2023-05-18 15:31
  • 杨中汉
  • 杨中汉 - 副教授,硕导-中山大学-中山医学院-个人资料




 杨中汉 男,副教授,生物化学博士,留美博士后。1998年于湖南师大生物化学与分子生物学本科毕业,2007年获中山大学生物化学与分子生物学博士学位,2001年至2009年在中山大学中山医学院生化教研室历任助教、讲师和副教授,2010赴美国University of Maryland接受博士后科研训练两年多,并在USDA人类营养学研究中心进行感染免疫、肥胖和糖尿病免疫调节机制等方面研究,在血管增生性疾病如肿瘤、糖尿病等模型中探讨血管因子的病理性改变及对血管新生的调控作用;在胃肠道感染免疫、肥胖诱导型糖尿病免疫治疗研究方面,采用TLR4-/-、IL4Rα-/-、STAT6-/-、Rag2-/-等多种基因敲除模型,体内、体外实验证明Th1和Th2型细胞因子表达失衡、MAPK/NF-κB/STATs等胞内诸多信号通路失调是临床多种重大炎症性相关疾病病理反应的重要内在分子机制及可能进行免疫调节治疗的关键靶点。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、广东省自然科学基金、广东省科技计划项目、广东省医学科研基金、广州市科技计划项目和中山大学基金等多项课题,已发表科研和教学论文26篇,作为编委参与编写《英汉生物化学与分子医学词典》(中国医药科技出版社2004年1月第一版)、《分子医学技能》(科学出版社2006年6月第一版)和研究生教材《医学分子生物学》。承担多层次的理论和实验教学工作,并参与分子医学的实验教学改革研究。




1. SerpinB2 Is Critical to Th2 Immunity against Enteric Nematode Infection. 所有作者:Zhao A, Yang Zhonghan, Sun R, Grinchuk V, Netzel-Arnett S, Anglin IE, Driesbaugh KH, Notari L, Bohl JA, Madden KB, Urban JF Jr, Antalis TM, Shea-Donohue T*. 发表杂志:J Immunol. 2013 Apr 29. 发表年份:2013 2. SERPINA3K induces apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cells via activating the Fas/FasL/caspase-8 signaling pathway. 所有作者:Yao Y, Li L, Huang X, Gu X, Xu Z, Zhang Y, Huang L, Li S, Dai Z, Li C, Zhou T, Cai W, Yang Zhonghan, Gao G, Yang X. 发表杂志:FEBS J. 2013 Apr 25. 发表年份:2013 3. The Artemisinin derivative Artesunate inhibits corneal neovascularization by inducing ROS-dependent apoptosis in vascular endothelial cells. 所有作者:Cheng R, Li C, Li C, Wei L, Li L, Zhang Y, Yao Y, Gu X, Cai W, Yang Zhonghan, Ma J, Yang X, Gao G. 发表杂志:Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013 Apr 23. 发表年份:2013 4. Macrophages as IL-25/IL-33-Responsive Cells Play an Important Role in the Induction of Type 2 Immunity. 所有作者:Yang Zhonghan, Grinchuk V, Urban JF Jr, Bohl J, Sun R, Notari L, Yan S, Ramalingam T, Keegan AD, Wynn TA, Shea-Donohue T, Zhao A. 发表杂志:PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e59441. 发表年份:2013 5. Parasitic Nematode-Induced Modulation of Body Weight and Associated Metabolic Dysfunction in Mouse Models of Obesity. 所有作者:Yang Zhonghan, Grinchuk V, Smith A, Qin B, Bohl JA, Sun R, Notari L, Zhang Z, Sesaki H, Urban JF Jr, Shea-Donohue T, Zhao A. 发表杂志:Infect Immun. 2013 Mar 18. 发表年份:2013 6. Acidic/Neutral Amino Acid Residues Substitution in NH2 Terminal of Plasminogen Kringle 5 Exerts Enhanced Effects on Corneal Neovascularization. 所有作者:Li C, Li L, Cheng R, Dai Z, Li C, Yao Y, Zhou T, Yang Zhonghan, Gao G, Yang X. 发表杂志:Cornea. 2013;32(5):680-688. 发表年份:2013 7. IL-33-induced alterations in murine intestinal function and cytokine responses are MyD88, STAT6, and IL-13 dependent. 所有作者:Yang Zhonghan, Sun R, Grinchuk V, Blanco JA, Notari L, Bohl JA, McLean LP, Ramalingam TR, Wynn TA, Urban JF Jr, Vogel SN, Shea-Donohue T, Zhao A. 发表杂志:Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2013;304(4):G381-9. 发表年份:2013 8. Kallikrein-binding protein inhibits LPS-induced TNF-α by upregulating SOCS3 expression. 所有作者:Dai Z, Lu L, Yang Zhonghan, Mao Y, Lu J, Li C, Qi W, Chen Y, Yao Y, Li L, Chen S, Zhang Y, Cai W, Yang X, Gao G. 发表杂志:J Cell Biochem. 2013 May;114(5):1020-8. 发表年份:2013 9. Dual inhibition of plasminogen kringle 5 on angiogenesis and chemotaxis suppresses tumor metastasis by targeting HIF-1α pathway. 所有作者:Cai WB, Zhang Y, Cheng R, Wang Z, Fang SH, Xu ZM, Yang X, Yang Zhonghan, Ma JX, Shao CK, Gao GQ. 发表杂志:PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e53152. 发表年份:2012 10. Anti-Inflammatory Activities of a Chinese Herbal Formula IBS-20 In Vitro and In Vivo. 所有作者:Yang Zhonghan, Grinchuk V, Ip SP, Che CT, Fong HH, Lao L, Wu JC, Sung JJ, Berman B, Shea-Donohue T, Zhao A. 发表杂志:Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012;2012:491496. 发表年份:2012 11. Combination of pigment epithelium-derived factor with radiotherapy enhances the antitumor effects on nasopharyngeal carcinoma by downregulating vascular endothelial growth factor expression and angiogenesis. 所有作者:Xu Z, Fang S, Zuo Y, Zhang Y, Cheng R, Wang Q, Yang Zhonghan, Cai W, Ma J, Yang X, Gao G. 发表杂志:Cancer Sci. 2011;102(10):1789-98. 发表年份:2011 12. Plasminogen K5 activates mitochondrial apoptosis pathway in endothelial cells by regulating Bak and Bcl-x(L) subcellular distribution. 所有作者:Gu X, Yao Y, Cheng R, Zhang Y, Dai Z, Wan G, Yang Z, Cai W, Gao G, Yang X. 发表杂志:Apoptosis. 2011;16(8):846-55. 发表年份:2011 13. Pigment epithelium-derived factor inhibits angiogenesis and growth of gastric carcinoma by down-regulation of VEGF. 所有作者:Zhang Y, Han J, Yang X, Shao C, Xu Z, Cheng R, Cai W, Ma J, Yang Zhonghan*, Gao G*. 发表杂志:Oncol Rep. 2011;26(3):681-6. 发表年份:2011 14. Critical role of IL-25 in nematode infection-induced alterations in intestinal function. 所有作者:Zhao A, Urban JF Jr, Sun R, Stiltz J, Morimoto M, Notari L, Madden KB, Yang Zhonghan, Grinchuk V, Ramalingam TR, Wynn TA, Shea-Donohue T. 发表杂志:J Immunol. 2010;185(11):6921-9. 发表年份:2010 15. Expression and purification of functional epitope of pigment epithelium-derived factor in E. coli with inhibiting effect on endothelial cells. 所有作者:Gong Q, Yang X, Cai W, Gao G, Yang Zhonghan*. 发表杂志:Protein J. 2010;29(3):167-73. 发表年份:2010 16. High efficacy and minimal peptide required for the anti-angiogenic and anti-hepatocarcinoma activities of plasminogen K5. 所有作者:Yang X, Cai W, Xu Z, Chen J, Li C, Liu S, Yang Zhonghan, Pan Q, Li M, Ma J, Gao G. 发表杂志:J Cell Mol Med. 2010;14(10):2519-30. 发表年份:2010 17. PEDF inhibits growth of retinoblastoma by anti-angiogenic activity. 所有作者:Yang H, Cheng R, Liu G, Zhong Q, Li C, Cai W, Yang Zhonghan, Ma J, Yang X, Gao G. 发表杂志:Cancer Sci. 2009;100(12):2419-25. 发表年份:2009 18. Bone morphogenetic protein-2 induces chromatin remodeling and modification at the proximal promoter of Sox9 gene. 所有作者:Pan Q, Wu Y, Lin T, Yao H, Yang Zhonghan, Gao G, Song E, Shen H. 发表杂志:Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009;379(2):356-61. 发表年份:2009 19. Critical effect of VEGF in the process of endothelial cell apoptosis induced by high glucose. 所有作者:Yang Zhonghan, Mo X, Gong Q, Pan Q, Yang X, Cai W, Li C, Ma JX, He Y, Gao G. 发表杂志:Apoptosis. 2008 Nov;13(11):1331-43. 发表年份:2008 20. Kallikrein-binding protein inhibits growth of gastric carcinoma by reducing vascular endothelial growth factor production and angiogenesis. 所有作者:Zhu B, Lu L, Cai W, Yang X, Li C, Yang Zhonghan, Zhan W, Ma JX, Gao G. 发表杂志:Mol Cancer Ther. 2007 Dec;6(12 Pt 1):3297-306. 发表年份:2007

