2023-05-18 15:22
  • 唐忠辉
  • 唐忠辉 - 教授,博导-中山大学-中山医学院-个人资料








Tang Z*, Luo OJ*, Li X*, Zheng M, Zhu JJ, Szalaj P, Trzaskoma P, Magalska A, Wlodarczyk J, Ruszczycki B, et al. (2015). CTCF-Mediated Human 3D Genome Architecture Reveals Chromatin Topology for Transcription. Cell 163: 1611-27 (*equal contribution). Kieffer-Kwon KR*, Tang Z*, Mathe E*, Qian J*, Sung MH*, Li G, Resch W, Baek S, Pruett N, Grøntved L, et al. (2013). Interactome Maps of Mouse Gene Regulatory Domains Reveal Basic Principles of Transcriptional Regulation. Cell 155: 1507-20. (*equal contribution, cover story). Szałaj P*, Tang Z*, Michalski P*, Piętal M*, Luo OJ, Li X, Ruan Y, Plewczynski D. (2016). An integrated 3-Dimensional Genome Modeling Engine for data-driven simulation of spatial genome organization. Genome Research 26: 1697-1709 (*equal contribution). Menghi F, Barthel FP, Yadav V, Tang M, Ji B, Tang Z, Carter GW, Ruan Y, Scully R, Verhaak RGW, Jonkers J, Liu ET. (2018). The tandem duplicator phenotype is a prevalent genome-wide cancer configuration driven by distinct gene mutations. Cancer Cell. 34(2):197-210. Vian L, Pękowska A, Rao SSP, Kieffer-Kwon KR, Jung S, Baranello L, Huang SC, El Khattabi L, Dose M, Pruett N, Sanborn AL, Canela A, Maman Y, Oksanen A, Resch W, Li X, Lee B, Kovalchuk AL, Tang Z, Nelson S, Di Pierro M, Cheng RR, Machol I, St Hilaire BG, Durand NC, Shamim MS, Stamenova EK, Onuchic JN, Ruan Y, Nussenzweig A, Levens D, Aiden EL, Casellas R. (2018). The Energetics and Physiological Impact of Cohesin Extrusion. Cell. 173(5):1165-1178.e20. Li P, Mitra S, Spolski R, Oh J, Liao W, Tang Z, Mo F, Li X, West EE, Gromer D, Lin JX, Liu C, Ruan Y, Leonard WJ. (2017). STAT5-mediated chromatin interactions in superenhancers activate IL-2 highly inducible genes: Functional dissection of the Il2ra gene locus. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA pii: 201714019. Li X, Luo OJ, Wang P, Zheng M, Wang D, Piecuch E, Zhu JJ, Tian SZ, Tang Z, Li G, Ruan Y. (2017). Long-read ChIA-PET for base-pair-resolution mapping of haplotype-specific chromatin interactions. Nature Protocols 12: 899-915. Szalaj P, Michalski PJ, Wróblewski P, Tang Z, Kadlof M, Mazzocco G, Ruan Y, Plewczynski D. (2016). 3D-GNOME: an integrated web service for structural modeling of the 3D genome. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 May 16. pii: gkw437. Vahedi G, Kanno Y, Furumoto Y, Jiang K, Parker SC, Erdos MR, Davis SR, Roychoudhuri R, Restifo NP, Gadina M, Tang Z, Ruan Y, Collins FS, Sartorelli V, O'Shea JJ (2015). Super-enhancers delineate disease-associated regulatory nodes in T cells. Nature 520: 588-62. Qian J, Wang Q, Dose M, Pruett N, Kieffer-Kwon KR, Resch W, Liang G, Tang Z, Mathé E, Benner C, et al. (2014). B cell super-enhancers and regulatory clusters recruit AID tumorigenic activity. Cell 159: 1524-37.

