2023-05-18 10:03
  • 王炳兴
  • 王炳兴 - 教授-浙江工商大学-统计与数学学院-个人资料




1981.9-1985.7 华东师范大学数学专业
1985.9-1987.7 华东师范大学数理统计专业




1、Baocai Guo and Bing Xing Wang (2014) Control charts for monitoring the Weibull shape parameter based on Type-II censored sample. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 30,13–24.
2、Keming Yu, Bing Xing Wang, Valentin Patilea (2013) New estimating equation approaches with application in lifetime data analysis. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 65, 589–615.
3、Bing Xing Wang, Min Xie, Jun Xing Zhou (2013) Generalized confidence interval for the scale parameter of the power-law process. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 42, 898-906.
4、Bing Xing Wang (2012) Generalized interval estimation for the Birnbaum–Saunders distribution. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 4320–4326.
5、Bing Xing Wang (2012) Exact interval estimation for the scale family under general progressive Type-II censoring, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 41, 4444-4452.
6、Bing Xing Wang, Keming Yu and M. C. Jones (2010) Inference under progressively Type II right-censored sampling for certain lifetime distributions, Technometrics, 52, 453-460.
7、Bing Xing Wang (2010)Interval estimation for exponential progressive Type-II censored step-stress accelerated life-testing. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,140,2706–2718.
8、Bing Xing Wang (2009) Interval estimation for the scaled half-logistic distribution under progressive Type-II censoring. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 38, 364-371.
9、Bing Xing Wang and Keming Yu (2009) Optimum plan for step-stress model with progressive type-II censoring. Test,18,115–135.
10、Bing Xing Wang (2009) Testing for the validity of the assumptions in the exponential step-stress accelerated life-testing model. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,53,2702-2709.

