2023-05-18 13:25
  • 吴飞翔
  • 吴飞翔 - 教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师-中南大学-冶金与环境学院-个人资料




吴飞翔, 冶金+前沿科学中心副主任,德国洪堡学者,国家级青年特聘专家。
中南大学冶金工程学士,中南大学和美国佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)联合培养博士。
美国佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)Gleb Yushin教授研究组博士后研究员,德国马普固体研究所(Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research) Joachim Maier 教授研究组研究员。
目前担任材料领域国际权威刊物Materials Today(影响因子26.416)杂志的 Associate Editor。
长期开展材料化冶金、高比能二次电池关键材料设计与材料界面科学等研究,以第一作者/通讯作者在Advanced Materials (5), Nano Letters, Energy & Environmental Science (2), Chemical Society Reviews, Joule, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, ACS Nano (3), Materials Today(2), Nano Energy(2), Journal of Materials Chemistry A等国际顶级期刊上发表学术论文近四十篇。授权中国发明专利4项、美国发明专利1项和德国发明专利1项。
[1] 2012.10-2014.10
美国 Georgia Institute of Technology | 材料物理化学 | 博士学位-联合培养 | 博士研究生毕业-联合培养
[2] 2011.9-2014.12
中南大学 | 冶金物理化学 | 博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业
[3] 2005.9-2009.7
中南大学 | 冶金工程 | 学士学位 | 大学本科毕业
[1] 德国Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research | 洪堡学者,研究员
[2] 美国Georgia Institute of Technology | 博士后研究员 | 博士后研究员




[1].Feixiang Wu,* Vesna Srot, Shuangqiang Chen,* Mingyu Zhang, Peter A. van Aken, Yong Wang, Joachim Maier, and Yan Yu *, Metal–Organic Framework-Derived Nanoconfinements of CoF2 and Mixed-Conducting Wiring for High-Performance Metal Fluoride-Lithium Battery:ACS Nano,2020:In Press
[2].Renheng Wang, Xiangyu Dai,*, Shengkui Zhong, Si Chen, Shuting Fan, Han Zhang,* and Feixiang Wu*, Boosting Lithium Storage in Free-Standing Black Phosphorus Anode via Multifunction of Nanocellulose,:ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2020:doi.org/10.1021/acsami.0c08346
[3].Rebecca Glaser, Feixiang Wu*, Emily Register, Mara Tolksdorf, Billy Johnson, Jud Ready, Mohan Sanghadasa and Gleb Yushin*,Tuning Low Concentration Electrolytes for High Rate Performance in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries:Journal of The Electrochemical Society,2020,167:10
[4].Feixiang Wu*, Fulu Chu, Guillermo A. Ferrero, Marta Sevilla, Antonio B. Fuertes, Oleg Borodin, Yan Yu*, and Gleb Yushin*,Boosting High-Performance in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries via Dilute Electrolyte:Nano Letters,2020:doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c01778
[5].Renheng Wang, Weisheng Cui, Fulu Chu and Feixiang Wu*, Lithium metal anodes: Present and future,:Journal of Energy Chemistry,2020,48:145
[6].Peiyuan Guan, Lu Zhou, Yunjian Liu*, Feixiang Wu*, Yifeng Jiang*, Dewei Chu, Recent progress of surface coating on cathode materials for high-performance lithium-ion batteries,:Journal of Energy Chemistry,2020,43:220
[7].Runyu Yan, Martin Oschatz*, Feixiang Wu*, Towards stable lithium-sulfur battery cathodes by combining physical and chemical confinement of polysulfides in core-shell structured nitrogen-doped carbons.[J]:Carbon,2020,161:162
[8]Feixiang Wu*, Joachim Maier,Yan Yu*.Guidelines and trends for next-generation rechargeable lithium and lithium-ion batteries.[J]:Chemical Society Reviews,2020,49:1569
[9].Renheng Wang,* Xiangyu Dai, Zhengfang Qian,* Yiling Sun, Shuting Fan, Keyu Xiong, Han Zhang, and Feixiang Wu*, In Situ Surface Protection for Enhancing Stability and Performance of LiNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2 at 4.8 V: The Working Mechanisms.[J]:ACS Materials Lett.,2020,2:280
[10].Zhenlu Yu, Xingyu Qu, Aichun Dou, Mingru Su, Yunjian Liu,* and Feixiang Wu*, Synthesis and Redox Mechanism of Cation-Disordered, Rock-Salt Cathode-Material Li-Ni-Ti-Nb-O Compounds for a Li-Ion Battery,:ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2019,11:35777
[11]Feixiang Wu *, Vesna Srot, Shuangqiang Chen, Simon Lorger, Joachim Maier, Yan Yu*.Three-Dimensional Honeycomb Architecture Enables a High-Rate and Long-Life Iron (III) Fluoride-Lithium Battery (封面论文).[J]:Advanced Materials,2019,31:1905146
[12]Feixiang Wu, Haifeng Lv, Shuangqiang Chen , Vesna Srot, Martin Oschatz, Joachim Maier ,Yan Yu*.Natural Vermiculite Enables High-Performance in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries via Electrical Double Layer Effects,:Advanced Functional Materials,2019,1902820
[13]Feixiang Wu#, Chenglong Zhao#, Yanglong Hou*,Yong-Sheng Hu, Joachim Maier,Yan Yu*.Multi-electron reaction materials for sodium based batteries,:Materials Today,2018,21:960-973
[14]Feixiang Wu,Yan Yu*.Toward True Lithium-Air Batteries.[J]:Joule,2018,1:814-824
[15]Feixiang Wu, Travis P. Pollard, Enbo Zhao, Yiran Xiao, Marco Olguin, Oleg A Borodin,Gleb Yushin*.Layered LiTiO2 for Protection of Li2S Cathodes Against Dissolution: Mechanisms of the Remarkable Performance Boost,:Energy & Environmental Science,2018,11:807-817
[16]Feixiang Wu, Shuangqiang Chen, Vesna Srot, Peter A. van Aken, Joach Maier,Yan Yu*.A Sulfur-Limonene based Electrode for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries: High-Performance by Self-Protection,:Advanced Materials,2018,30:1706643
[17]Feixiang Wu,Gleb Yushin*.Conversion Cathodes for Rechargeable Lithium and Lithium-Ion Batteries,:Energy & Environmental Science,2017,10:435-459
[18]Feixiang Wu, Enbo Zhao, Bao Zhang*, Gleb Yushin*.Graphene-Li2S-Carbon Nanocomposite for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries,:ACS Nano,2016,10:1333-1340
[19]Feixiang Wu, Enbo Zhao, Daniel Gordon, Yiran Xiao, Chenchen Hu,Gleb Yushin*.Infiltrated Porous Polymer Sheets as Free‐Standing Flexible Lithium‐Sulfur Battery Electrodes,:Advanced Materials,2016,28:6365–6371
[20]Feixiang Wu, Jung Tae Lee, Feifei Fan, Naoki Nitta, Hyea Kim, Ting Zhu,Gleb Yushin*.A Hierarchical Particle–Shell Architecture for Long-Term Cycle Stability of Li2S Cathodes (封面论文),:Advanced Materials,2015,27:5579–5586
[21]Naoki Nitta#, Feixiang Wu#, Jung Tae Lee#,Gleb Yushin*.Lithium-ion Battery Materials: Present and Future,:Materials Today,2015,18:252–264
[22]Feixiang Wu, Jung Tae Lee, Naoki Nitta, Hyea Kim, Oleg Borodin,Gleb Yushin*.Lithium Iodide as a Promising Electrolyte Additive for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries: Mechanisms of Performance Enhancement,:Advanced Materials,2015,27:101–108
[23]Feixiang Wu, Hyea Kim, Alexandre Magasinski, Jung Tae Lee, Huan-Tin Ling,Gleb Yushin*.Harnessing Steric Separation of Freshly Nucleated Li2S Nanoparticles for Bottom Up Assembly of High Performance Cathodes for Lithium Sulfur and Lithium Ion Batteries,:Advanced Energy Materials,2014,4:1400196
[1] 2020.6-至今
物理化学学报 青年编委
[2] 2020.5-至今
[3] 2019.12-至今
[4] 2016.11-至今
Materials Today(影响因子26.4):Associate Editor
[5] 2019.3-2019.10
Frontiers in Chemistry (影响因子4.155): Guest Editor

