2023-05-18 13:07
  • 廖胜明
  • 廖胜明 - 教授 博导-中南大学-能源科学与工程学院-个人资料




1996.08-1997.08,丹麦技术大学 (Technical University of Denmark) 能源工程系,中国-丹麦政府奖学金资助访问学者;
其间,2013.2-2014.2 挂职担任湖南省能源局副局长。
主持承担了国家自然科学基金项目、国家863项目、国家工信部项目、国家铁道部重点项目、湖南省科技计划重点项目等研究项目,同时完成了一批社会服务项目,在国外内学术杂志上发表论文160余篇,获得湖南省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖一篇、二等奖两篇,指导两名博士生获得湖南省优秀博士论文奖,获得国家教育部科技进步奖二等奖、湖南省科技进步奖二等奖、三等奖、国家能源科技进步三等奖各一项。代表性研究成果:(1)是国内最早研究跨临界二氧化碳制冷及热泵循环的学者之一,发表在Applied Thermal Engineering ,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer,Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics等国际学术杂志上的相关研究论文得到了国际同行的大量引用和评介。(2)作为青藏铁路多年冻土热棒路基专家组成员、青藏铁路制氧空调客车专家组成员及技术条件审查组副组长,参加了国家重点工程青藏铁路的建设工作,并主持完成了 “青藏铁路多年冻土路基热棒技术试验研究”项目。(3)主持承担了湖南省“十三五”规划前期研究重大课题“湖南节能降耗市场化机制研究”,长沙市“十三五”及中长期能源发展战略、政策与行动计划研究,长沙市新能源、可再生能源与节能产业发展及重大项目研究,长沙市“十三五”能源发展与节能规划编制等决策咨询课题,为地方政府能源及节能领域的决策提供了重要依据。




S. M. Liao, T.S. Zhao, A. Jakobsen, A correlation of optimal heat rejection pressures in Transcritical carbon dioxide cycles, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.20, No.9, 2000, pp.831-841.
S. M. Liao, T.S. Zhao, An experimental investigation of convection heat transfer to supercritical carbon dioxide in miniature tubes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.45. No.25, 2002, pp.5025-5034.
S. M. Liao, T.S. Zhao, Measurements of Heat Transfer Coefficients from Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Flowing in Horizontal Mini/Micro Channels, Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.124. Issue.3, 2002, pp.413-420.
S. M. Liao, T. S. Zhao, A Numerical Investigation of Laminar Convection of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in Vertical Mini/micro Tubes, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 2, Nos. 2/3/4, 2002, pp.144-152.
Z. H. RAO, S. M. LIAO, H. L. TSAI, P. C. WANG, AND R. STEVENSON, Mathematical Modeling of Electrode Cooling in Resistance Spot Welding, Welding Journal, 2009, vol. 88, n5, pp. 111-119.
Rao, Z. H., Liao, S. M.,Tsai, H. L., Effects of shielding gas compositions on arc plasma and metal transfer in gas metal arc welding,Journal of Applied Physics,Volume: 107 Issue:4, 2010, 044902-11
Rao, Z. H. Zhou, J.,Liao, S. M.,Tsai, H. L.,Three-dimensional modeling of transport phenomena and their effect on the formation of ripples in gas metal arc welding,Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 107, Issue 5, 2010, 054905
Z.H. Rao, J. Hu, S.M. Liao and H.L. Tsai,Modeling of the transport phenomena in GMAW using argon–helium mixtures. Part I – The arc,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 53, Issues 25-26, December 2010, Pages 5707-5721
Z.H. Rao, J. Hu, S.M. Liao and H.L. Tsai,Modeling of the transport phenomena in GMAW using argon–helium mixtures. Part II – The metal, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 53, Issues 25-26, December 2010, Pages 5722-5732
Z.H. Rao, S.M. Liao and H.L. Tsai, Modelling of hybrid laser‐GMA welding: review and challenges, Science and Technology of Welding & Joining, Volume 16, Number 4, May 2011 , pp. 300-305(6)
X.L. Cao, Z.H. Rao, S.M. Liao, Laminar convective heat transfer of supercritical CO2 in horizontal miniature circular and triangular tubes, Applied Thermal Engineering , Volume 31, Issues 14-15, October 2011, Pages 2374-2384
J Liu, Z Rao, S Liao, PC Wang, Modeling of transport phenomena and solidification cracking in laser spot bead-on-plate welding of AA6063-T6 alloy. Part I—the mathematical model, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 73,9-12,2014, 1705-1716
J Liu, Z Rao, S Liao, PC Wang, Modeling of transport phenomena and solidification cracking in laser spot bead-on-plate welding of AA6063-T6 alloy. Part II—simulation results and experimental validation, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 74 (1-4),2014, 285-296
Z Rao, S Liao, A numerical investigation of turbulent convective heat transfer of supercritical CO2 in vertical mini tubes, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, an International Journal 14 (3) 2014, 166-176
D Li, S Liao, An integrated approach to evaluate the performance of solar water heater in the urban environment, Energy and Buildings, 69,2014, 562-571
Y Li, S Liao, Z Rao, G Liu, A dynamic assessment based feasibility study of concentrating solar power in China, Renewable Energy,69, 2014 ,34-42
Z Rao, J Liu, PC Wang, Y Li, S Liao, Modeling of Cold Metal Transfer Spot Welding of AA6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy and Galvanized Mild Steel, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 136 (5), 2014,051001
Y Li, S Liao, G Liu, Thermo-economic multi-objective optimization for a solar-dish Brayton system using NSGA-II and decision making, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 64, 2015,167-175
D Li, G Liu, S Liao, Solar potential in urban residential buildings, Solar Energy 111,2015, 225-235
Y Li, G Liu, Z Rao, S Liao, Field synergy principle analysis for reducing natural convection heat loss of a solar cavity receiver, Renewable Energy 75, 2015,257-265
JW Liu, ZH Rao, SM Liao, HL Tsai, Numerical investigation of weld pool behaviors and ripple formation for a moving GTA welding under pulsed currents, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 91,2015, 990-1000
Y Li, K Nithyanandan, TH Lee, RM Donahue, Y Lin, CF Lee, S Liao,Effect of water-containing acetone–butanol–ethanol gasoline blends on combustion, performance, and emissions characteristics of a spark-ignition engine,Energy Conversion and Management, 117, 2016,21-30
Y Li, G Liu, X Liu, S Liao,Thermodynamic multi-objective optimization of a solar-dish Brayton system based on maximum power output, thermal efficiency and ecological performance,Renewable energy 95, 465-473, 2016
Y Li, L Meng, K Nithyanandan, TH Lee, Y Lin, FL Chia-fon, S Liao,Combustion, performance and emissions characteristics of a spark-ignition engine fueled with isopropanol-n-butanol-ethanol and gasoline blends, Fuel 184, 2016,864-872
Y Li, L Meng, K Nithyanandan, TH Lee, Y Lin, FL Chia-fon, S Liao,Experimental investigation of a spark ignition engine fueled with acetone-butanol-ethanol and gasoline blends, Energy 121, 2017,43-54
G Liu, M Li, B Zhou, Y Chen, S Liao,General indicator for techno-economic assessment of renewable energy resources, Energy conversion and management 156, 2018,416-426
G Liu, B Zhou, S Liao,Inverting methods for thermal reservoir evaluation of enhanced geothermal system, Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 82, 2018,471-476
X Liu, S Liao, Z Rao, G Liu,An input–output model for energy accounting and analysis of industrial production processes: a case study of an integrated steel plant,Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 25 (5), 2018,524-538
X Luo, S Liao,Lattice Boltzmann simulation of tree-shaped fins enhanced melting heat transfer, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 74 (5), 2018,1228-1243
X Luo, S Liao,Numerical Study on Melting Heat Transfer in Dendritic Heat Exchangers, Energies 11 (10), 2018,2504
R Chen, Z Rao, S Liao,Determination of key parameters for sizing the heliostat field and thermal energy storage in solar tower power plants, Energy conversion and management 177,2018, 385-394
T Chen, G Liu, S Liao,Impacts of boundary conditions on reservoir numerical simulation and performance prediction of enhanced geothermal systems, Energy 181, 2019,202-213
Z Rao, T Xue, K Huang, S Liao, Multi-objective optimization of supercritical carbon dioxide recompression Brayton cycle considering printed circuit recuperator design,Energy Conversion and Management,2019, 201, 112094
W Wang, BW Li, ZH Rao, G Liu, SM Liao,Two-and three-dimensional simulation of natural convection flow of CuO-water in a horizontal concentric annulus considering nanoparticles’ Brownian motion,Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications,2019, 76 (12), 967-990
Y Wang, Z Rao, J Liu, S Liao,An optimized control strategy for integrated solar and air-source heat pump water heating system with cascade storage tanks,Energy and Buildings,2020, 210, 109766,
Q Wen, G Liu, Z Rao, S Liao,Applications, evaluations and supportive strategies of distributed energy systems: A review,Energy and Buildings, 2020,110314
Z Rao, S Bao, X Liu, RA Taylor, S Liao,Estimating allowable energy flux density for the supercritical carbon dioxide solar receiver: A service life approach,Applied Thermal Engineering,2020, 116024
Q Wen, G Liu, W Wu, S Liao,Multicriteria comprehensive evaluation framework for industrial park-level distributed energy system considering weights uncertainties,Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020,124530
Qingmei Wen,Gang Liu ,Wei Wu, Shengming Liao,Genetic algorithm-based operation strategy optimization and multi-criteria evaluation of distributed energy system for commercial buildings,Energy conversion and management ,2020
J Zi, D Ma, X Wang, Z ur Rahman, H Li, S Liao,Slagging behavior and mechanism of high-sodium–chlorine coal combustion in a full-scale circulating fluidized bed boiler,Journal of the Energy Institute,Volume 93, Issue 6, December 2020, Pages 2264-2270

