2023-05-18 13:45
  • 郑俊超
  • 郑俊超 - 教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师-中南大学-冶金与环境学院-个人资料




以第一作者和通讯作者在Energy & Environmental Science、 Advanced Energy Materials、Nano Energy、ACS Catalysis、Energy Storage Materials、Small、Journal of Material Chemistry A、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、Inorganic chemistry、Chemical Communications、Journal of The Electrochemical Society、Journal of Power Sources、Electrochimica Acta 等国际期刊上发表SCI学术论文70余篇,并长期作为Chemical Society Reviews、Angewandte Chemie、Nano Energy、Small、Chemistry of Materials、Energy Storage Materials、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering、Chemical Communications、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Journal of The Electrochemical Society、Journal of Power Sources、Electrochimica Acta等国际期刊的审稿人;现已申请专利50余项,获得授权专利30余项,专利成果转化6项,在企业取得了数十亿元的产值;主持4项国家自然科学基金项目、1项湖南省杰青项目、1项中南大学创新驱动项目、1项中央高校基本科研业务专项、1项湖南省教育厅优秀青年基金及企业科技攻关项目10余项,参与973项目1项、国家自然科学基金面上项目3项、湖南省科技计划1项,企业科技攻关3项,产学研项目5项;获湖南省优秀博士论文、中国有色金属学会优秀科技论文二等奖、湖南省科技成果鉴定、全省大中专学生志愿者暑期“三下乡”社会实践活动优秀指导者、《中国有色金属学报》优秀论文一等奖、湖南省自然科学二等奖、中国有色金属科技一等奖、第六届全国高校冶金院长奖等奖励,指导学生获第二届全国大学生冶金科技竞赛特等奖。
[1] 2005.9-2010.4
中南大学 | 冶金物理化学 | 博士学位 | 研究生
[2] 2001.9-2005.7
中南大学 | 环境工程 | 学士学位 | 本科
[1] 2019.9-至今
中南大学 | 冶金与环境学院 | 新能源材料与器件系副主任 | 教授
[2] 2014.9-2019.9
中南大学 | 冶金与环境学院 | 新能源材料与器件系副主任 | 副教授
[3] 2014.11-2015.12
University of California, Berkeley | Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
[4] 2010.7-2014.9
中南大学 | 冶金与环境学院 | 讲师
[5]嫁接型正极材料 xLiFePO4·yLi3V2(PO4)3·(1-x-y)LiVPO4F合成设计及结构性能调控基础研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金
[1]传递现象:原理及应用.李云姣 彭志宏 周秋生 郑俊超 刘智勇,中南大学出版社,2020


[1]  冶金电池电化学、新能源材料与器件、有色金属资源"1、基于有色金属资源的材料化增值冶金(红土镍矿、钒磁铁矿、二次镍钴资源的增值材料化,高效、短流程、低成本、无污染冶金的基础理论及技术开发)


[1]Junchao Zheng, Zhuo Yang, Alvin Dai, Linbo Tang, Hanxin Wei, Yunjiao Li, Zhenjiang He,*,Jun Lu*.Boosting Cell Performance of LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 via Surface Structure Design.[J]:Small,2019(15):1904854
[2]Yang Liu, Lin-bo Tang, Han-xin Wei, Xia-hui Zhang, Zhen-jiang He, Yun-jiao Li, Jun-chao Zheng*.Enhancement on Structural Stability of Ni-Rich Cathode Materials by In-Situ Fabricating Dual-modified Layer for Lithium-ion Batteries.[J]:Nano Energy,2019(65):104043
[3]Minghao Sun, Jiapeng Ji, Mingyu Hu, Mouyi Weng, Yaping Zhang, Haisheng Yu, Jiajun Tang, J. Zheng*.Overwhelming the performance of single atoms with atomic clusters for platinum-catalyzed hydrogen evolution.[J]:ACS Catalysis,2019(9):8213-8223
[4]S-q. Yang, P-b. Wang, H-x. Wei, L-b. Tang, X-h. Zhang, Z-j. He, Y-j. Li, H. Tong, J-c. Zheng*..Li4V2Mn(PO4)4-stablized Li[Li0.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13]O2 cathode materials for lithium ion batteries.[J]:Nano Energy,2019(63):103889
[5]Lin-bo Tang, Bao Zhang, Chang-sheng An, Hui Li, Bin Xiao, Jin-hui Li, Zhen-jiang He,J. Zheng*.Ultrahigh-Rate Behavior Anode Materials of MoSe2 Nanosheets Anchored on Dual-Heteroatoms Functionalized Graphene for Sodium-Ion Batteries.[J]:Inorganic Chemistry,2019,58(12):8169-8178
[6]J. Ji, Y. Zhang, L. Tang, C. Liu, X. Gao, M. Sun, J. Zheng*, M.Ling.*, C. Liang.,Zhan Lin*.Platinum single-atom and cluster anchored on functionalized MWCNTs with ultrahigh mass efficiency for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution.[J]:Nano Energy,2019(63):103849-103857
[7]Junchao Zheng, Yingying Yao, Gaoqiang Mao, He-Zhang Chen, Hui Li, Liang Cao, Xing Ou, Wan-jing Yu, Z.Iron-Zinc Sulfide Fe2Zn3S5/Fe1-xS@C Derived from Metal-Organic Framework as a High Performance Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Battery.[J]:Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2019(7):16479-16487
[8]Ding-chuan Zuo, Sheng-chao Song, Chang-sheng An, Lin-bo Tang, Zhen-jiang He, Jun-chao Zheng*..Synthesis of Sandwich-like Structured Sn/SnOx@MXene Composite through In-situ growth for highly reversible Lithium Storage.[J]:Nano Energy,2019,62:401-409
[9]T. Liu, Y. Zhang, Z. Jiang, X. Zeng, J. Ji, Z. Li, X. Gao, M.Sun, Z.Lin, M. Ling*, J. Zheng*, C.L*.Exploring competitive features of stationary sodium ion batteries for electrochemical energy storage.[J]:Energy & Environmental Science.,2019(12):1512-1533
[10]Bin Xiao, Wen-hai Zhang, Hai-feng Xia, Zhi-teng Wang, Lin-bo Tang, Chang-sheng An....Jun-chao Zheng*.V2(PO4)O/C@CNT hollow spheres with a core–shell structure as a high performance anode material for lithium-ion batteries.[J]:Materials Chemistry Frontiers,2019(3):456-463
[11]Changsheng An, Yifei Yuan, Bao Zhang, Linbo Tang, Bin Xiao,Zhenjiang He, Junchao Zheng,*,Jun Lu*.Graphene Wrapped FeSe2 Nano-Microspheres with High Pseudocapacitive Contribution for Enhanced Na-Ion Storage.[J]:Advanced Energy Materials,2019:1900356
[12]Jun-chao Zheng*,?Zhuo Yang, Zhen-jiang He*, Hui Tong*, Wan-jing Yu, Jia-feng Zhang.In situ formed LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2@Li4SiO4 composite cathode material with high rate capability and long cycling stability for lithium-ion batteries.[J]:Nano Energy,2018(53):613-621
[13]Jun-chao Zheng,?Zhuo Yang,?Peng-bo Wang,?Lin-bo Tang,?Chang-sheng An, and?Zhen-jiang He*.Multiple Linkage Modification of Lithium Rich Layered Oxide Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13O2 for Lithium Ion Battery.[J]:ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2018,10(37):31324–31329
[14]Jun-chao Zheng, Ya-dong Han, Dan Sun, Bao Zhang*, Elton J.Carins.In Situ-Formed LiVOPO4@V2O5 Core-shell Nanospheres as a Cathode Material for Lithium-ion Cells.[J]:Energy Storage Materials,2017(7):48-55
[15]Chang-sheng An, Bao Zhang, Lin-bo Tang, Bin Xiao, Jun-chao Zheng*.Ultrahigh rate and long-life nano-LiFePO4 cathode for Li-ion batteries.[J]:Electrochimica Acta,2018(283):385-392
[16]Jun-chao Zheng, Ya-dong Han, Lin-bo Tang, Bao Zhang*.Investigation of phase structure change and electrochemical performance in LiVP2O7-Li3V2(PO4)3-LiVPO4F system.[J]:Electrochimica Acta,2016(198):195-202
[17]Jun-chao Zheng,?Bi-yuan Yang,?Xiao-wei Wang,?Bao Zhang*?,?Hui Tong?,?Wan-jing Yu, and?Jia-feng Zhang.Comparative Investigation of Na2FeP2O7?Sodium Insertion Material Synthesized by Using Different Sodium Sources.[J]:ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng,2018,6(4):4966–4972
[18]Peng-bo Wang, Ming-zeng Luo, Jun-chao Zheng*, Zhen-jiang He, Hui Tong,Wan-jing Yu.Comparative investigation of 0.5Li2MnO3·0.5LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 cathode materials synthesized by using different lithium sources.[J]:Frontiers in Chemistry,2018(6):159
[19]Chun-xian Zhou, Peng-bo Wang, Bao Zhang, Jun-chao Zheng*, You-yuan Zhou, Cheng-huan Huang,Xiao-m.Suppressing the voltage fading of Li[Li0.2Ni0.13Co0.13Mn0.54]O2 cathode material via Al2O3 coating for Li-ion batteries.[J]:Journal of The Electrochemical Society,2018,165(9):A1648-A1655
[20]Chun-xian Zhou, Peng-bo Wang, Jun-chao zheng*,Chao-yang Xia*, Bao Zhang, Xiao-ming Xi, Ke-song Xiao.Cyclic performance of Li-rich layered material Li1.1Ni0.35Mn0.65O2 synthesized through a two-step calcination method.[J]:Electrochimica Acta,2017(252):286-294
[21]Xianqing Zeng, Xuehui Gao, Gaoran Li, Minghao Sun, Zhan Lin, Min Ling*, Junchao Zheng*, Chengdu Lian.Conductive Molybdenum Carbide as the Polysulfide Reservoir for Lithium Sulfur Batteries.[J]:Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2018(5):17142-17147
[22]Hezhang Chen, Bao Zhang, Xu Wang, Pengyuan Dong, Hui Tong*, Jun-chao Zheng, Wanjing Yu,and Jiafeng Z.CNT-Decorated Na3V2(PO4)3 Microspheres as a High-Rate and Cycle-Stable Cathode Material for Sodium Ion Batteries.[J]:ACS. Applied Materials&Interfaces,2018(10):3590-3595
[23]Bin Xiao, Bao Zhang, Jun-chao Zheng*, Lin-bo Tang, Chang-sheng An, Zhen-jiang He, Hui Tong, Wan-jing.Nano-micro structure VO2/CNTs composite as a potential anode material for lithium ion batteries.[J]:Ceramics International,2018(44):13113-13121
[24]Nan Sun, Bi-yuan Yang, Jun-chao Zheng*, Zhen-jiang He, Hui Tong, Lin-bo Tang, Chang-sheng An, Bin Xi.Effect of synthesis temperature on the phase structure, morphology and electrochemical performance of Ti3C2 as an anode material for Li-ion batteries.[J]:Ceramics International,2018(44):16214–16218
[25]Nan Sun, Chun-li Peng, Jun-chao Zheng*, Zhen-jiang He, Hui Tong, Lin-bo Tang, Chang-sheng An, Bin X.Self-assembled 3D network GeOx/CNTs nanocomposite as anode material for Li-ion battery.[J]:Powder Technology,2018(338):211–219
[26]Bao Zhang, Lei Ming, Jun-chao Zheng*, Jia-feng Zhang, Chao Shen, Ya-dong Han, Jian-long Wang, Shan-e.Synthesis and characterization of multi-layer core-shell structural LiFeBO3/C as a novel Li-battery cathode material.[J]:Journal of Power Sources,2014(261):249-254
[27]Bao Zhang, Ya-dong Han, Jun-chao Zheng*, Chao Shen, Lei Ming, Jia-feng Zhang.A novel Lithium vanadium fluorophosphate nanosheet with uniform carbon coating as cathode material for lithium ion battery.[J]:Journal of Power Sources,2014(264):123-127
[28]Bao Zhang, Chao Shen, Jun-chao Zheng*, Ya-dong Han, Jia-feng Zhang, Ming Lei, Jian-long Wang, Shan-.Synthesis and characterization of a novel multi-layer core-shell composite cathode material LiVOPO4-Li3V2(PO4)3.[J]:Journal of The Electrochemical Society,2014,161(5):A748-A752
[29]Lin-bo Tang, Bin Xiao, Chang-sheng An, Hui Li, Zhen-jiang He, Jun-chao Zheng*.VPO4@C/graphene microsphere as a potential anode material for lithium ion batteries.[J]:Ceramics International,2018,44(14432–14438)
[30]Jun-chao Zheng, Ya-dong Han, Bao Zhang*, Chao Shen, Lei Ming, Xing Ou, Jia-feng Zhang.Electrochemical Properties of VPO4/C nano-sheets and microspheres as anode materials for Lithium-ion Batteries.[J]:ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2014(6):6223-6226
[31]Chao Shen, Bao Zhang, Jia-feng Zhang,* Jun-chao Zheng,* Ya-dong Han,Hui Li.3D-porous b-LiVOPO4/C microspheres as a cathode material with enhanced performance for Li-ion batteries.[J]:RSC Adv,2015(5):7208-7214
[32]Bao Zhang, Ya-dong Han, Jun-chao Zheng,* Jia-feng Zhang,* Chao Shen,Lei Ming, Xin-bo Yuan,Hui Li.VOPO4 nanosheets as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries.[J]:Chem Comm,2014(50):11132-11134
[33]Jun-chao Zheng, Ya-dong Han, Bao Zhang*, Chao Shen, Lei Ming, Jia-feng Zhang.Comparative Investigation of Phosphate-based Composite Cathode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries.[J]:ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2014(6):13520-13526
[34]Bin Xiao, Bao Zhang, Lin-bo Tang, Chang-sheng An, Zhen-jiang He, Hui Tong, W-j Yu, Jun-chao Zheng*.V2O3/rGO composite as a potential anode material for lithium ion batteries.[J]:Ceramics International,2018(44):15044–15049
[1] Research and Application of Materials Science期刊编委
[2] 《中南大学学报(英文版)》首届青年编委
[3] 国家自然科学基金评审专家
[4] 2019.6-2024.6
[5] 2019.2-至今
国际期刊Frontiers in Chemistry客座副主编
[6] Reviewer of Chemical Society Reviews,Angewandte Chemie,Nano Energy,Small,Chemistry of Materials,Energy Storage Materials,ACS applied materials& interfaces, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Chemical Communications, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Journal of Power Sources, Electrochimica Acta

