Stefan Gruenewald
2023-05-18 16:01
  • Stefan Gruenewald
  • Stefan Gruenewald - 研究员 博导--Stefan Gruenewald-个人资料




2006.09 – Present, Principal Investigator, CAS-MPG Partner institute for Computational Biology,CAS, Shanghai, China.
2005.09 – 2006.08, Combined Postdoc, Linnaeus Center for Bioinformatics, Uppsala University in Uppsala,
Sweden, and the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand.
2001.04 – 2003.03, Postdoc, Graduate College “Bioinformatics” and Department of Mathematics,
University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany.
1998.04 – 2001.02, Department of Mathematics, University of Bielefeld,Ph.D. in Mathematics
1994.02 – 1998.03, Department of Mathematics, University of Bielefeld,Diploma in Mathematics
1991.10 – 1994.01, Department of Mathematics, University of Bielefeld,Vordiplom (B.Sc. equivalent) in Mathematics


1. Developing methods to reconstruct phylogenetic networks
2. Combinatorics and graph theory
3. Applications of phylogenetic methods within and outside phylogenetics""


1. Wolf, S. & Gruenewald, S. Sequence, Structure and Ligand Binding Evolution of Rhodopsin-Like G Protein-Coupled Receptors: A Crystal Structure-Based Phylogenetic Analysis. Plos One 10, e0123533 (2015).
2. Jialiang Yang, Stefan Gruenewald, Yifei Xu, Xiu-Feng Wan: Quartet-based methods to reconstruct phylogenetic networks. BMC Systems Biology 8: 21 (2014)
3. Jialiang Yang, Jun Li, Stefan Gruenewald, Xiu-Feng Wan. BinAligner: a heuristic method to align biological networks. BMC Bioinformatics. 2013, 14(Suppl 14):S8
4. Jialiang Yang, Stefan Gruenewald, Xiu-Feng Wan. Quartet-Net: A quartet-based method to reconstruct phylogenetic networks. Mol Biol Evol. 2013, 30(5): 1206-1217.
5. Grunewald S, Spillner A, Bastkowski S, Bogershausen A, Moulton V. SuperQ: Computing Supernetworks from Quartets. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 2013, 10(1): 151-160.
6. Li J, Roebuck P,Gruenewald S, Liang H. SurvNet: a web server for identifying network-based biomarkers that most correlate with patient survival data. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012, 40: W123-126.
7. Grunewald S, Koolen J, Moulton V, Wu T. The size of 3-compatible, weakly compatible split systems. J Appl Math Comput. 2012, 40: 249-259.
8. Grunewald S. Slim sets of binary trees. J Comb Theory A. 2012, 119(2): 323-330.
9. Yang J, Li J, Dong L,Gruenewald S. A heuristic algorithm to align protein interaction networks. J Biomath. 2011, 26(3): 569-575. 10. Ding Y,Gruenewald S, Humphries J. On agreement forests. J Comb Theory A. 2011, 118(7): 2059-2065.
11. Yang J, Li J, Dong L,Gruenewald S. Analysis on the reconstruction accuracy of the Fitch method for inferring ancestral states. BMC Bioinformatics. 2011, 12:18.
12. Grunewald S, Moulton V, Spillner A. Consistency of the QNet algorithm for generating planar split networks from weighted quartets. Discrete Appl Math. 2009, 157(10): 2325-2334.
13. Andreas WM Dress, Christoph Flamm, Guido Fritzsch, Stefan Gruenewald, Matthias Kruspe, Sonja J Prohaska and Peter F Stadler. Noisy: Identification of Problematic Columns in Multiple Sequence Alignments. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 2008,3:7
14. Stefan Gruenewald, Peter J. Humphries and Charles Semple. Quartet Compatibility and the Quartet Graph. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2008,15:R103
15. Stefan Gruenewald, Kristoffer Forslund, Andreas Dress and Vincent Moulton. QNet: An Agglomerative Method for the Construction of Phylogenetic Networks from Weighted Quartets. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2007,24(2):532-538


