2023-05-18 13:07
  • 李专
  • 李专 - 研究员-中南大学-粉末冶金研究院-个人资料




2007/09 - 2010/06,中南大学,粉末冶金研究院,博士
2010/01 - 2010/03,美国San Francisco State University,交换生
2005/09 - 2007/06,中南大学,粉末冶金研究院,硕士
2001/09 - 2005/06,中南大学,资源加工与生物工程学院,学士
2018/09 - 至今,中南大学,粉末冶金研究院,研究员
2014/09 - 至今,中南大学,粉末冶金研究院,博士生导师
2014/11 - 2015/10,美国Georgia Institute of Technology, 访问学者
2013/09 - 2018/08,中南大学,粉末冶金研究院,副研究员
2012/12 - 2014/11,杭州前进齿轮箱集团股份有限公司 博士后
2010/12 - 2012/11,中南大学,冶金工程博士后流动站,博士后
2010/09 - 2013/08,中南大学,粉末冶金研究院,助理研究员




[1]Yan-qi Huang, Zhuan Li*, Peng-fei Liu, Tian-xing Huang, Yang Li, Peng Xiao. Tribological properties of Mullite/3Y-TZP ceramics with different content of mullite fabricated by gel-casting. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 476: 232-241
[2]Tianhui Jiang, Zhuan Li*, Peng Xiao, Jing Liu, Pengfei Liu, Shu Yu, Tao Xiao, Lihong Liu. Effect of different chemical treatments on hydroxyapatite formation of carbon fibers reinforced carbon and SiC dual matrices composites. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2019, 357:153-160
[3]Guan-yi Chen, Zhuan Li*, Peng Xiao, Wen-jie Ma, Xi Ouyang, Peng-tao Li, Jin-wei Li, Yang Li. Tribological properties and thermal-mechanical analysis of C/C-SiC composites during braking[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2019,29(1) 123-131
[4]Yan-qi Huang, Peng-fei Liu, Zhuan Li*, Peng Xiao, Effects of the content of in-situ grown mullite on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 3Y-TZP ceramics fabricated by gel-casting. Ceramics International,2018, 44(17) :21882-21892
[5]Peng-fei Liu, Zhuan Li*, Peng Xiao, Yang Li, Ze-yan Liu, Heng Luo, Yan-qi Huang. Effect of the molecular weight and concentration of PEG solution on microstructure and mechanical properties of Si3N4 ceramics fabricated by gel-casting [J]. Ceramics International, 2018.44(8), 8800-8808
[6]Yang Li, Peng Xiao*, Wei Zhou*, Heng Luo, Zhuan Li. Microstructure and properties of plain-weave carbon fabric reinforced ceramic composites containing Cu-Si alloy [J]. Composites Part B 145 (2018) 129-135
[7]Peng-fei Liu, Zhuan Li*, Peng Xiao*, Heng Luo, Tian-hui Jiang. Microstructure and mechanical properties of in-situ grown mullite toughened 3Y-TZP zirconia ceramics fabricated by gelcasting[J]. Ceramics International, 2018.44(2), 1394-1403
[8]Bengu Zhang, Peng Xiao*, Yang Li*, Zhuan Li, Wei Zhou, Heng Luo, Yuhai Lu. Microstructures and tribological properties of carbon/carbon-boron nitride composites fabricated by powdered additives and chemical vapor infiltration[J]. Ceramics International, 2017.43(10), 7607-7617
[9]Peng Xiao, Yu-hai Lu, Yi-zhong Liu, Zhuan Li, Hua-chan Fang, Wei Zhou, Renato S.M. Almeida, Yang Li*. Microstructure and properties of Cu-Ti alloy infiltrated chopped Cf reinforced ceramics composites, Ceramics International, 43 (2017) 16628-16637
[10] Yuhai Lu, Zhuan Li, Wei Zhou, Peng Xiao, Manufacture and Tribological Behavior of C/C-SiC Brake Composites Modified with Fe-Si Alloy[J]. Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology, 2017, 8(2):213-222
[11] Yang Li, Peng Xiao, Yuan Shi, Renato S.M. Almeida, Wei Zhou, Zhuan Li*, Heng Luo, Florian Reichert, Nico Langhof, Walter Krenkel. Mechanical behavior of LSI based C/C-SiC composites subjected to flexural loadings[J]. Composites Part A, 2017, 95:315-324
[12] Ben-gu Zhang, Yang Li , Peng Xiao, Wei Zhou, Heng Luo, Zhuan Li*. Residual strength evolution of 2D C/C-SiC composites subjected to tensile fatigue stresses[J]. Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology, 2017, 7(4):478-483
[13] Yang Li, Peng Xiao, Heng Luo, Renato S.M. Almeida, Zhuan Li*, Wei Zhou, Alexander Brückner, Florian Reichert, Nico Langhof, Walter Krenkel. Fatigue behavior and residual strength evolution of 2.5D C/C-SiC composites[J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2016, 36(16):3977-3985
[14] Yang Li, Peng Xiao , Zhuan Li*, Wei Zhou, Tom Liensdorf, Wolfgang Freudenberg, Florian Reichert, Nico Langhof, Walter Krenkel. Strength evolution of cyclic loaded LSI-based C/C-SiC composites[J]. Ceramics International. 2016, 42(13):14505-14510
[15] Zhuan Li*, Ying Long, Yang Li , Ben-gu Zhang, Xiang Xiong, Peng Xiao*. Microstructure and properties of needle punching chopped carbon fiber reinforced carbon and silicon carbide dual matrix composite[J]. Ceramics International, 0272-8842, 2016, 42: 9527-9537.
[16] Wen Zhong Liu, Xiao Peng, Li Zhuan, Yu XiaoYu, Li Yang. Thermal cycling behavior and oxidation resistance of SiC whisker-toughened-mullite/SiC coated carbon/carbon composites in burner rig tests. Corrosion Science 106 (2016) 179–187
[17] Yang Li, Peng Xiao*, Zhuan Li, Wei Zhou, TomLiensdorf, Wolfgang Freudenberg, Nico Langhof , Walter Krenkel. Tensile fatigue behavior of plain-weave reinforced Cf/C–SiC composites. Ceramics International, 0272-8842, 2016, 42: 6850-6857.
[18] Zhuan Li*, Peng Xiao*, Ben-gu Zhang, Yang Li, Yu-hai Lu, Su-hua Zhu. Preparation and dynamometer tests of 3D needle-punched C/C-SiC brake composites for high-speed and heavy-duty brake systems. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 1744-7402,2016,13(3):423-433.
[19] Zhuan Li#, Yi-zhong Liu#, Ben-gu Zhang, Yu-hai Lu, Li Yang, Xiao Peng*. Microstructure and tribological characteristics of needled C/C–SiC brake composites fabricated by simultaneous infiltration of molten Si and Cu[J]. Tribology International, 0301-679X, 2016, 93: 220-228.
[20] Zhuan Li*, Peng Xiao*, Ben-gu Zhang, Yang Li, Yu-hai Lu. Preparation and tribological properties of C/C–SiC brake composites modified by in situ grown carbon nanofibers[J]. Ceramics International, 0272-8842, 2015, 41(9): 11733-11740.

