-2014 Sc.D. in Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2005-2009 B.S. in Department of Psychology, East China Normal University
2004-2005 Undergraduate, in Institute of Software Engineering, East China Normal University


社会与工程心理学 Computational cyber psychology 社会与工程心理学 human-computer interaction 社会与工程心理学 driving behavior"Computational cyber psychology


Zhao, N., Chen, W., Xuan, Y., Mehler, B., Reimer, B., & Fu, X. (in press). Drivers’ and non-drivers’ performance in a change detection task with static driving scenes: Is there a benefit of experience? Ergonomics.
Zhao, N., Reimer, B., Mehler, B., D'Ambrosio, L.A., & Coughlin, J.F. (2013). Self-reported and observed risky driving behaviors among frequent and infrequent cell phone users. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 61, 71-77.
Reimer, B., Fried, R., Mehler, B., Joshi, G., Bolfek, A., Godfrey, K.M., Zhao, N., Goldin, R. & Biederman, J. (2013). Examining driving behavior in young adults with high functioning autism spectrum disorders: A pilot study using a driving simulation paradigm. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43(9): 2211-2217.
Zhao, N., Mehler, B., Reimer, B., D'Ambrosio, L.A., Mehler, A., & Coughlin, J.F. (2012). An investigation of the relationship between the driving behavior questionnaire and objective measures of highway driving behavior. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 15(6), 676-685.
Reimer, B., Mehler, B., Donmez, B, Pala, S., Wang, Y., Zhao, N., Olson, K., Wenzel, J., & Coughlin, J.F. (2012). A driving simulator study examining phone dialing with an iphone vs. a button style flip-phone. Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 56th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA.
Zhao, N., Mehler, B., Reimer, B., D'Ambrosio, L.A., Mehler, A., & Coughlin, J.F. (2012). Exploring the relationship between the driving behavior questionnaire and objective measures of highway driving behavior. Poster of the 91th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA.
Zhao, N., Reimer, B., Mehler, B., D'Ambrosio, L.A., & Coughlin, J.F. (2011). The relationship between drivers' reported frequency of cell phone use and actual and self-reported highway behavior. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Indianapolis, USA.
Guo, X., Zhao, N., Wang, S., Chen, W., Gong, R., Xu, B., & Yang, Z. (2010). Player–Spectator discrepancies on risk preference during decision making. The Journal of General Psychology, 137(2), p210-224.
赵楠, 陈文锋, 禤宇明, 傅小兰 (2011). 驾驶场景中视觉注意的聚焦和转移. 人类工效学, 17(4), 85-88.
赵楠 (2011). 康拉德?洛伦兹 (第4章). 荆其诚、傅小兰主编《心?坐标——当代心理学大家 (三)》,北京:北京大学出版社.


