2023-05-18 14:59
  • 董俊超
  • 董俊超 - 教授,博导-中山大学-中山医学院-个人资料




董俊超博士现任中山大学中山医学院教授,博士生导师。2002年于复旦大学生命科学学院获得学士学位;2010年于美国德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥健康科学中心获得博士学位;2011年起在美国哈佛大学医学院附属波士顿儿童医院从事博士后研究,导师为霍华德休斯医学研究所资深研究员和美国科学院院士、著名免疫学家Frederick Alt教授。




1. Panchakshari RA, Zhang X, Kumar V, Du Z, Wei PC, Kao J, Dong J*, Alt FW*. DNA double-strand break response factors influence end-joining features of IgH class switch and general translocation junctions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Jan 23;115(4):762-767. (*co-senior author) 2. Nguyen HV, Dong J, Panchakshari RA, Kumar V, Alt FW, Bories JC. Histone methyltransferase MMSET promotes AID-mediated DNA breaks at the donor switch region during class switch recombination. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Dec 5;114(49) 3. Hu J, Meyers RM, Dong J, Panchakshari RA, Alt FW, Frock RL. Detecting DNA double-stranded breaks in mammalian genomes by linear amplification-mediated high-throughput genome-wide translocation sequencing. Nat Protoc. 2016 May;11(5):853-71 4. Dong J#, Panchakshari RA#, Zhang T#, Zhang Y, Hu J, Volpi SA, Meyers RM, Ho YJ, Du Z, Robbiani DF, Meng F, Gostissa M, Nussenzweig MC, Manis JP, Alt FW. Orientation-specific joining of AID-initiated DNA breaks promotes antibody class switching. Nature. 2015 Sep 3;525(7567):134-9 (#co-first author) 5. Gostissa M, Schwer B, Chang A, Dong J, Meyers RM, Marecki GT, Choi VW, Chiarle R, Zarrin AA, Alt FW. gH class switching exploits a general property of two DNA breaks to be joined in cis over long chromosomal distances. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Feb 18;111(7):2644-9 6. Li F#, Dong J#, Eichmiller R, Holland C, Minca E, Prakash R, Sung P, Shim E, Surtees JA, Eun Lee S. Role of Saw1 in Rad1/Rad10 complex assembly at recombination intermediates in budding yeast. EMBO J. 2013 Feb 6;32(3):461-72 (#co-first author) 7. Toh GW#, Sugawara N#, Dong J#, Toth R, Lee SE, Haber JE, Rouse J.Mec1/Tel1-dependent phosphorylation of Slx4 stimulates Rad1/Rad10 dependent cleavage of non-homologous DNA tails. DNA Repair (Amst). 2010 Jun 4;9(6):718-2 (#co-first author) 8. Li F, Dong J#, Pan X, Oum JH, Boeke JD, Lee SE. Microarray- based genetic screen defines SAW1, a gene required for Rad1/Rad10-dependent processing of recombination intermediates.Mol Cell. 2008 May 9;30(3):325-35 (#co-first author)

