2023-05-18 13:12
  • 李骞
  • 李骞 - 教授-中南大学-资源加工与生物工程学院-个人资料




教育经历 1996-2000 大学本科(中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院) 2001-2004 硕士研究生(中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院) 2004-2007 博士研究生(中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院) 工作经历 2000.07-2010.08 本溪钢铁公司炼铁厂 技术员 2008.02-2011.08 中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院 讲师 2011.09-2017.08 中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院 副教授 2017.09- 中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院 教授 博导


钢铁冶金(铁矿烧结、球团工艺与理论); 复杂矿综合利用;硫化矿的生物冶金;贵金属的提取与冶炼。


Extraction of manganese and zinc from their compound ore by reductive acid leaching Improvement of Gold Leaching from a Refractory Gold Concentrate Calcine by Separate Pretreatment of Coarse and Fine Size Fractions Consolidation mechanism of gold concentrates containing sulfur and carbon at Oxygen-enriched air roasting Effect of common associated sulfide minerals on thiosulfate leaching of gold and the role of humic acid additive Coal tar pitch and molasses blended binder for production of formed coal briquettes from high volatile coal Effect of galena on thiosulfate leaching of gold A Review of Thiosulfate Leaching of Gold: Focus on Thiosulfate Consumption and Gold Recovery from Pregnant Solution Effect of Pyrite on Thiosulfate Leaching of Gold and the Role of Ammonium Alcohol Polyvinyl Phosphate (AAPP) Intensification of gold leaching from a multi-refractory gold concentrate by the two-stage roasting-alkaline sulfide washing-cyanidation Process Mechanism of Intensifying Cyanide Leaching of Gold from a Calcine by the Pretreatment of Acid or Alkali Washing Recovering Palladium from Chloridizing Leaching Solution of Spent Pd/Al2O3 Catalyst by Sulfide Precipitation Recovery of palladium and aluminum from spent catalysts by roasting-leaching Effect of ferric ions on bioleaching of pentlandite concentrate Mechanism of Na2SO4 on Refractory Gold Concentrate at Roasting Pretreatment 从含重金属废水中回收铅、汞的研究 含硫砷含碳金精矿提金工艺研究 含硫砷金矿一段焙烧脱除硫和砷的热力学研究 Volatilization behavior and mechanisms of arsenic, sulfur and carbon in the refractory gold concentrate Co-intensification of Bio-oxidizing As-bearing GoldOres[J].TMS(The Minerals, Metals & Materials Socity), 2013,557~562 Research on removal of potassium andsodium by pre-reduction sintering. TMS 2013, 3rd International Symposium onHigh-Temperature Metallurgical Effect of Copper and Ammonia on Consumption ofThiosulfate in Gold Leaching Solutions[J]. Characterization of Minerals,Metals, and Materials 22013, TMS annual meeting & Exhibition, 2013,1:511-518.

