梁佳,女,讲师,浙江海洋学院食品与药学院食品系,环境海洋资源学博士,2014年3月毕业于日本长崎大学水产环境科学综合研究科环境海洋资源学科。2014年6月起就职于浙江海洋学院。 博士期间作为项目主持者完成了长崎县水产振兴协会水产食品研发项目“冰虎鱼即食新产品”的开发,参与长崎县离岛产品航空推进协会“离岛产品高鲜度输送技术的开拓”项目,日本农林水产省项目鲜度测定仪的研发项目等。可在水产品加工与保鲜,海洋资源综合利用,及日本相关国际合作交流项目等方面提供服。研究领域
[1]Jia Liang, Mutsuhide Tsuchimoto,Ning Xiao, Yuki, Kawaguchi, Kaname Ono, Yuki Hamada, Shigeto Taniyama,Katsuyasu Tachibana. Ultrastructural changes of three muscle types of culturedcarp (Cyprinus carpio) during storage in ice. Japanese Journal of FoodChemistry and Safety, 18(3), 2011[2]Jia Liang, Wataru Tani, Hirohumi Arai, YukiHamada, Shigeto Taniyama, Katsuyasu Tachibana.The comparison of color change of dark muscle incultured Seriola Cuvier (yellowtail, greater amberjack and goldstripedamberjack) during storage, Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 79(3), 2013[3]Jia Liang, Riho Miyazaki, XianxianZhao, Ashami Yoshida, Katsuya Hirasaka, Shigeto Taniyama, Katsuyasu Tachibana.Ultrastructural changes of cytochemical Mg2+-ATPase on three muscletypes of cultured carp (Cyprinus carpio) during storage in ice. JapaneseJournal of Food Chemistry and Safety. 21(1), 2014[4]Jia Liang, Riho Miyazaki, XianxianZhao, Katsuya Hirasaka, Shigeto Taniyama, Katsuyasu Tachibana. Changes in thepericellular connective tissue and breaking strength of the three types ofmuscles of the cultured carpCyprinus carpioduring storage in ice.Fish. Sci., 80(3), 2014 (SCI)曾任日本长崎县“平成长崎俵物”认证委员会委员,长崎县政府水产部顾问助理,长崎市金枪鱼养殖振兴会顾问助理,长崎县养殖金枪鱼推进事业-金枪鱼品评会评审员等。 相关热点
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