2023-05-18 11:04
  • 何秋伶
  • 何秋伶 - 助理研究员-浙江理工大学-生命科学与医药学院-个人资料




近年来,先后主持或参与了包括国家自然科学基金、科技部科技支撑课题、国家863计划课题、教育部博士学科点专项科研基金、农业部转基因生物新品种培育重大专项课题和中国博士后科学基金等在内的多项国家与省部级科研课题。发表在国内外重要学术刊物如:Trends in Genetics,Scientific Reports,Functional & Integrative Genomics,Genomics,PlosOne等多篇SCI论文。第一作者Sci论文引用共超过100次。
2003年9月至2006年8月南京林业大学 (林木遗传育种)获得农学硕士学位
2006年9月至2009年7月南京林业大学 (遗传学)获得理学博士学位
2013.04-2015.05,美国,East Carolina University,博士后
2009.09-2014.08 973计划课题:棉花纤维品质功能基因组研究及优质高产新品种的分子改良 参加
2013.01-2017.12863计划课题:棉花种子油分形成控制基因的挖掘与功能验证 参加
2014.01-2017.12国家自然科学基金面上项目:棉花对土壤镉污染修复效应及镉胁迫下应答调控的分子基础 主持
2014.1-2016.12 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师类:耐镉陆地棉新种质在镉胁迫下应答调控的蛋白质组学研究 主持




1. He Q, Jones DC, Li W, Xie F, Ma J, Sun R, et al. Genome-Wide Identification of R2R3-MYB Genes and Expression Analyses During Abiotic Stress in Gossypium raimondii. Scientific reports. 2016;6:22980.
2. Dong Y, Li C, Zhang Y, He Q, Daud MK, Chen J, et al. Glutathione S-Transferase Gene Family in Gossypium raimondii and G. arboreum: Comparative Genomic Study and their Expression under Salt Stress. Frontiers in plant science. 2016;7:139.
3. Sun R, He Q, Zhang B, Wang Q. Selection and validation of reliable reference genes in Gossypium raimondii. Biotechnology letters. 2015;37(7):1483-93.
4. Liu W, Li W, He Q, Daud MK, Chen J, Zhu S. Characterization of 19 Genes Encoding Membrane-Bound Fatty Acid Desaturases and their Expression Profiles in Gossypium raimondii Under Low Temperature. PloS one. 2015;10(4):e0123281.
5. Daud MK, He Q, Lei M, Ali B, Zhu SJ. Ultrastructural, metabolic and proteomic changes in leaves of upland cotton in response to cadmium stress. Chemosphere. 2015;120:309-20.
6. Xie F, Stewart CN, Jr., Taki FA, He Q, Liu H, Zhang B. High-throughput deep sequencing shows that microRNAs play important roles in switchgrass responses to drought and salinity stress. Plant biotechnology journal. 2014;12(3):354-66.
7. Sun R, Wang Q, Ma J, He Q, Zhang B. Differentiated expression of microRNAs may regulate genotype-dependent traits in cotton. Gene. 2014;547(2):233-8.
8. Liu W, Li W, He Q, Daud MK, Chen J, Zhu S. Genome-wide survey and expression analysis of calcium-dependent protein kinase in Gossypium raimondii. PloS one. 2014;9(6):e98189.
9. Li W, Liu W, Wei H, He Q, Chen J, Zhang B, et al. Species-specific expansion and molecular evolution of the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR) gene family in plants. PloS one. 2014;9(4):e94172.
10. He Q, Zhu S, Zhang B. MicroRNA-target gene responses to lead-induced stress in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Functional & integrative genomics. 2014;14(3):507-15.
11. Liu H, Quampah A, Chen J, Li J, Huang Z, He Q, et al. QTL mapping based on different genetic systems for essential amino acid contents in cottonseeds in different environments. PloS one. 2013;8(3):e57531.
12. He Q, Shen Y, Wang M, Huang M, Yang R, Zhu S, et al. Natural variation in petal color in Lycoris longituba revealed by anthocyanin components. PloS one. 2011;6(8):e22098.
13. Cui SJ, He Q, Chen Y, Huang MR. Evaluation of suitable reference genes for gene expression studies in Lycoris longituba. Journal of genetics. 2011;90(3):503-6.
14. He Q, Cui SJ, Gu JL, Zhang H, Wang MX, Zhou Y, et al. Analysis of floral transcription factors from Lycoris longituba. Genomics. 2010;96(2):119-27.
15. He Q, Berg A, Li Y, Vallejos CE, Wu R. Mapping genes for plant structure, development and evolution: functional mapping meets ontology. Trends in genetics : TIG. 2010;26(1):39-46.
16. Berg A, He Q, Shen Y, Chen Y, Huang M, Wu R. Trilocus disequilibrium analysis of multiallelic markers in outcrossing populations. Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology. 2010;9:Article 16.
17. He Q, Shen Y, Chen Y, Zhou Y, Berg A, Wu R, et al. Development of 16 polymorphic simple sequence repeat markers for Lycoris longituba from expressed sequence tags. Molecular ecology resources. 2009;9(1):278-80.

