2005年——2010年 清华大学人文学院历史系,获历史学学士学位2010年——2013年 清华大学人文学院历史系,获世界史硕士学位2013年——2018年 宾夕法尼亚大学东亚语言与文明系,获哲学博士学位2019年1月起 任中山大学博雅学院“百人计划”副教授、中国史专业硕士生导师 研究方向源于对中国历史与文明中的“外来”因素的学术兴趣,在中外交流史领域,我一方面讨论域外的神话传说、物质文化、动物、神灵乃至怪兽在古代中国文化中的变异及重现,以及它们在中国的接受史;另一方面,我也关注中国文物海外流传及收藏史,将該主题置于中国近现代史的大背景中,以理解分析这些文物流动背后的文化史与政治史,尤其是收藏者本人对于中国历史的介入对文物本身所带来的影响,以及这些文物在美国西欧的流动与收藏所反映出的中国形象在西方的变迁与接受过程。在中古北方民族史的研究中,通过“内亚视角”关注中国历史,我尝试理解並解读游牧文化对于定居者所建立的政权的冲击与影响。 讲授课程:欧亚大陆与文化交流、学术英语、英语学术写作。 专著:《海妖之歌:横跨欧亚的奇幻之旅》,北京:商务印书馆,2015年。 会议论文:“The Research on the Identification Between Tiele and the Oghuric Tribes.” Presentation at the 13th Annual Conference of Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS), Oct 19-21, Indiana University in Bloomington, 2012. “Horn-shaped Vessel in Han and Pre-Han China: Name, Object and Transformation.” Presentation at the 2014 Graduate Student Conference on East Asia at Columbia University, Feb 15-16, 2014. “The Mayer Collection in the Penn Museum.”Presentation at the Seventh Worldwide Conference of the Society of East Asian Archaeology, Harvard University and Boston University, June 8-12, 2016. “Between the Light Cavalry and Heavy Cavalry: Shock Cavalry in the Eastern Han Dynasty.” Presentation at the 20th Southeast Early China Roundtable, The Citadel and the College of Charleston, Oct. 28-30, 2016. “Sea Monsters in China Brought by the Jesuit Missionaries in Ming and Qing.” Presentation at the 2017 Young Scholars’ Forum in Chinese Studies, Institution of Chinese Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 25-27, 2017.“Evolution of Sinicization.” Presentation at the AAS Conference in Washington DC, March 24, 2018. 组织会议与讨论组:Panel “After Conquest Dynasties.” AAS Conference in Washington DC, March 24, 2018.Conference “Heresy in Pre-modern China.” Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania, March 26, 2018. 翻译:《蛮族与族群性》(第二译者),载于《历史、记忆与书写》,帕特里克·格里著,北京大学出版社,2018年。《海怪:欧洲古<海图>异兽图考》,约瑟夫·尼格著,第二译者,北京美术摄影出版社,2017年。 学术访谈:访谈:《“红色汉学家”的中国学缘——李克(Walter Allyn Rickett)访谈录》,载于《战略与管理》2016年第2期。 学术奖励2017年—2018年 宾夕法尼亚大学文理学院博士论文奖2017年 蒋经国国际学术交流基金会博士论文奖2015 年 李克最佳研究生论文奖2013年—2017 年 宾夕法尼亚大学本杰明·富兰克林奖学金研究领域
“Kungang: The Making of an Imaginary Archaeological Culture,” co-author with Victor H. Mair. Sino-Platonic Papers, number. 237.“Research on the Identification between Tiele and the Oγuric Tribes,” in Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, vol. 19, 2012.《中国北方的草原遗珍:宾大博物馆所藏鄂尔多斯式青铜器》,与江然婷合著,《紫禁城》 2015年第1期.“The Relationship of the Early Turks with the Wusun,” co-author with Victor H. Mair, in Central Eurasia in the Middle Ages, edited by Istvan Zimonyi and Osman Karatay, Turcologica 104, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2016. “Chinese Nomadic Art and The Journey to Collect: The Legacy of the Mayer Collection,” in Expedition, The Magazine of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2016, winter.“From entertainment to political life: Royal falconry in China between the 6th and 14th centuries,” in Pre-modern Falconry and Bird Symbolism – Interdisciplinary and Practical Consideration: the global perspective in relation to northern Europe, Germany: Druckhaus Köthen, 2018.“Ancient Chinese falconry terminology,” co-author with Leopold Eisenlohr, in Pre-modern Falconry and Bird Symbolism – Interdisciplinary and Practical Consideration: the global perspective in relation to northern Europe, Germany: Druckhaus Köthen, 2018.“Pleasing the Emperor: Revisiting the Chinese Manuscripts of Matteo Ricci’s Maps,” in Journal of Jesuit Studies, forthcoming.标签: 中山大学(广州校区) 博雅学院
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