2023-05-18 15:31
  • 叶小菁
  • 叶小菁 - 教授,博导-中山大学-中山医学院-个人资料




叶小菁本科毕业于中山大学生物科学专业(2003),在英国布里斯托大学取得分子神经科学硕士(2004),后在美国加州大学尔湾分校取得博士学位并完成初期博后研究(2004-2011),师从国际著名神经科学家Thomas J. Carew教授。2011-2017年在美国纽约大学完成博后研究,合作导师为国际知名神经心理学研究专家Cristina M. Alberini教授。叶小菁的研究工作揭示了情绪记忆增强的特定神经环路机制,首次发现海马背侧区到内侧前额叶皮层的直接神经环路在记忆调节中的关键作用;并发现多种信号分子的时空协调作用是记忆形成和增强的关键。其研究成果发表在Nature Neuroscience, PNAS, Neuron等国际顶尖杂志,多次应邀作专题报告,并获得国际大脑和行为研究基金会杰出青年研究基金资助。


主要研究方向包括:1. 记忆的增强、泛化和融合的神经环路和分子机制;2. 前额叶皮层在老年认知功能衰退过程中的调控和作用机制;3. 慢性应激过程中,大脑和外周免疫系统的相互通讯机制。


1. Ye, X. Kapeller-Libermann, D. Travaglia, A. Inda, M. C. Alberini, C. M.. Direct dorsal hippocampal-prelimbic cortex connections strengthen fear memories. Nat Neurosci. 2017 Jan;20(1):52-61. 2. Ye, X. Kohtz, A. Pollonini, G. Riccio, A. Alberini, C. M.. Insulin Like Growth Factor 2 Expression in the Rat Brain Both in Basal Condition and following Learning Predominantly Derives from the Maternal Allele. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 23;10(10):e0141078. 3. Philips, G. T. Ye, X. Kopec, A. M. Carew, T. J.. MAPK establishes a molecular context that defines effective training patterns for long-term memory formation. J Neurosci. 2013 Apr 24;33(17):7565-73. 4. Arguello, A. A.#, Ye, X.#, Bozdagi, O. Pollonini, G. Tronel, S. Bambah-Mukku, D. Huntley, G. W. Platano, D. Alberini, C. M.. CCAAT enhancer binding protein delta plays an essential role in memory consolidation and reconsolidation. J Neurosci. 2013 Feb 20;33(8):3646-58. (# equal contribution) 5. Ye, X. Marina, A. Carew, T. J.. Local synaptic integration of mitogen-activated protein kinase and protein kinase A signaling mediates intermediate-term synaptic facilitation in Aplysia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Oct 30;109(44):18162-7. 6. Ye, X. Carew, T. J.. Transsynaptic coordination of presynaptic and postsynaptic modifications underlying enduring synaptic plasticity. Neuron. 2011 May 12;70(3):379-81. 7. Ye, X. Carew, T. J.. Small G protein signaling in neuronal plasticity and memory formation: the specific role of ras family proteins. Neuron. 2010 Nov 4;68(3):340-61. (featured review) 8. Shobe, J. L. Zhao, Y. Stough, S. Ye, X. Hsuan, V. Martin, K. C. Carew, T. J.. Temporal phases of activity-dependent plasticity and memory are mediated by compartmentalized routing of MAPK signaling in aplysia sensory neurons. Neuron. 2009 Jan 15;61(1):113-25. 9. Ye, X. Shobe, J. L. Sharma, S. K. Marina, A. Carew, T. J.. Small G proteins exhibit pattern sensitivity in MAPK activation during the induction of memory and synaptic facilitation in Aplysia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Dec 23;105(51):20511-6. 10. Reissner, K. J. Boyle, H. D. Ye, X. Carew, T. J.. Aplysia synapse associated protein (APSAP): identification, characterization, and selective interactions with Shaker-type potassium channels. J Neurochem. 2008 May;105(3):1006-18.

