2005.09-2009.6,南昌大学生命科学学院,大学本科/学士学位;2009.9-2015.6, 中国科学院武汉植物园,硕博连读/博士学位;2015.7-2018.5,江西省水土保持科学研究院,工程师;2018.6-2020.11,中国科学院武汉植物园,助理研究员;2020.12-至今,中国科学院武汉植物园,副研究员。 承担科研项目情况:主持自然科学基金青年基金一项(31800194,三种鼠尾草属植物开花特征及群落属性对熊蜂传粉和盗蜜行为转换的影响,2019.01-2021.12)。研究领域
Ye, Z. M., Jin, X. F.*, Wang, Q. F., & Yang, C. F.* (2020). Co-flowering neighbor alters pollinator composition and influences reproductive success in a plant pollinated by multiple insects. Plant Ecology, 221: 219–228.Ye, Z. M., Jin, X. F., Yang, J., Wang, Q. F., & Yang, C. F.* (2019). Accurate position exchange of stamen and stigma by movement in opposite direction resolves the herkogamy dilemma in a protandrous plant, Ajuga decumbens (Labiatae). AoB PLANTS, 11: plz052.Ye, Z. M., Jin, X. F., Inouye, D. W., Wang, Q. F.*, & Yang, C. F.* (2018). Variation in composition of two bumble bee species across communities affects nectar robbing but maintains pollinator visitation rate to an alpine plant, Salvia przewalskii: Nectar robbing variation and pollination. Ecological Entomology, 43: 363–370.Ye, Z. M., Jin, X. F., Wang, Q. F.*, Yang, C. F.*, & Inouye, D. W. (2017). Nectar replenishment maintains the neutral effects of nectar robbing on female reproductive success of Salvia przewalskii (Lamiaceae), a plant pollinated and robbed by bumble bees. Annals of Botany, 119: 1053-1059.Ye, Z. M., Jin, X. F., Wang, Q. F. *, Yang, C. F. *, & Inouye, D. W. (2017). Pollinators shift to nectar robbers when florivory occurs, with effects on reproductive success in Iris bulleyana (Iridaceae). Plant Biology, 19: 760–766.Ye Z. M., Dai W. K., Jin X. F., Gituru R., Wang Q. F. *, Yang C. F.* 2014. Competition and facilitation among plants for pollination: can pollinator abundance shift the plant–plant interactions? Plant Ecology, 215: 3-13.Jin X. F., Ye Z. M., Amboka G. M., Wang Q. F*, Yang C. F.* 2017. Stigma sensitivity and the duration of temporary closure are affected by pollinator identity in Mazus miquelii (Phrymaceae), a Species with Bilobed Stigma. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 783.Jin X. F., Ye Z. M., Wang Q. F.*, Yang C. F.* 2015. Relationship of stigma behaviors and breeding system in three Mazus (Phrymaceae) species with bilobed stigma. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 53: 259–265.标签:
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