教育经历 东北大学学习 1982.09-1986.07 北京大学学习 2002.09-2004.09 中南大学学习 2005.09- 中冶长天国际工程公司环保院、选矿院工作 1986.07-2004.12 长沙理工大学化学与环境学院工作 2005.01-2007.12 中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院工作 2008.01-至今研究领域
1. YIlong-sheng,WANG Hao,WANG Xin Research Progress of Utilizing Fly Ash asResource of Building Material Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society2012(1) 2. YIlong-sheng,RAO Ling-hua,WANG Xin,WANG Hao Physicochemical properties andbiogas production potential of kitchen waste Journal of Central SouthUniversity(Science and Technology 2012(4) 3. WangXin,Yi Longsheng,Wang Hao Research and development trends of flocculantto sludge dehydration Water & Wastewater Engineering 2012 5. YILong-sheng,TAO Ye,LIU Yang Research advances of rinsing reagentsfavorable for remediating heavy metal soil-contaminants Journal of Safetyand Environment 2012(4) 6. YILongsheng,PAN Anmin Study on the Method of Evaluation the Quality ofUrban Resources System Ecological Economy 2011(4) 7. YILong-sheng,RAO Ling-hua,WANG Xin Optimization on Methane Generation inAnaerobic Digestion of Kitchen Waste Environmental Science &Technology 2011(7)标签: 中南大学 资源加工与生物工程学院
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