2023-05-18 12:48
  • 陈秋松
  • 陈秋松 - 副教授 硕导-中南大学-资源与安全工程学院-个人资料




陈秋松,男,中共党员,本硕博就读于中南大学采矿工程专业,并于2018年取得矿业工程博士学位,期间赴澳大利亚开展了为期15个月的联合培养。长期致力于采矿工艺、充填理论与技术、矿山固废无害化处置等相关领域的研究,主持湖南省自然科学青年基金1项,国家重点实验室开放基金1项,中央高校博士研究生创新项目1项;发表专题论文50余篇:SCI论文40余篇(第一作者或通讯作者26篇),EI论文6篇,CSCD及中文核心论文10余篇,其中,Google 学术引用数1000余次,多篇SCI论文被评为ESI高被引论文;出版专著1部;申请国家发明专利5项。


[1] 采选冶固废无害化处置
[2] 矿山深井充填环保评价
[3] 智慧充填集成体系""


[1]Z Su, Q Chen*, Q Zhang, D Zhang.Recycling Lead–Zinc Tailings for Cemented Paste Backfill and Stabilisation of Excessive Metal:Minerals,2019,9(11):710
[2]Q Chen, Q Zhang, A Fourie, C Xin.Utilization of phosphogypsum and phosphate tailings for cemented paste backfill:Journal of environmental management,2017,201:19-27
[3]Q Chen, Q Zhang, A Fourie, X Chen, C Qi.Experimental investigation on the strength characteristics of cement paste backfill in a similar stope model and its mechanism:Construction and Building Materials,2018,154:34-43
[4]Q Chen, Q Zhang, C Qi, A Fourie, C Xiao.Recycling phosphogypsum and construction demolition waste for cemented paste backfill and its environmental impact:Journal of Cleaner Production,2018,186:418-429
[5]Y He, Q Chen*, C Qi, Q Zhang, C Xiao.Lithium slag and fly ash-based binder for cemented fine tailings backfill:Journal of environmental management,248:1092
[6]Y Liu, Q Zhang, Q Chen*, C Qi, Z Su, Z Huang.Utilisation of water-washing pre-treated phosphogypsum for cemented paste backfill:Minerals,9(3):175
[7]Y Feng, J Kero, Q Yang, Q Chen*, F Engstr?m, C Samuelsson, C Qi.Mechanical activation of granulated copper slag and its influence on hydration heat and compressive:Materials,2019,12(5):772
[8]Yan Feng, Qixing Yang, Qiusong Chen*, Jakob Kero, Anton Andersson, Hesham Ahmed, Fredrik Engstr?m, C.Characterization and evaluation of the pozzolanic activity of granulated copper slag modified with C:Journal of Cleaner Production,2019,232(1112-1120)
[9]Q Zhang, Q Chen*, X Wang.Cemented backfilling technology of paste-like based on aeolian sand and tailings:Minerals,2016,6(4):132
[10]S Li, Q Chen*, X Wang.Superiority of filtered tailings storage facility to conventional tailings impoundment in southern rainy Regions of China:Sustainability,2016,8(11):1130
[11]X Chen, J Zhou, Q Chen*, X Shi*, Y Gou.CFD simulation of pipeline transport properties of mine tailings three-phase foam slurry backfill:Minerals,2017,7(8):149
[12]C Qi, A Fourie, Q Chen*.Neural network and particle swarm optimization for predicting the unconfined compressive strength of cemented paste backfill:Construction and Building Materials,2018,159:473-478
[13]C Qi, A Fourie, Q Chen*, Q Zhang.A strength prediction model using artificial intelligence for recycling waste tailings as cemented paste backfill:Journal of cleaner production,2016,183(566-578)
[14]C Qi, Q Chen*, A Fourie, Q Zhang.An intelligent modelling framework for mechanical properties of cemented paste backfill:Minerals Engineering,2018,123:16-27
[15]C Qi, A Fourie, Q Chen, P Liu.Application of first-principles theory in ferrite phases of cemented paste backfill:Minerals Engineering,2019,133:47-51
[16]C Qi, Q Chen*.Evolutionary Random Forest Algorithms for Predicting the Maximum Failure Depth of Open Stope Hangingwalls:IEEE Access,6:72808-72813
[17]C Qi, Q Chen, A Fourie, X Tang, Q Zhang, X Dong, Y Feng.Constitutive modelling of cemented paste backfill: A data-mining approach:Construction and Building Materials,197:262-270
[18]C Qi, Q Chen*, X Dong, Q Zhang, ZM Yaseen.Pressure drops of fresh cemented paste backfills through coupled test loop experiments and machine learning techniques.[J]:Powder Technology,2019
目前为中南大学学报(英文版)青年编委,ACE期刊(SCI)编委,澳大利亚地质力学协会成员;作为10余个国际权威SCI期刊的特邀审稿人,近两年累计审稿60余次,被中科院Top期刊《Minerals engineering》、《Construction and building materials》、《Journal of cleaner production》等评为杰出审稿专家(Outstanding Reviewer);曾作为SCI期刊‘Advances in Materials Sciences and Engineering’、‘Advances in Civil Engineering’以及‘International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials’特刊主编/编委,并受邀作为国际会议‘第十三届国际充填采矿会议(Minefill 2020)’(全球矿山充填采矿领域规格最高、最权威的学术会议)的科学委员、‘The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences’的分会主席(2020年)。

