2023-05-18 09:18
  • 王嘉骏
  • 王嘉骏 - 副教授,博士-浙江大学-化学工程与生物工程学院-个人资料





"1. 高粘非牛顿流体的流动与混合过程的实验研究和CFD模拟;\r
2. 多相体系流动的计算流体力学CFD模拟和时空多尺度研究,包括气固流化床,气液生物反应器等;\r
3. 多相多组分聚合物材料的制备过程实验研究和数值模拟;\r
4. 生物质能过程研究与开发。"


1. J. Zhang, X.J. Shen, J. Zhang, L.F. Feng, J.J. Wang*, Experimental and Modeling Study of the Solid State Polymerization of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) over a Wide Range of Temperatures and Particle Sizes, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 127 (2013) 3814-3822.\r
2. J.J. Wang, Y.W. Yang, X.P. Gu, L.F. Feng, Effects of periodic and non-periodic chaotic mixing on morphology development of immiscible polymer blends, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 128 (2013) 1792-1803.\r
3. J.J. Wang, Y. Han, X.P. Gu, L.F. Feng, G.H. Hu, Effect of Agitation on the Fluidization Behavior of a Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed with a Frame Impeller, Aiche J, 59 (2013) 1066-1074.\r
4. Q.Y. Yu, C.L. Zhang, X.P. Gu, J.J. Wang, L.F. Feng, Compatibilizing efficiency of copolymer precursors for immiscible polymer blends, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 124 (2012) 3392-3398.\r
5. M. Yao, J.J. Wang*, X.P. Gu, L.F. Feng, Synthesis and Application of Dendrimers Based on Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes, Progress in Chemistry, 24 (2012) 405-413.\r
6. J.J. Wang, Z.Z. Li, X.P. Gu, L.F. Feng, C.L. Zhang, G.H. Hu, A dissipative particle dynamics study on the compatibilizing process of immiscible polymer blends with graft copolymers, Polymer, 53 (2012) 4448-4454.\r
7. Y. Han, J.J. Wang*, X.P. Gu, L.F. Feng, G.H. Hu, Homogeneous Fluidization of Geldart D Particles in a Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed with a Frame Impeller, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51 (2012) 16482-16487.\r
8. Y. Han, J.J. Wang*, X.P. Gu, L.F. Feng, Numerical simulation on micromixing of viscous fluids in a stirred-tank reactor, Chemical Engineering Science, 74 (2012) 9-17.\r
9. J.J. Wang, J.T. Duan, L. Wang, X.P. Gu, L.F. Feng, Measurement and Modeling of the High-Pressure Phase Behavior of the Carbon Dioxide plus Propene Oxide Binary System, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 55 (2010) 3379-3382.\r
10. J.T. Duan, J.J. Wang*, L.F. Feng, L. Wang, X.P. Gu, Pressure Dependence of the CO2/Propylene Oxide Copolymerization Catalyzed by Zinc Glutarate, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 118 (2010) 366-371.\r
11. J.J. Wang, L.F. Feng, J.M. Ottino, R. Lueptow, Inertial Effects on Chaotic Advection and Mixing in a 2D Cavity Flow, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48 (2009) 2436-2442.\r
12. J.J. Wang, L.F. Feng, X.P. Gu, K. Wang, A fuzzy decision-making computer aided system for the preliminary selection of agitator, Chemical Engineering Communications, 184 (2001) 89-103.\r
13. J.J. Wang, L.F. Feng, X.P. Gu, K. Wang, C.H. Hu, Power consumption of inner-outer helical ribbon impellers in viscous Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, Chemical Engineering Science, 55 (2000) 2339-2342.\r
14. 冯连芳、王嘉骏,反应器,化学工业出版社,2000

