2023-05-18 09:36
  • 周昆
  • 周昆 - 教授 博士生导师-浙江大学-计算机科学与技术-个人资料




浙江大学计算机辅助设计与图形学国家重点实验室主任,教育部长江学者特聘教授,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,国际计算机学会会士(ACM Fellow),国际电气电子工程师协会会士(IEEE Fellow)。
在ACM/IEEE Transactions上发表论文90余篇,论文引用1万余次,获得发明专利50余项。曾获得2009年NVIDIA Professor Partnership Award、2010年中国计算机图形学杰出奖、2011年中国青年科技奖、2011年麻省理工学院《技术评论》全球杰出青年创新人物奖 (MIT TR35 Award)、2012年中组部首批青年拔尖人才支持计划、2013年国家自然科学二等奖、2016年陈嘉庚青年科学奖、2017年浙江省自然科学一等奖。




Yizhong Zhang,Like Ma,Yang Liu,Kun Zhou,Xin Tong,'Computational Design and Fabrication of Soft Pneumatic Objects with Desired Deformations',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2017.
Meng Zhang,Menglei Chai,Hongzhi Wu,Hao Yang,Kun Zhou,'A Data-driven Approach to Four-view Image-based Hair Modeling',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2017.
Chunxiao Cao,Zhong Ren,Carl Schissler,Dinesh Manocha,Kun Zhou,'Interactive Sound Propagation with Bidirectional Path Tracing',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2016.
Rui Li,Qiming Hou,Kun Zhou,'Efficient GPU Path Rendering Using Scanline Rasterization',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2016.
Tianjia Shao,Dongping Li,Yuliang Rong,Changxi Zheng,Kun Zhou,'Dynamic Furniture Modeling Through Assembly Instructions',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2016.
Mingliang Xu,Mingyuan Li,Weiwei Xu,Zhigang Deng,Yin Yang,Kun Zhou,'Interactive Mechanism Modeling from Multi-view Images',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2016.
Menglei Chai,Tianjia Shao,Hongzhi Wu,Yanlin Weng,Kun Zhou,'AutoHair:Fully Automatic Hair Modeling from A Single Image',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2016.
Chen Cao,Hongzhi Wu,Yanlin Weng,Tianjia Shao,Kun Zhou,'Real-time Facial Animation with Image-based Dynamic Avatars',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2016.
Tian Feng,Lap-Fai Yu,Sai-Kit Yeung,KangKang Yin,Kun Zhou,'Crowd-driven Mid-scale Layout Design',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2016.
Menglei Chai,Linjie Luo,Kalyan Sunkavalli,Nathan Carr,Sunil Hadap,Kun Zhou,'High-Quality Hair Modeling from A Single Portrait Photo',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2015.
Hao Qin,Xin Sun,Qiming Hou,Baining Guo,Kun Zhou,'Unbiased Photon Gathering for Light Transport Simulation',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2015.
Yizhong Zhang,Chunji Yin,Changxi Zheng,Kun Zhou,'Computational Hydrographic Printing',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2015.
Chen Cao,Derek Bradley,Kun Zhou,Thabo Beeler,'Real-Time High-Fidelity Facial Performance Capture',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2015.
Yizhong Zhang,Weiwei Xu,Yiying Tong,Kun Zhou,'Online Structure Analysis for Real-time Indoor Scene Reconstruction',ACM Trans.on Graphics,2015.
Tianjia Shao,Aron Monszpart,Youyi Zheng,Bongjin Koo,Weiwei Xu,Kun Zhou,Niloy J.Mitra,'Imagining the Unseen:Stability-based Cuboid Arrangements for Scene Understanding',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2014.
Xiang Chen,Changxi Zheng,Weiwei Xu,Kun Zhou,'An Asymptotic Numerical Method for Inverse Elastic Shape Design',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2014.
Menglei Chai,Changxi Zheng,Kun Zhou,'A Reduced Model for Interactive Hairs',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2014.
Chen Cao,Qiming Hou,Kun Zhou,'Displaced Dynamic Expression Regression for Real-time Facial Tracking and Animation',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2014.
Xiaowei He,Huamin Wang,Fengjun Zhang,Hongan Wang,Guoping Wang,Kun Zhou,'Robust Simulation of Small-Scale Thin Features in SPH-based Free Surface Flows',ACM Trans.on Graphics,2014.
Rui Wang,Yuchi Huo,Yazhen Yuan,Kun Zhou,Wei Hua,Hujun Bao,'GPU-based Out-of-Core Many-Lights Rendering',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2013.
Xin Sun,Kun Zhou,Jie Guo,Guofu Xie,Jingui Pan,Wencheng Wang,Baining Guo,'Line Segment Sampling with Blue-Noise Properties',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2013.
Tianjia Shao,Wilmot Li,Kun Zhou,Weiwei Xu,Baining Guo,Niloy J.Mitra,'Interpreting Concept Sketches',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2013.
Menglei Chai,Lvdi Wang,Yanlin Weng,Xiaogang Jin,Kun Zhou,'Dynamic Hair Manipulation in Images and Videos',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2013.
Chen Cao,Yanlin Weng,Stephen Lin,Kun Zhou,'3D Shape Regression for Real-time Facial Animation',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2013.
Tianjia Shao,Weiwei Xu,Kun Zhou,Jingdong Wang,Dongping Li,Baining Guo,'An Interactive Approach to Semantic Modeling of Indoor Scenes with an RGBD Camera',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2012.
Menglei Chai,Lvdi Wang,Yanlin Weng,Yizhou Yu,Baining Guo,Kun Zhou,'Single-View Hair Modeling for Portrait Manipulation',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2012.
Youyi Zheng,Xiang Chen,Ming-Ming Cheng,Kun Zhou,Shi-Min Hu,Niloy J.Mitra,'Interactive Images:Cuboid Proxies for Smart Image Manipulation',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2012.
Qiming Hou and Kun Zhou,'A Shading Reuse Method for Efficient Micropolygon Ray Tracing',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2011.
Lvdi Wang,Yizhou Yu,Kun Zhou and Baining Guo,'Multiscale Vector Volumes',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2011.
Qiming Hou,Hao Qin,Wenyao Li,Baining Guo and Kun Zhou,'Micropolygon Ray Tracing with Defocus and Motion Blur',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2010.
Xin Sun,Kun Zhou,Stephen Lin and Baining Guo,'Line Space Gathering for Single Scattering in Large Scenes',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2010.
Zhong Ren,Kun Zhou,Tengfei Li,Wei Hua and Baining Guo,'Interactive Hair Rendering Under Environment Lighting',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2010.
Lvdi Wang,Kun Zhou,Yizhou Yu and Baining Guo,'Vector Solid Textures',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2010.
Xiaohan Shi,Hujun Bao and Kun Zhou,'Out-of-Core Multigrid Solver for Streaming Meshes',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2009.
Chongyang Ma,Li-Yi Wei,Baining Guo and Kun Zhou,'Motion Field Texture Synthesis',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2009.
Kun Zhou,Qiming Hou,Zhong Ren,Minmin Gong,Xin Sun and Baining Guo,'RenderAnts:Interactive Reyes Rendering on GPUs',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2009.
Qiming Hou,Kun Zhou and Baining Guo,'Debugging GPU Stream Programs Through Automatic Dataflow Recording and Visualization',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2009.
Rui Wang,Rui Wang,Kun Zhou,Minghao Pan and Hujun Bao,'An Efficient GPU-based Approach for Interactive Global Illumination',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2009.
Lvdi Wang,Yizhou Yu,Kun Zhou and Baining Guo,'Example-based Hair Geometry Synthesis',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2009.
Weiwei Xu,Jun Wang,Kangkang Yin,Kun Zhou,Michiel van de Panne,Falai Chen and Baining Guo,'Joint-aware Manipulation of Deformable Models',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2009.
Kun Zhou,Qiming Hou,Rui Wang and Baining Guo,'Real-Time KD-Tree Construction on Graphics Hardware',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH Asia),2008.
Qiming Hou,Kun Zhou and Baining Guo,'BSGP:Bulk-Synchronous GPU Programming',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2008.
Xiaohan Shi,Kun Zhou,Yiying Tong,Mathieu Desbrun,Hujun Bao and Baining Guo,'Example-Based Dynamic Skinning in Real Time',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2008.
Xin Sun,Kun Zhou,Eric Stollnitz,Jiaoying Shi and Baining Guo,'Interactive Relighting of Dynamic Refractive Objects',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2008.
Kun Zhou,Zhong Ren,Stephen Lin,Hujun Bao,Baining Guo and Heung-Yeung Shum,'Real-Time Smoke Rendering Using Compensated Ray Marching',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2008.
Li-Yi Wei,Jianwei Han,Kun Zhou,Hujun Bao,Baining Guo and Heung-Yeung Shum,'Inverse Texture Synthesis',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2008.
Kun Zhou,Xin Huang,Weiwei Xu,Baining Guo and Heung-Yeung Shum,'Direct Manipulation of Subdivision Surfaces on GPUs',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2007.
Xiaohan Shi,Kun Zhou,Yiying Tong,Mathieu Desbrun,Hujun Bao and Baining Guo,'Mesh Puppetry:Cascading Optimization of Mesh Deformation with Inverse Kinematics',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2007.
Weiwei Xu,Kun Zhou,Yizhou Yu,Qifeng Tan,Qunsheng Peng and Baining Guo,'Gradient Domain Editing of Deforming Mesh Sequences',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2007.
Xin Sun,Kun Zhou,Yanyun Chen,Stephen Lin,Jiaoying Shi and Baining Guo,'Interactive Relighting with Dynamic BRDFs',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2007.
Zhong Ren,Rui Wang,John Snyder,Kun Zhou,Xinguo Liu,Bo Sun,Peter-Pike Sloan,Hujun Bao,Qunsheng Peng and Baining Guo,'Real-time Soft Shadows in Dynamic Scenes using Spherical Harmonic Exponentiation',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2006.
Kun Zhou,Xin Huang,Xi Wang,Yiying Tong,Mathieu Desbrun,Baining Guo and Heung-Yeung Shum,'Mesh Quilting For Geometric Texture Synthesis',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2006.
Jin Huang,Xiaohan Shi,Xinguo Liu,Kun Zhou,Li-Yi Wei,Shanghua Teng,Hujun Bao,Baining Guo and Heung-Yeung Shum,'Subspace Gradient Domain Mesh Deformation',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2006.
Kun Zhou,Yaohua Hu,Stephen Lin,Baining Guo and Heung-Yeung Shum,'Precomputed Shadow Fields for Dynamic Scenes',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2005.
Kun Zhou,Xi Wang,Yiying Tong,Mathieu Desbrun,Baining Guo and Heung-Yeung Shum,'TextureMontage:Seamless Texturing of Arbitrary Surfaces From Multiple Images',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2005.
Kun Zhou,Jin Huang,John Snyder,Xinguo Liu,Hujun Bao,Baining Guo and Heung-Yeung Shum,'Large Mesh Deformation Using the Volumetric Graph Laplacian',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2005.
Yizhou Yu,Kun Zhou,Dong Xu,Xiaohan Shi,Hujun Bao,Baining Guo and Heung-Yeung Shum,'Mesh Editing with Poisson-Based Gradient Field Manipulation',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2004.
Jingdan Zhang,Kun Zhou,Luiz Velho,Baining Guo and Heung-Yeung Shum,'Synthesis of Progressively-Variant Textures on Arbitrary Surfaces',ACM Trans.on Graphics(SIGGRAPH),2003.
Minmin Lin,Tianjia Shao,Youyi Zheng,Niloy J.Mitra,Kun Zhou,'Recovering Functional Mechanical Assemblies from Raw Scans',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,2017.
Xiang Chen,Changxi Zheng,Kun Zhou,'Example-Based Subspace Stress Analysis for Interactive Shape Design',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,2016.
Yizhong Zhang,Yiying Tong,Kun Zhou,'Coloring 3D Printed Surfaces by Thermoforming',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,2016.
Menglei Chai,Changxi Zheng,Kun Zhou,'Adaptive Skinning for Interactive Hair-Solid Simulation',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,2016.
Dongping Li,Tianjia Shao,Hongzhi Wu,Kun Zhou,'Shape Completion from a Single RGBD Image',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,2016.
Haiming Zhao,Xiaogang Jin,Xiaojian Huang,Menglei Chai,Kun Zhou,'Parametric Weight-change Reshaping for Portrait Images',IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications,2016.
Hongzhi Wu,Zhaotian Wang,Kun Zhou,'Simultaneous Localization and Appearance Estimation with a Consumer RGB-D Camera',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,2016.
Chen Li,Shuochen Su,Yasuyuki Matsushita,Kun Zhou,Stephen Lin,'Bayesian Depth-from-Defocus with Shading Constraints',IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,2016.
Yandan Zhao,Xiaogang Jin,Yingqing Xu,Hanli Zhao,Meng Ai,Kun Zhou,'Parallel Style-Aware Image Cloning for Artworks',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,21(2):229-240,2015.
Shixia Liu,Yang Chen,Hao Wei,Jing Yang,Kun Zhou,Steven M.Drucker,'Exploring Topical Lead-Lag across Corpora',IEEE Transactions on Knowledge Data Engineering,27(1):115-129,2015.
Hongzhi Wu,Kun Zhou,'AppFusion:Interactive Appearance Acquisition Using a Kinect Sensor',Computer Graphics Forum,2015
Yue Xie,Weiwei Xu,Yin Yang,Xiaohu Guo,Kun Zhou,'Agile Structural Analysis for Fabrication-Aware Shape Editing',Computer Aided Geometric Design,2015
Hao Qin,Menglei Chai,Qiming Hou,Zhong Ren and Kun Zhou,'Cone Tracing for Furry Object Rendering',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,20(8):1178-1188,2014.
Chen Cao,Yanlin Weng,Shun Zhou,Yiying Tong and Kun Zhou,'FaceWarehouse:a 3D Facial Expression Database for Visual Computing',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,20(3):413-425,2014.
Haidong Chen,Wei Chen,Honghui Mei,Zhiqi Liu,Kun Zhou,Weifeng Chen,Wentao Gu,Kwan-Liu Ma,'Visual Abstraction and Exploration of Multi-class Scatterplots',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,20(12):1683-1692,2014.
Yanlin Weng,Chen Cao,Qiming Hou and Kun Zhou,'Real-time Facial Animation on Mobile Devices',Graphical Models,76(3):172-179,2014.
Zhenbao Liu,Sicong Tang,Weiwei Xu,Shuhui Bu,Junwei Han,Kun Zhou,'Automatic 3D Indoor Scene Updating with RGBD Cameras',Computer Graphics Forum,33(7):269-278,2014.
Yin Yang,Weiwei Xu,Xiaohu Guo,Kun Zhou and Baining Guo,'Boundary-Aware Multidomain Subspace Deformation',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,2013.
Yanlin Weng,Lvdi Wang,Xiao Li,Menglei Chai and Kun Zhou,'Hair Interpolation for Portrait Morphing',Computer Graphics Forum,32(7):79-84,2013.
Yanlin Weng,Menglei Chai,Weiwei Xu,Yiying Tong and Kun Zhou,'As-Rigid-As-Possible Distance Field Metamorphosis',Computer Graphics Forum,32(7):381-389,2013.
Dongping Li,Xin Sun,Zhong Ren,Steve Lin,Yiying Tong,Baining Guo,Kun Zhou,'TransCut:Interactive Rendering of Translucent Cutouts',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,2013.
Rui Wang,Minghao Pan,Weifeng Chen,Zhong Ren,Kun Zhou,Wei Hua and Hujun Bao,'Analytic Double Product Integrals for All-Frequency Relighting',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,2013.
Xuezhen Huang,Qiming Hou,Zhong Ren and Kun Zhou,'Scalable Programmable Motion Effects on GPUs',Computer Graphics Forum,2012.
Tianjia Shao,Weiwei Xu,Kangkang Yin,Jingdong Wang,Kun Zhou and Baining Guo,'Discriminative Sketch-based 3D Model Retrieval via Robust Shape Matching',Computer Graphics Forum(PG),2011.
Yizhong Zhang,Huamin Wang,Shuai Wang,Yiying Tong and Kun Zhou,'A Deformable Surface Model for Real-Time Water Drop Animation',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,2011.
Guofeng Zhang,Hanqing Jiang,Jin Huang,Jiaya Jia,Tien-Tsin Wong,Kun Zhou and Hujun Bao,'Motion Imitation with a Handheld Camera',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,17(10),1475-1486,2011.
Jin Huang,Yiying Tong,Kun Zhou,Hujun Bao and Mathieu Desbrun,'Interactive Shape Interpolation through Controllable Dynamic Deformation',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,17(7),983-992,2011.
Kun Zhou,Minmin Gong,Xin Huang and Baining Guo,'Data-Parallel Octrees for Surface Reconstruction',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,17(5),669-681,2011.
Qiming Hou,Xin Sun,Kun Zhou,Christian Lauterbach and Dinesh Manocha,'Memory-Scalable GPU Spatial Hierarchy Construction',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,17(4),466-476,2011.
Xin Sun,Qiming Hou,Zhong Ren,Kun Zhou and Baining Guo,'Radiance Transfer Biclustering for Real-time All-frequency Bi-scale Rendering',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,17(1),64-73,2011.
Kun Zhou,Weiwei Xu,Yiying Tong and Mathieu Desbrun,'Deformation Transfer to Multi-Component Objects',Computer Graphics Forum(Eurographics),2010.
Chen Cao,Zhong Ren,Baining Guo and Kun Zhou,'Interactive Rendering of Non-Constant,Refractive Media using the Ray Equations of Gradient-Index Optics',Computer Graphics Forum(EGSR),2010.
Minghao Pan,Rui Wang,Weifeng Chen,Kun Zhou and Hujun Bao,'Fast,Sub-Pixel Antialiased Shadow Maps',Computer Graphics Forum(Pacific Graphics),2009.
Jin Huang,Hanqiu Sun,Kun Zhou and Hujun Bao,'Real-time Dynamics for Geometric Textures in Shell',Journal of Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds(CASA),2009.
Weiwei Xu and Kun Zhou,'Gradient Domain Mesh Deformaton-A Surey',Journal of Computer Science and Technology,2009.
Zhong Ren,Kun Zhou,Stephen Lin and Baining Guo,'Gradient-based Interpolation and Sampling for Real-Time Rendering of Inhomogeneous,Single-Scattering Media',Computer Graphics Forum(Pacific Graphics),2008.
Yanlin Weng,Weiwei Xu,Yanchen Wu,Kun Zhou and Baining Guo,'2D Shape Deformation Using Nonlinear Least Squares Optimization',The Visual Computer,22(9-11),653-660,2006.
Jiaping Wang,Kun Xu,Kun Zhou,Stephen Lin,Shimin Hu and Baining Guo,'Spherical Harmonics Scaling',The Visual Computer,22(9-11),713-720,2006.
Jianwei Han,Kun Zhou,Li-Yi Wei,Minmin Gong,Hujun Bao,Xinming Zhang and Baining Guo,'Fast Example-based Surface Texture Synthesis via Discrete Optimization',The Visual Computer,22(9-11),918-925,2006.
Jin Huang,Xiaohan Shi,Xinguo Liu,Kun Zhou,Hujun Bao and Baining Guo,'Geometrically Based Potential Energy for Simulating Deformable Objects',The Visual Computer,22(9-11),740-748,2006.
Rui Wang,Kun Zhou,John Snyder,Xinguo Liu,Hujun Bao,Qunsheng Peng and Baining Guo,'Variational Sphere Set Approximation for Solid Objects',The Visual Computer,22(9-11),612-621,2006.
Kun Zhou,Peng Du,Lifeng Wang,Yasuyuki Matsushita,Jiaoying Shi,Baining Guo and Heung-Yeung Shum,'Decorating Surfaces With Bidirectional Texture Functions',IEEE Transactions on Visualization&Computer Graphics,11(5),519-528,2005.
Li Li,David Zhang,Zhigeng Pan,Jiaoying Shi,Kun Zhou and Kai Ye,'Watermarking 3D Mesh by Spherical Parameterization',Computers&Graphics,28(6),981-989,2004.
Kun Zhou,Hujun Bao and Jiaoying Shi,'3D Surface Filtering Using Spherical Harmonics',Computer-Aided Design,36(4),363-375,2004.
现任学术期刊《Visual Informatics》创刊主编,现/曾担任学术期刊《IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics》、《IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications》、《ACM Transactions on Graphics》、《Science China 》、《Frontiers of Computer Science》、《The Visual Computer》、《Computational Visual Media》、《ACM通讯中国版》、《计算机研究与发展》、《科技导报》编委,《IEEE Spectrum》编辑顾问委员会委员。曾担任沙特阿拉伯国王科技大学可视计算中心科学顾问。担任中国图象图形学学会智能图形专委会主任、中国人工智能学会智能交互专委会副主

