2023-05-18 15:22
  • 谈智
  • 谈智 - 副教授,硕导-中山大学-中山医学院-个人资料








1. Impact of Traumatic Muscle Crush Injury as a Cause of Cardiomyocyte-specific Injury: An Experimental Study. 所有作者: Liu S*, Yu Y, Luo B, Liao X, Tan Z*(Co-corresponding author) 发表杂志:Heart Lung Circ. 2013 ;22(4):284-90. 发表年份:2013 2. Caveolin-3 is involved in the protection of resveratrol against high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance by promoting GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane in skeletal muscle of ovariectomized rats 所有作者:Tan Z*(Co-corresponding author), Zhou LJ, Mu PW, Liu SP, Chen SJ, Fu XD, Wang T* 发表杂志:J Nutr Biochem. 2012 ;23(12):1716-24 发表年份:2012 3. E(2)-BSA activates caveolin-1 via PI(3)K/ERK1/2 and lysosomal degradation pathway and contributes to EPC proliferation. 所有作者:Tan Z*(Co-corresponding author), Zhou LJ, Li Y, Cui YH, Xiang QL, Lin GP, Wang TH*. 发表杂志: Int J Cardiol. 2012;158(1):46-53. 发表年份:2012 4. Progesterone enhances vascular endothelial cell migration via activation of focal adhesion kinase. 所有作者: Zheng S, Huang J, Zhou K, Xiang Q, Zhang Y, Tan Z, Simoncini T, Fu X*, Wang T* 发表杂志:J Cell Mol Med. 2012;16(2):296-305. 发表年份:2012 5. 17β-Estradiol enhances breast cancer cell motility and invasion via extra-nuclear activation of actin-binding protein ezrin. 所有作者: Zheng S, Huang J, Zhou K, Zhang C, Xiang Q, Tan Z, Wang T*, Fu X*. 发表杂志:PLoS One. 2011;6(7):e22439. 发表年份:2011 6. 17beta-estradiol attenuates pressure overload-induced myocardial hypertrophy through regulating caveolin-3 protein in ovariectomized female rats 所有作者:Cui YH, Tan Z, Fu XD, Xiang QL, Xu JW, Wang TH* 发表杂志:Mol Biol Rep. 2011;38(8):4885-4892. 发表年份:2011 7. Role of PI3K/Akt signaling in the protective effect of magnesium sulfate against ischemia-perfusion injury of small intestine in rats. 所有作者:Chen SD, Chen YB, Peng, Xu J, Chen SS, Zhang JL, Li ZZ, Tan Z* (Corresponding author) 发表杂志:Chin Med J(Engl)2010;123(11):1447-1452 发表年份:2010 8. Effects of caveolin-1 on the 17beta-estradiol-mediated inhibition of VSMC proliferation induced by vascular injury 所有作者:Liu HM, Zhao XF, Guo LN, Tan Z, Wang TH* 发表杂志:Life Sci. 2007, 80(8):800-12. 发表年份:2007 9. Effect of selective receptor modulator plus 17beta-estrogen in aorta and mammary gland of female experimental atherosclerosis rabbit and possible involvement of ERK signal transduction pathway. 所有作者:Xiang QL, ChenY, Ling GP, Tan Z, Wang TH* 发表杂志:Chine J Physiol, 2006, 49(3):132-140 发表年份:2006 10. Mechanisms of 17beta-estradiol on the production of ET-1 in ovariectomized rats 所有作者:Tan Z, Wang TH*, Yang D, Fu XD, Pan JY. 发表杂志:Life Sci. 2003 ;73(21):2665-74. 发表年份:2003

