2023-05-18 15:28
  • 徐涛
  • 徐涛 - 教授,博导-中山大学-中山医学院-个人资料




009年于中科院上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所获得细胞生物学博士学位,随后在斯柯里普斯研究所(The Scripps Research Institute)以及美国加州大学旧金山分校戴维•格拉斯通研究所(J. David Gladstone Institutes)从事博士后研究工作,导师为著名的化学生物学家丁胜教授。在国际上首次揭示细胞内的代谢是如何通过影响表观遗传来调控Th17细胞的分化(Nature, 2017)。国际顶级杂志Cell Metabolism发表了专评对这项工作进行了高度评价( Cell Metabolism 26; 588-590, 2017)。此外,还识别了第一代RORγt的选择性抑制剂(JBC,2011),Nature杂志社的SCI-BX 对此作了专评,还被Nature Review Immunology评为10年来重要的免疫学进展之一。


本实验室的主要研究兴趣为利用高通量筛选,包括化学小分子筛选和遗传学筛选(chemical screening and genetic screening)以及组学, 包括基因组,代谢组,和蛋白组学(genomics, metabolomics and proteomics)的手段来解析:1)胞内代谢如何调控免疫细胞的命运及功能;2)肿瘤微环境中免疫耐受机制的研究, 3)克隆能特异识别肿瘤的T 细胞。同时我们也将着力于将这些基础研究的成果转化为临床应用。


Tao Xu*, Kelly M. Stewart*, Xiaohu Wang*, Kai Liu, Min Xie, Jae Kyu Ryu, Ke Li, Tianhua Ma, Haixia Wang, Lu Ni, Saiyong Zhu, Nan Cao, Dongwei Zhu, Yu Zhang, Katerina Akassoglou, Chen Dong#, Edward M. Driggers# and Sheng Ding#. Metabolic control of Th17/iTreg balance through an epigenetic mechanism. Nature 548, 228-233 (2017). Preview at Cell Metabolism 26, 588-590. (*Co-first author, # corresponding author) Nan Cao, Yu Huang, Jiashun Zheng, C Ian Spencer, Yu Zhang, Ji-Dong Fu, Baoming Nie, Min Xie, Mingliang Zhang, Haixia Wang, Tianhua Ma, Tao Xu, Guilai Shi, Deepak Srivastava, Sheng Ding. Conversion of human fibroblasts into functional cardiomyocytes by small molecules. Science 352 (6290), 1216-1220 (2016) Yu Zhang, Nan Cao, Yu Huang, C Ian Spencer, Ji-dong Fu, Chen Yu, Kai Liu, Baoming Nie, Tao Xu, Ke Li, Shaohua Xu, Benoit G Bruneau, Deepak Srivastava, Sheng Ding. Expandable cardiovascular progenitor cells reprogrammed from fibroblasts. Cell Stem Cell 18 (3), 368-381 (2016). Saiyong Zhu, Holger A. Russ, Xiaojing Wang, Mingliang Zhang, Tianhua Ma, Tao Xu, Shibing Tang, Matthias Hebrok & Sheng Ding. Human pancreatic beta-like cells converted from fibroblasts. Nature Communication 7 (2016). Tianhua Ma, Jun Li, Yue Xu, Chen Yu, Tao Xu, Haixia Wang, Kai Liu, Nan Cao, Bao-ming Nie, Saiyong Zhu, Shaohua Xu, Ke Li, Wan-Guo Wei, Kun-Liang Guan and Sheng Ding. Atg5-independent autophagy regulates mitochondrial clearance and is essential for iPSC reprogramming. Nature Cell Biology 17, 1379-1387 (2015) Ke Li, Saiyong Zhu, Holger A. Russ, Shaohua Xu, Tao Xu, Yu Zhang, Matthias Hebrok, and Sheng Ding. Small molecules facilitate the reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts into pancreatic lineages. Cell Stem Cell 14 (2), 228-236 (2014). Tianhua Ma, Haixia Wang, Nan Cao, C. Ian Spencer, Baoming Nie, Tao Xu, Yu Zhang, Xiaojing Wang, Deepak Srivastava, and Sheng Ding. Small Molecules Enable Cardiac Reprogramming of Mouse Fibroblasts with a Single Factor, Oct4. Cell Reports 2, 951-960 (2014). Tianhua Ma, Tao Xu*, Mingliang Zhang*, Timothy Laurent, Min Xie, and Sheng Ding. Chemical approaches for modulating lineages-restricted stem cells and progenitors. Stem Cells Transl Med. 2013 May;2(5):355-61.(Invited Review) (*Co-first author) Tao Xu*, Xiaohu Wang*, Bo Zhong, Roza I. Nurieva, Sheng Ding, and Chen Dong. Ursolic acid suppresses interleukin-17 (IL-17) production by selectively antagonizing the function of RORүt protein. J Biol Chem. 2011 Jul 1; 286(26):22707-10. Epub 2011 May 12. (Highlighted in SciBX, a Nature sister journal; UA has been included in commercial RORүt kits; Based on this paper, a clinical trial for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis has been initiated by UC Davis and Visionary Pharmaceuticals). (*Co-first author) Tao Xu, Lei Zhang, Zhen H. Geng, Hai-Bo Wang, Jin-Tao Wang, Ming Chen, Jian-Guo Geng. P-selectin Cross-links PSGL-1 and enhances Neutrophil Adhesion to Fibrinogen and ICAM-1 in a Src Kinase-dependent, but GPCR-independent Mechanism. Cell Adhesion & Migration, 2007, 1(3). 1-9 Hai-Bo Wang*, Jin-Tao Wang*, Lei Zhang*, Zhen H Geng*, Wei-Li Xu*, Tao Xu*, Yuqing Huo, Xueliang Zhu, Edward F Plow, Ming Chen & Jian-Guo Geng. P-selectin primes leukocyte integrin activation during inflammation. Nature Immunology 2007, 8(8):882-92. (*Co-first author)

